KfW2 is just off the phone and she sounds terrible. She's been fighting illness since Xmas Eve and has had a worse Xmas than me, socially speaking (but I'm betting in all other ways too). She's said that she won't be able to go to GM and GB's New Year's Eve party tonight, which is a shame, more so because I like NYE. I like the whole New Year, new goals thing and I love spending NYE with my friends.
The problem I have is that GM and GB have been very disorganised IMO about arranging the party - I had to call GM a few minutes ago to see what the details were and he's still unsure. The rough plan was mapped out weeks ago during our big afternoon out with KfW2 etc. but as far as I was concerned, this was all just small talk and needed one of the two of them to email or post a Facebook message with the finalised details.
Poor organisation is just a bugbear of mine though., however I am looking forward to tonight regardless.
Me, talking about the things that I find interesting or general stuff that's going on in my life.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
My head's a little fuzzy today due to my unexpected, but fun and late, night out with JB and her friends. There's not a lot to report from that, just that it was nice to get out of the house and do a bit of socialising.
However, JB mentioned something at the end of the night. I can't remember how we got onto the subject, but she suggested that I had less than platonic feelings for KfW2. I appreciate that the blog can seem a little KfW2-centric (and I know that having the feelings themselves is not a crime), but I said that she was incorrect.
JB asked me to say that and look her in the face, so I did which appeared to satisfy her curiosity. I'm not sure if the conversation was going to go any further as their taxi arrived at this stage to take them home.
However, JB mentioned something at the end of the night. I can't remember how we got onto the subject, but she suggested that I had less than platonic feelings for KfW2. I appreciate that the blog can seem a little KfW2-centric (and I know that having the feelings themselves is not a crime), but I said that she was incorrect.
JB asked me to say that and look her in the face, so I did which appeared to satisfy her curiosity. I'm not sure if the conversation was going to go any further as their taxi arrived at this stage to take them home.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Less balls
Out of the blue, JB has just text asking if I'd like to meet them in the pub. I think I will. Part of this new attitude I've been trying to cultivate rather than just sitting in all the time once 9PM hits.
New balls.
FP text to say he couldn't come out - his back problems plus lack of sleep have rendered him pretty useless by his own admission. I've tried to see if GM or S were available, but GM's suffering through a wedding-induced hangover and S is saving money for New Year's Eve.
I think that might mean that S isn't coming to GM's NYE party, which is a shame. And I have concerns about5 KfW2 being able to make it - she does appear to be very ill.
Another night in for me though. I think that does make it officially the quietest Christmas ever though.
I think that might mean that S isn't coming to GM's NYE party, which is a shame. And I have concerns about5 KfW2 being able to make it - she does appear to be very ill.
Another night in for me though. I think that does make it officially the quietest Christmas ever though.
KfW2 text me this morning to say that she couldn't make it. I'd kinda made that assumption anyway because she's not sounded well at all when I've been talking to her over the past few days. I'm disappointed, of course. I've mentioned here that I think our conversations go to more personal places when it's just the two of us. I'm like this with loads of people - KfW2, QC2, FP etc.
So, I've tried to make other plans and will hopefully be hearing from FP about heading out to the pub later. It would be nice to get out of the house and get some fresh air (and a few drinks).
It's looking like this is going to turn out to be the quietest Christmas ever, which would be disappointing in its own right if it weren't for the fact that this was shaping up to be the busiest Christmas I've had in a long time.
As an aside, I've still not heard back from QC2 asking her out for a drink nearly a month ago. Should I try again or should I just give up? Getting her out seems like an awful lot of time and effort, though I do enjoy it when we do get out.
So, I've tried to make other plans and will hopefully be hearing from FP about heading out to the pub later. It would be nice to get out of the house and get some fresh air (and a few drinks).
It's looking like this is going to turn out to be the quietest Christmas ever, which would be disappointing in its own right if it weren't for the fact that this was shaping up to be the busiest Christmas I've had in a long time.
As an aside, I've still not heard back from QC2 asking her out for a drink nearly a month ago. Should I try again or should I just give up? Getting her out seems like an awful lot of time and effort, though I do enjoy it when we do get out.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Oh buggery f*ck
Around this time, I was hoping that I would be in the pub with GM and S, having a laugh, catching up and planning New Year's Eve (GM is having a party, but IMO the details need ironed out).
Instead, I'm sitting in front of the telly watching rubbish. Contact has been weird this year. Despite messaging people well before Christmas, replies have been slow in coming. Even a query with E about setting up some time for a Skype chat has not been seen as yet.
Potentially, I was die to be out tonight, tomorrow and Saturday afternoon. Tonight it was GM and S. Tomorrow is was due to be M and FP and Saturday is KfW2. All of these are in danger of not happening. M's already cried off tomorrow as he's getting over a heavy dose of the cold and I've not heard from FP. I got a message off KfW2 earlier saying that she's got the cold as well and is feeling very sorry for herself. Actually, as I sit here and type, she's just text to let me know she's feeling very sorry for herself... and now she's just called me (and yes, she sounds like she's really ill).
So, I'm expecting KfW2 to have to cancel our afternoon out on Saturday which means the only socialising I'm going to do this holiday is the New Year's Eve party.
KfW2 sounds as if she wants to go out, so fingers crossed that the temptation overrides her illness.
Instead, I'm sitting in front of the telly watching rubbish. Contact has been weird this year. Despite messaging people well before Christmas, replies have been slow in coming. Even a query with E about setting up some time for a Skype chat has not been seen as yet.
Potentially, I was die to be out tonight, tomorrow and Saturday afternoon. Tonight it was GM and S. Tomorrow is was due to be M and FP and Saturday is KfW2. All of these are in danger of not happening. M's already cried off tomorrow as he's getting over a heavy dose of the cold and I've not heard from FP. I got a message off KfW2 earlier saying that she's got the cold as well and is feeling very sorry for herself. Actually, as I sit here and type, she's just text to let me know she's feeling very sorry for herself... and now she's just called me (and yes, she sounds like she's really ill).
So, I'm expecting KfW2 to have to cancel our afternoon out on Saturday which means the only socialising I'm going to do this holiday is the New Year's Eve party.
KfW2 sounds as if she wants to go out, so fingers crossed that the temptation overrides her illness.
Ten Years Ago.
Almost ten years ago to the very minute, I stepped off a plane, setting foot back in the UK after my first stint of living abroad. I'd come from a warm, sunny, dry place to near zero temperatures and driving rain. Yet I wasn't that unhappy. I was home for my sister's wedding and that I still had plans about returning after a few months, just needing a job to gather some cash together.
Little did I know that I wouldn't be going back after a few months, as planned, but would be unemployed for a few months.
I don't do regrets and while I was unhappy for the next 18 months or so, I eventually ended up with a job, working with people I liked which has then gotten me where I am today, happy enough professionally speaking.
Little did I know that I wouldn't be going back after a few months, as planned, but would be unemployed for a few months.
I don't do regrets and while I was unhappy for the next 18 months or so, I eventually ended up with a job, working with people I liked which has then gotten me where I am today, happy enough professionally speaking.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Bah Humbug!
It used to be that I didn't like Christmas. It just seemed to be a huge waste of time, energy and money to me. It wasn't about family or anything as I didn't think I was that close to my family - certainly not my parents, but less so my sister and brother-in-law.
That all changed with the arrival of nephews and nieces and it's become a better time of the year for me (though I do still get a bit down about my relationship status at this time of year more than others).
More accurately, it's the time between the last present being bought to the swapping of presents and Christmas dinner on the big day itself. Nearly as soon as that's over, I kinda fall into "meh" territory again. The same thing happened this year. I'm already plotting my return home and hopefully getting out with S, GM, M, KfW2 and FP, among others, but I've not heard anything as yet from anyone.
That all changed with the arrival of nephews and nieces and it's become a better time of the year for me (though I do still get a bit down about my relationship status at this time of year more than others).
More accurately, it's the time between the last present being bought to the swapping of presents and Christmas dinner on the big day itself. Nearly as soon as that's over, I kinda fall into "meh" territory again. The same thing happened this year. I'm already plotting my return home and hopefully getting out with S, GM, M, KfW2 and FP, among others, but I've not heard anything as yet from anyone.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Things that are unsurprising...
The two housemates have fucked off for Xmas. Amount of cleaning up done before they left? None. Did I specifically make a point of saying to UF yesterday that it needed done? Yes. Did I do my bit? Definitely. Am I annoyed? You fucking betcha.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
The housemate rap.
Most of the following points have been made before, but I've recently vented to USHW and my brother-in-law and it's on my mind, so you might as well see it too.
Our bin hasn't been emptied in a week and is pretty much at the point of overflowing, the floors haven't been mopped or swept since we cleaned up for the landlord about 5 weeks ago (FFS) because I'm waiting to see how long they can actually go without doing anything (admittedly, MfW does empty the dishwasher and take out the recycle box, but that's his limit).
We had a notice from the apartment's handyman who asked us to get in contact ASAP cos our shower is leaking into downstairs, which was picked up by MfW and left on the table in the hallway and I can guarantee you that he's not called him. The tap in the kitchen needs a new washer... the guys won't take responsibility for it. I'm the only person to have cleaned the oven or the microwave or the fridge or the main bathroom since we've moved in. They're both due to go home in two days, so the bin will be like that until they fuck off and I will cave in and empty it, but there's going to be an argument about it soon enough, I think.
The housework needs done, not just because this place is a fucking pig sty (although it is), but because the landlords are coming to do some work over the Xmas period.
MfW is always looking to make a good impression, especially on women and that's one of the reasons why we had the argument over the really flash apartment before we moved in here (despite the fact it was well over our budget). I dunno how he thinks that women are impressed by a flash apartment that hasn't been fucking cleaned in a month and a half. He obviously knows that appearance is important, given the amount of labels he wears, but he can't seem to grasp that a clean apartment will help his chances as well.
UF is essentially taking the piss out of us (me, specifically, seeing as MfW does fuck all) because you have to chase him up for everything, again this is weird because his own room is spotless. Spartan almost.
I'm going to have to have words, but I shouldn't - they're professionals in the fucking 30s, not lazy student wankers who can't afford an hour every couple of weeks to clean up.
Our bin hasn't been emptied in a week and is pretty much at the point of overflowing, the floors haven't been mopped or swept since we cleaned up for the landlord about 5 weeks ago (FFS) because I'm waiting to see how long they can actually go without doing anything (admittedly, MfW does empty the dishwasher and take out the recycle box, but that's his limit).
We had a notice from the apartment's handyman who asked us to get in contact ASAP cos our shower is leaking into downstairs, which was picked up by MfW and left on the table in the hallway and I can guarantee you that he's not called him. The tap in the kitchen needs a new washer... the guys won't take responsibility for it. I'm the only person to have cleaned the oven or the microwave or the fridge or the main bathroom since we've moved in. They're both due to go home in two days, so the bin will be like that until they fuck off and I will cave in and empty it, but there's going to be an argument about it soon enough, I think.
The housework needs done, not just because this place is a fucking pig sty (although it is), but because the landlords are coming to do some work over the Xmas period.
MfW is always looking to make a good impression, especially on women and that's one of the reasons why we had the argument over the really flash apartment before we moved in here (despite the fact it was well over our budget). I dunno how he thinks that women are impressed by a flash apartment that hasn't been fucking cleaned in a month and a half. He obviously knows that appearance is important, given the amount of labels he wears, but he can't seem to grasp that a clean apartment will help his chances as well.
UF is essentially taking the piss out of us (me, specifically, seeing as MfW does fuck all) because you have to chase him up for everything, again this is weird because his own room is spotless. Spartan almost.
I'm going to have to have words, but I shouldn't - they're professionals in the fucking 30s, not lazy student wankers who can't afford an hour every couple of weeks to clean up.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Upcoming events
I guilted KfW2 into doing something between Xmas and the New Year as "payment" for pulling out of the Xmas Party at the last minute, so we've made tentative arrangements to meet for lunch and an afternoon of chat a day or so before New Year's Eve.
I'm also meeting DSC this weekend for a late lunch (or early tea, whatever floats your boat). I haven't seen or spoken to her in what seems like ages, so I am looking forward to that.
Other nights I must arrange (or put in motion) in a night out with S, GM etc. and a night out with M and FP and maybe their better halves. I shall do that tomorrow.
I'm also meeting DSC this weekend for a late lunch (or early tea, whatever floats your boat). I haven't seen or spoken to her in what seems like ages, so I am looking forward to that.
Other nights I must arrange (or put in motion) in a night out with S, GM etc. and a night out with M and FP and maybe their better halves. I shall do that tomorrow.
One step closer?
CH knows a couple of people who work for the same company as we do, but I'm reluctant to call them friends as she doesn't seem to hold them in particularly high esteem and certainly doesn't trust them.
Regardless, I requested their friendship on Facebook earlier today, partly because I took a few snaps of them at the Xmas Party and partly because I know one of them is friends with CB, a girl that I think I would very much like to meet. Sadly though, this is based on seeing her profile on an online dating site a few years ago and one or two fleeting glimpses in bars.
I actually saw her in a bar last New Year's Eve when I was out with GB and GM, but when I was going to try and initiate a conversation with her on my way back from the little boys' room, she had gone.
So, I'm potentially a step closer and I'm sorta wondering how to bring this up in conversation. I don't have a particularly good barometer in deciding that something is brave or stupid or would make a good impression. I remember thinking that calling RB at work was a stupid move but A and AM both told me to just do it regardless of that seeing as it was my only method of contact, and RB subsequently said on the date that she was tremendously impressed by it. Somehow I can't see that me mentioning CB to the mutual friend based on a bit of Facebook stalking has the same ring to it.
Regardless, I requested their friendship on Facebook earlier today, partly because I took a few snaps of them at the Xmas Party and partly because I know one of them is friends with CB, a girl that I think I would very much like to meet. Sadly though, this is based on seeing her profile on an online dating site a few years ago and one or two fleeting glimpses in bars.
I actually saw her in a bar last New Year's Eve when I was out with GB and GM, but when I was going to try and initiate a conversation with her on my way back from the little boys' room, she had gone.
So, I'm potentially a step closer and I'm sorta wondering how to bring this up in conversation. I don't have a particularly good barometer in deciding that something is brave or stupid or would make a good impression. I remember thinking that calling RB at work was a stupid move but A and AM both told me to just do it regardless of that seeing as it was my only method of contact, and RB subsequently said on the date that she was tremendously impressed by it. Somehow I can't see that me mentioning CB to the mutual friend based on a bit of Facebook stalking has the same ring to it.
Surprise, surprise.
The Xmas Party was not brilliant. There were last minute changes made which meant that the company would need to spread the party across two nights, with supposedly half the company going on each night. I get along with my immediate work colleagues (which includes KfW2, though she didn't go to the party this year), but the other people I know around the company who I'd loved to have had a drink with, all were going on the other night - CH, MF, GB, JB etc.
I made a decision to pop over and see the others on the second night for a quiet drink or two - it wasn't a huge inconvenience as the chosen venue this year is really close to where I live. I only told MF and GB, so when I showed my face, CH was delighted. We ended up chatting for pretty much the rest of the night and it was well after 2AM by the time I got into bed. Work today was not fun - I wasn't hungover or owt, but two nights partying in a row is starting to get beyond me these days!
Most of the chats were just the usual banter between us, but we did briefly touch upon my relationship status and her vocal pondering about why I am (still) single. While it's a conversation I don't mind having with CH, the Xmas Party is not the time nor the place, so I kinda deflected it, but I would like to revisit the topic at some point.
CH also got into a conversation with the stunning blonde from this post so I got to stand alongside and just have a good perv. I think the stunning blonde now has a good grasp of who I am what with the recent meeting, plus we got introduced a couple of times at the Xmas Party by various people. She is married, but this is strictly professional "networking" with a view to a payrise next year.
I made a decision to pop over and see the others on the second night for a quiet drink or two - it wasn't a huge inconvenience as the chosen venue this year is really close to where I live. I only told MF and GB, so when I showed my face, CH was delighted. We ended up chatting for pretty much the rest of the night and it was well after 2AM by the time I got into bed. Work today was not fun - I wasn't hungover or owt, but two nights partying in a row is starting to get beyond me these days!
Most of the chats were just the usual banter between us, but we did briefly touch upon my relationship status and her vocal pondering about why I am (still) single. While it's a conversation I don't mind having with CH, the Xmas Party is not the time nor the place, so I kinda deflected it, but I would like to revisit the topic at some point.
CH also got into a conversation with the stunning blonde from this post so I got to stand alongside and just have a good perv. I think the stunning blonde now has a good grasp of who I am what with the recent meeting, plus we got introduced a couple of times at the Xmas Party by various people. She is married, but this is strictly professional "networking" with a view to a payrise next year.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Need coffee...
Oh deary me. Yesterday was the big day out with KfW2, CC and a pile of others. Suffice to say, the day generally went the way I'd hoped, with the exception of everyone's timekeeping (the next arrival after mine was half an hour late), but we all had a laugh and a good time was had by all.
I always like when a group of people get together who don't normally and turn out to have a good time and while I am very dehydrated and tired from a lack of sleep (UF was his usual considerate self this morning, clumping around the house and putting a full wash in the washing machine at half eight in the fucking morning).
This is the start of it... a couple of potential nights out this week and possibly this coming weekend, then Xmas, then New Year.
I'm really looking forward to it!
I always like when a group of people get together who don't normally and turn out to have a good time and while I am very dehydrated and tired from a lack of sleep (UF was his usual considerate self this morning, clumping around the house and putting a full wash in the washing machine at half eight in the fucking morning).
This is the start of it... a couple of potential nights out this week and possibly this coming weekend, then Xmas, then New Year.
I'm really looking forward to it!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Go me (update 3).
The meeting didn't last long. Essentially, the stunning blonde girl told me that any review was pretty much impossible at the moment because it's year end and there are a lot of performance reviews and the like going on that will have an impact on my salary.
She made some mention of others who might be peeved if I got a payrise, but I said that that wasn't my concern. I was concerned about the reward I was being given for the work I currently do, not the work done by others.
It was left that I should wait until the end of the whole administration thing (probably the end of January) and get back in contact, with a profile of myself and what I do to deserve a payrise. I already have one of these sitting on my PC, written ages ago and refined as advice came in, which if you're being truly dispassionate, paints a good argument in my favour. The issue is that I don't get a say in what the final amount would be should a review prove to be successful, whereas I do have a certain amount in mind.
She made some mention of others who might be peeved if I got a payrise, but I said that that wasn't my concern. I was concerned about the reward I was being given for the work I currently do, not the work done by others.
It was left that I should wait until the end of the whole administration thing (probably the end of January) and get back in contact, with a profile of myself and what I do to deserve a payrise. I already have one of these sitting on my PC, written ages ago and refined as advice came in, which if you're being truly dispassionate, paints a good argument in my favour. The issue is that I don't get a say in what the final amount would be should a review prove to be successful, whereas I do have a certain amount in mind.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Today was the day KfW2 and myself were due to head out for lunch and drinks... it never happened for reasons that I have previously posted here on BN, but while I was sat in work earlier, she sent a text and asked me to go round. I called in as I was planning on going that way anyway for some Xmas shopping, despite the onset of the dreaded man flu and I met KfW2 and one of her old team-mates. He left after a while to go off for his own Xmas shopping and myself and KfW2 spent a pleasant hour chatting away.
We chat all the time, but it's usually all small talk and rubbish, but when we get away from colleagues and out on our own, we start talking about other stuff... more personal stuff and stuff that we simply don't go near in work.
That's why I was so disappointed when today fell through, but it's also why I enjoyed the hour's worth of conversation that we had...
We chat all the time, but it's usually all small talk and rubbish, but when we get away from colleagues and out on our own, we start talking about other stuff... more personal stuff and stuff that we simply don't go near in work.
That's why I was so disappointed when today fell through, but it's also why I enjoyed the hour's worth of conversation that we had...
Go me (update 2)
Meeting cancelled today... rescheduled for tomorrow. Probably.
However, having talked to my boss, I am less optimistic. What he was saying to me was not what KfW was saying to me and her advice matched the course of action I had already decided upon.
We'll just have to see what happens tomorrow.
However, having talked to my boss, I am less optimistic. What he was saying to me was not what KfW was saying to me and her advice matched the course of action I had already decided upon.
We'll just have to see what happens tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Go me (update).
I got an email from a girl in HR today requesting a meeting later this week regarding my proposed salary review (and hopefully a subsequent increase). This is good for two reasons: first of all, it looks as if I might actually get a resolution by the end of this week which might then have an influence when it comes to annual bonus time and secondly, the girl doing the review is a stunningly attractive blonde with a great figure. I don't know if she's been mentioned on here before, but I do remember showing a picture of her and KfW2 to USHW a while back.
I've got about four or five reasons/points I want to raise that I hope will swing things in my favour and I have them typed up, ready to go. If nothing else, I'll be able to spend a while just having a good old fashioned perv.
I've got about four or five reasons/points I want to raise that I hope will swing things in my favour and I have them typed up, ready to go. If nothing else, I'll be able to spend a while just having a good old fashioned perv.
Sunday, December 09, 2012
Looks like there won't be any Facebook messages from cute foreign girls looking for a good time tonight. Shame that... junk food and TV for me then!
The waiting game.
About a week ago, I was out with S and GM. I don't know what it is., but things tend to get interesting when the three if us get together.
Suffice to say, we ended up chatting to two travellers, a blonde and brunette girl, both late-20s or early 30s - strangers to the city. S managed to pull one of the girls, not quite beating my record of 15 with RB, though like the RB thing, I'm not entirely sure I had anything to do with it.
Regardless, GM and I were chatting to the (in my opinion cuter of the two girls, though there was never any vibe that GM or I were either attempting to get into her pants or that it was ever going to happen.
At the end of the night, there was talk about the rest of their travel plans and the cute brunette mentioned that they would be back in our city again, though she would be spending time on her own. I suggested that if she wanted company for a drink then to give me a call and we'd meet up with her. She refused my number and added me on Facebook instead. GM insisted in getting in on the action and added her as a friend himself. I don't know if it was jealousy or what... there didn't appear to be a reason for him to add her, though he is the kind of person who has over 600 Facebook friends.
Anyway, tonight is that night. There's no contact as yet, and I'm as happy sitting in tonight as I am heading out, but it's a waiting game and I'd be a liar if I said my ego wouldn't like a cute, athletic brunette to make contact to go out for a drink, even if it is strictly platonic.
Suffice to say, we ended up chatting to two travellers, a blonde and brunette girl, both late-20s or early 30s - strangers to the city. S managed to pull one of the girls, not quite beating my record of 15 with RB, though like the RB thing, I'm not entirely sure I had anything to do with it.
Regardless, GM and I were chatting to the (in my opinion cuter of the two girls, though there was never any vibe that GM or I were either attempting to get into her pants or that it was ever going to happen.
At the end of the night, there was talk about the rest of their travel plans and the cute brunette mentioned that they would be back in our city again, though she would be spending time on her own. I suggested that if she wanted company for a drink then to give me a call and we'd meet up with her. She refused my number and added me on Facebook instead. GM insisted in getting in on the action and added her as a friend himself. I don't know if it was jealousy or what... there didn't appear to be a reason for him to add her, though he is the kind of person who has over 600 Facebook friends.
Anyway, tonight is that night. There's no contact as yet, and I'm as happy sitting in tonight as I am heading out, but it's a waiting game and I'd be a liar if I said my ego wouldn't like a cute, athletic brunette to make contact to go out for a drink, even if it is strictly platonic.
Friday, December 07, 2012
Go me.
It's not procrastination because I was never putting it off... it was more a case of getting side-tracked, I have finally sent off my email to arrange a meeting with an HR representative about a salary review. It was only sent late this afternoon, so I don't expect to hear anything until Monday (obviously, because I'm not in work).
I've done it slightly too late. I had hoped to have it wrapped up and (fingers crossed), approved by now which would have also fed into my annual bonus, but proper work kept getting in the way. Hopefully though, by this time next week, I should be better off, hopefully by about 8%, but no less than 4%. That's what I'm aiming for.
I've done it slightly too late. I had hoped to have it wrapped up and (fingers crossed), approved by now which would have also fed into my annual bonus, but proper work kept getting in the way. Hopefully though, by this time next week, I should be better off, hopefully by about 8%, but no less than 4%. That's what I'm aiming for.
Sunday, December 02, 2012
Gah 2
Today was meant to be the original day/night out with KfW2, FP etc. until KfW2 re-arranged it. It's been a while since I last saw FP, so last week I suggested that we still went out and tried to confirm the details this morning, after yesterday's shenanigans with DSC.
Of course, with FP, it's never that simple and he promised he'd get back to me, which he did to be fair, but too late in the day to make other arrangements. Suffice to say, he cried off and while that's not necessarily a bad thing because I have a lot of stuff to do for my sister, I was in the mood for a catch up and a couple of drinks.
With DSC yesterday, I'd only been looking forward to seeing her for 24 hours, with FP, the (more than) tentative arrangements were made over a week ago.
Of course, with FP, it's never that simple and he promised he'd get back to me, which he did to be fair, but too late in the day to make other arrangements. Suffice to say, he cried off and while that's not necessarily a bad thing because I have a lot of stuff to do for my sister, I was in the mood for a catch up and a couple of drinks.
With DSC yesterday, I'd only been looking forward to seeing her for 24 hours, with FP, the (more than) tentative arrangements were made over a week ago.
Saturday, December 01, 2012
Somewhat randomly, DSC text last night to say that she'd be dropping her partner to his Xmas party and if it was alright with me, could she pop round as she'd be in the area? Of course, I replied in the positive - I don't see her enough these days and especially now that she's pretty much moved in with her man, her time is even more limited. So, it was left that I'd confirm, because there was a very slight possibility that I'd be heading out with FP tonight.
I text DSC at about half past six to enquire of she was still coming round, only for her to say that she'd literally just made plans with another friend of hers, then we ended up in a light-hearted discussion about who was in the wrong.
I think it's her cos it was pretty much left that it was 90% nailed on I'd be staying in tonight and the text was really just meant to be confirmation. At least, that's my perspective. She says it was left too late and that I should have text earlier this afternoon.
In my mind, DSC was always coming up for a cup of tea and a chat and it's annoyed me that I'd gotten into that mindset, but she says we could have done something - gone out for something to eat, gone to the pub for an hour. If she was thinking along those lines, I'm surprised that she never got in contact herself for clarification.
I text DSC at about half past six to enquire of she was still coming round, only for her to say that she'd literally just made plans with another friend of hers, then we ended up in a light-hearted discussion about who was in the wrong.
I think it's her cos it was pretty much left that it was 90% nailed on I'd be staying in tonight and the text was really just meant to be confirmation. At least, that's my perspective. She says it was left too late and that I should have text earlier this afternoon.
In my mind, DSC was always coming up for a cup of tea and a chat and it's annoyed me that I'd gotten into that mindset, but she says we could have done something - gone out for something to eat, gone to the pub for an hour. If she was thinking along those lines, I'm surprised that she never got in contact herself for clarification.
Monday, November 26, 2012
On top of the already busy holiday period coming up, I'm trying to get nights organised out with QC2 and FBS, D etc. plus possibly M and FP. D messaged me today asking if I'd heard from FBS, but beyond a quick chat a few weeks ago, I've heard nothing.
Ideally, I'd like to see DSC as well, but she's getting increasingly more difficult to get out and we don't talk as much as we used to now she's essentially given up on the internet.
Ideally, I'd like to see DSC as well, but she's getting increasingly more difficult to get out and we don't talk as much as we used to now she's essentially given up on the internet.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
A kinda KfW2-centric digest.
KfW2's fiancé has somehow gotten into his head that GB and I get along really well and, on more than one occasion, has suggested to KfW2 that we should get together, romantically speaking. Ignoring my rule/guideline about dating co-workers, I really don't see that it would ever happen - while she's a friend, there's absolutely zero in the way of chemistry between us and I'm struggling to think if she ticks ANY of the boxes for what I would look for in a girl.
KfW2 reported yesterday that her fiancé is going to spend time on our big day out playing cupid between myself and GB. I think he'll be wasting his time.
Since I introduced GB and KfW2 at my birthday, they've been quite friendly. GB has a habit of getting in with other female friends - GM has also hinted in conversations (as a matter of fact, not as a complaint or anything) that GB makes herself friendly with his girlfriends (and that's backed up by a quick browse through GB's Facebook friends list). I dunno where I'm going with this line of thought, but it was something I was thinking about yesterday based on a conversation I was having with KfW2 at the time and recollecting the night there was perceived cock-blocking with CH.
And finally, I was out last night for a work-related thing and a few comments were made regarding my friendship with KfW2. I was more than a little bit tipsy, so I don't know if the others were being snidey or if it was just a little bit of friendly piss-taking, but there were comments made about my presence at KfW2's wedding and a comment about the fiancé having to share KfW2 with me. I guess it's just testament to how close we are, though we've certainly not given off any signs that might confuse anyone unlike me and CH, for example.
KfW2 reported yesterday that her fiancé is going to spend time on our big day out playing cupid between myself and GB. I think he'll be wasting his time.
Since I introduced GB and KfW2 at my birthday, they've been quite friendly. GB has a habit of getting in with other female friends - GM has also hinted in conversations (as a matter of fact, not as a complaint or anything) that GB makes herself friendly with his girlfriends (and that's backed up by a quick browse through GB's Facebook friends list). I dunno where I'm going with this line of thought, but it was something I was thinking about yesterday based on a conversation I was having with KfW2 at the time and recollecting the night there was perceived cock-blocking with CH.
And finally, I was out last night for a work-related thing and a few comments were made regarding my friendship with KfW2. I was more than a little bit tipsy, so I don't know if the others were being snidey or if it was just a little bit of friendly piss-taking, but there were comments made about my presence at KfW2's wedding and a comment about the fiancé having to share KfW2 with me. I guess it's just testament to how close we are, though we've certainly not given off any signs that might confuse anyone unlike me and CH, for example.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
I think I've been in a bit of a slump over the past few weeks, but it's a general malaise, not something I can sit down and put my finger on as a cause. Obviously, if that's the case, then trying to figure out what I have to do to fix it is more than a little difficult.
I know that KfW2 has annoyed/disappointed me this week, and there's the ongoing disappointment with the two housemates, but I don't think that they're the root cause of my current slump. It might just be the onset of winter, or some other intangible reason.
I have lots to look forward to over the next five or so weeks, socially, so if I haven't snapped out of it by then, maybe that'll do the job.
I know that KfW2 has annoyed/disappointed me this week, and there's the ongoing disappointment with the two housemates, but I don't think that they're the root cause of my current slump. It might just be the onset of winter, or some other intangible reason.
I have lots to look forward to over the next five or so weeks, socially, so if I haven't snapped out of it by then, maybe that'll do the job.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Sometimes I think I expect too much from people...
I knew it
was coming right from Monday, but KfW2 was asking me this morning if I would
come down and meet her and her ex-team mates in the pub on the day we were
meant to be heading out. I refused. I know one of them quite well, but the
other two I only know to nod to and that's it. She tried to talk me into it and I
left it with a curt "We'll see", but I won't go down. Part of that is
that I don't like turning up to other people's things and part of me is trying
to make a point. About an hour later, she was then talking about taking the
original day out to put up her Xmas tree, so without actually saying so, the
plans I had originally made have all been scuppered. Of course I'm disappointed, but more with the fact she's made arrangements with others when she already had arrangements with me. She did this before with CC's birthday and I just think it's a bit off.
In other news, MfW is making comments about the fact that our landlord "still" hasn't done thing things he'd said he would, three weeks after confirming them. This, coming from a man who still hasn't signed a lease that has been sitting 6 inches from where he eats breakfast for three and a half months.
In other news, MfW is making comments about the fact that our landlord "still" hasn't done thing things he'd said he would, three weeks after confirming them. This, coming from a man who still hasn't signed a lease that has been sitting 6 inches from where he eats breakfast for three and a half months.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
MfW admitted today that he'd "found" the mailbox key in his car, after two months of implying that I'd lost it. And after taking a week off sick from work (he wasn't really ill though), the flat remains in no better state than it was seven days ago - floors un-mopped, bin un-emptied and housework generally un-attempted.
In addition, MfW is being a dick about our rental agreement that he's continued to ignore. The instructions on what to do are very clear and laid out in the letter by the landlord, but neither MfW or UF are seemingly paying it any attention and when they go to hand it in to the letting agent, it will be incomplete.
I'm continuing to move towards the idea of getting away from UF and MfW2 next summer when my tie-in period to the lease is up.
In addition, MfW is being a dick about our rental agreement that he's continued to ignore. The instructions on what to do are very clear and laid out in the letter by the landlord, but neither MfW or UF are seemingly paying it any attention and when they go to hand it in to the letting agent, it will be incomplete.
I'm continuing to move towards the idea of getting away from UF and MfW2 next summer when my tie-in period to the lease is up.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Last week, after a lot of discussion with KfW2 and CC, we arranged a day out. KfW2's fiancé couldn't make it due to work commitments and there were no other dates that suited, so we nailed down the day in question and made the necessary emails to everyone else, including GB and FP. As an addition, I had also agreed with KfW2 to go out with just her and me for a few drinks on another day. I enjoy my social time with KfW2 as we tend to get into more personal topics of conversation when it's just the two of us - more than we do when chatting in work or at lunchtimes.
Today, though, everything got shook up. KfW2 wanted to postpone our night out by two weeks, I think because her sister had asked her to do some (overnight) babysitting the night before our original day out and she didn't know when she'd be freed up to come out. As a knock on, the second day of just me and KfW2 was pretty much cancelled, as it was only a few days before the proposed rearranged day. It also turned out that she had arranged to meet up with a group of former team-mates for lunch that has now turned into an afternoon in the pub, the same day that we were meant to be heading out.
Now, this wasn't all done arbitrarily... she did ask if it suited and I made it clear that I was happy to rearrange the first day out, but that I still wanted to get her out to the pub for a few drinks possibly on the original day (she didn't actually explain WHY she wanted to re-arrange until a few hours later), and I'm sure she noticed that I wasn't particularly happy about all this re-arranging, though she hasn't yet said anything. I reckon it'll click in a day or so's time and she will ask if it annoyed me. She's done that in the past and she is pretty good at reading me.
It did, and she will be told this, not least because I had already started making plans around these days out, but because I hate making plans that are finalised with several people only for one person to want to change them with spurious reasons. I understand that it's her sister that needs the favour, but in my head it's not a life or death or last-minute thing and she'd already made arrangements with others and that's not on in my opinion.
Things could all still work out as she's said she'll try and work out if she can come out on the original day, but I got the feeling from talking to her that she wasn't really feeling it.
Today, though, everything got shook up. KfW2 wanted to postpone our night out by two weeks, I think because her sister had asked her to do some (overnight) babysitting the night before our original day out and she didn't know when she'd be freed up to come out. As a knock on, the second day of just me and KfW2 was pretty much cancelled, as it was only a few days before the proposed rearranged day. It also turned out that she had arranged to meet up with a group of former team-mates for lunch that has now turned into an afternoon in the pub, the same day that we were meant to be heading out.
Now, this wasn't all done arbitrarily... she did ask if it suited and I made it clear that I was happy to rearrange the first day out, but that I still wanted to get her out to the pub for a few drinks possibly on the original day (she didn't actually explain WHY she wanted to re-arrange until a few hours later), and I'm sure she noticed that I wasn't particularly happy about all this re-arranging, though she hasn't yet said anything. I reckon it'll click in a day or so's time and she will ask if it annoyed me. She's done that in the past and she is pretty good at reading me.
It did, and she will be told this, not least because I had already started making plans around these days out, but because I hate making plans that are finalised with several people only for one person to want to change them with spurious reasons. I understand that it's her sister that needs the favour, but in my head it's not a life or death or last-minute thing and she'd already made arrangements with others and that's not on in my opinion.
Things could all still work out as she's said she'll try and work out if she can come out on the original day, but I got the feeling from talking to her that she wasn't really feeling it.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Challenge accepted!
A week or so ago, I was challenged to stop whining/complaining/talking about my fitness and health and do something about it. I've made plans before, but I'd always fallen over because I'd had grand schemes about putting together a series of meal plans that would help any weight loss and that by having these meal plans in place, I could safely nip off to Tesco or Sainsbury's and do my shopping, safe in the knowledge my pre-planning would mean I could always cook up something healthy and by having a lot of these meal plans, I'd never get bored eating chicken salad 6 days a week.
I've never completed that plan, so any token effort at doing more exercise always fell flat on its back as I'd learned that diet is far more important than exercise, plus I like booze too much (well, the boozing that went along with socialising). Trying to collate that kind of nutritional information is a lot harder than it seems as there's loads of it and it can all be very contradictory.
So, here we are again... another post about wanting to lose weight and get fitter. I have reasons this time beyond simply thinking that I should - KfW2's wedding, the corresponding trip away in the sun and a 10km run that I've signed up for next Spring.
I should start now, but the Christmas season is almost upon me, so any thought of cutting out the booze or going on a diet is pretty pointless, so I have come up with a two stage solution:
Stage 1 (pre-Xmas):
100 Pushups
200 Situps
Some Planking exercise
Reduce portion size of food
Go to the gym when possible
That's stage one and should see me through until Xmas. There's not a lot there that can go wrong and it's more about bedding in good habits than looking for results. Sit ups and push ups I can do in the house without any special equipment and should get me in the mindset of setting aside an hour a day for exercise.
Stage 2 (post-Xmas):
Go to the gym regularly and make it a routine.
Change diet to eat more healthily and avoid fast food and junk - possibly formulate a diet plan.
Cut down on the booze, at least for the first couple of months.
Start proper training for the 10km race (I can do some in the gym, but there's no substitute for road running)
And that should be enough to get started. Hopefully, if things are going well, I can look at the post-Xmas plan and tailor it accordingly to something a bit more ambitious if things are going well.
I've never completed that plan, so any token effort at doing more exercise always fell flat on its back as I'd learned that diet is far more important than exercise, plus I like booze too much (well, the boozing that went along with socialising). Trying to collate that kind of nutritional information is a lot harder than it seems as there's loads of it and it can all be very contradictory.
So, here we are again... another post about wanting to lose weight and get fitter. I have reasons this time beyond simply thinking that I should - KfW2's wedding, the corresponding trip away in the sun and a 10km run that I've signed up for next Spring.
I should start now, but the Christmas season is almost upon me, so any thought of cutting out the booze or going on a diet is pretty pointless, so I have come up with a two stage solution:
Stage 1 (pre-Xmas):
100 Pushups
200 Situps
Some Planking exercise
Reduce portion size of food
Go to the gym when possible
That's stage one and should see me through until Xmas. There's not a lot there that can go wrong and it's more about bedding in good habits than looking for results. Sit ups and push ups I can do in the house without any special equipment and should get me in the mindset of setting aside an hour a day for exercise.
Stage 2 (post-Xmas):
Go to the gym regularly and make it a routine.
Change diet to eat more healthily and avoid fast food and junk - possibly formulate a diet plan.
Cut down on the booze, at least for the first couple of months.
Start proper training for the 10km race (I can do some in the gym, but there's no substitute for road running)
And that should be enough to get started. Hopefully, if things are going well, I can look at the post-Xmas plan and tailor it accordingly to something a bit more ambitious if things are going well.
Friday, November 16, 2012
More house stuff.
Our postbox key has been missing for nearly four months. Typically, all I get is my wage slip and anything work-related - everything important is sent to my parents house where I pick it up every week or so. However a while ago, the postbox key went missing for about 6 weeks until I happened to come across it in my laptop bag by accident.
So, I 'fessed up, but made a decision that someone else could check for mail, given the amount of incessant complaining that MfW did about it.
When it went missing a second time, of course, MfW was straight on at me, despite my protestations that I'd not actually used it since I found it again. Every few weeks, MfW would ask again if it had been found, which it hadn't. I'd always suspected that MfW had lost it - he does have a fairly good record for being forgetful, and I can point to various incidents like leaving the fridge door open, leaving the patio doors wide open, leaving the iron on and quite a few others, and that's only in the last six months. UF was out of the picture because, well, he pretty much does fuck all around the house, so the chances of him checking the mailbox for our place is pretty much zero.
Yesterday, when I came home from work, there was three months worth of mail sitting on the kitchen table and the mailbox key was in its rightful place in with the rest of the communal keys in the hallway. Go figure.
In addition, despite asking the housemates to sign the lease that we've had since the summer, they've done nothing about it. When the landlord phoned me yet again last week to chase it up, in a weary tone of voice I told her to chase up MfW and UF as they were the weak link.
When talk to UF about it earlier, he said it was all in control that MfW had already signed and he was going to do it on Sunday... except MfW had only signed one copy, not both, and hadn't followed any of the instructions that were set out in a clear and understandable way in the landlord's letter.
These people are meant to be intelligent, for fuck sake.
In addition, despite asking the housemates to sign the lease that we've had since the summer, they've done nothing about it. When the landlord phoned me yet again last week to chase it up, in a weary tone of voice I told her to chase up MfW and UF as they were the weak link.
When talk to UF about it earlier, he said it was all in control that MfW had already signed and he was going to do it on Sunday... except MfW had only signed one copy, not both, and hadn't followed any of the instructions that were set out in a clear and understandable way in the landlord's letter.
These people are meant to be intelligent, for fuck sake.
Social season starts
I did no work today, I think it's safe to admit, but my social diary got a lot of action. KfW2 and I arranged a few trips to the pub, MM messaged me on Facebook and asked if I would go on a blind date with a friend of a friend of hers (I can't as I am already booked up that night) and I was in contact with CH about our next work event which is due to happen in about two weeks (she has a prior engagement and can't make it, but was strangely touched by how disappointed I was by that).
Between now and the end of the year, I can guarantee that I have at least one social/pub engagement every week... and obviously more will arise as the time goes on. I'm kinda looking forward to it as well!
Between now and the end of the year, I can guarantee that I have at least one social/pub engagement every week... and obviously more will arise as the time goes on. I'm kinda looking forward to it as well!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Time wasting.
Someone, UF I think, has put the washing machine on. I've been out of the house all evening and only returned at near 11PM and it sounded like the cycle had only started half an hour previously. I am now seriously considering moving out when our lease next expires because I am fed up of both UF and MfW being lazy and selfish around the house - the door slamming and late night noise is more annoying than the lack of housework, but that's still a reasonably big bugbear as it is, never mind the fact that I'm the one that has to chase them up for everything.
So, I'm not going to get any sleep until the cycle ends, so here's a post I meant to make earlier, but never had the time:
Years ago, around 2004, I used to spend a lot of time on MSN chatting to various people - F, A, K and others. K and I had met a few times - at gigs, she came over to visit with a mutual acquaintance, I met her a few times in London etc. when I was there and she was good fun to talk to. We eventually ended up fucking one night, ish. It's a long story and I may have explained it before, but I'm not sure. Anyway, one night that I can remember, K suggested that we were flirting. I disagreed, citing that flirting was all about sexual chemistry and that I didn't see us as being in that place (and it was true... until the night we had sex, I genuinely hadn't given it any thought).
Well, I was swapping messages with JB earlier. We've not spoken in a bit, but she popped up today and we chatted about Xmas, presents and stuff, she "demanded" that I buy her a party dress while I was teasing her about going on a date (it's a joke between us) and then we talked about Xmas party plans and how if she didn't go on the date, I wouldn't buy her an outfit and she'd have to turn up in her underwear. Halfway through the conversation, for some reason, the conversation with K popped into my head (hence the rambly introduction above) and the notion that JB and I were flirting.
I've said it before, nothing will ever happen (well, never say never, but I can't see it) and if it does it'll be physical - she's cute, but she's far too high maintenance for my tastes.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
More (unexplained) dreams.
I used to be quite friendly with a cute blonde girl who was in my class at school. Apart from Sunday School (yes, yes, I know), we didn't see each other out of school, but we had decent banter and I knew her brother (who went to a different school) from other stuff I did during the week and weekends.
Apart from one night in the pub, about five years ago when I was out with my brother-in -law, I've not seen her in 20 years... and I haven't spoken to her in that time which made last night's dream all the weirder.
We were both at a party, chatting away, but I spent the entire time trying to make a move on her, of which she was oblivious. That was pretty much it as far as I remember... there was no actual ending where I managed to pull her or she rejected me, I think I just kinda woke up.
Apart from one night in the pub, about five years ago when I was out with my brother-in -law, I've not seen her in 20 years... and I haven't spoken to her in that time which made last night's dream all the weirder.
We were both at a party, chatting away, but I spent the entire time trying to make a move on her, of which she was oblivious. That was pretty much it as far as I remember... there was no actual ending where I managed to pull her or she rejected me, I think I just kinda woke up.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Memory like a sieve.
A while ago, I was having a fairly explicit conversation with a friend of mine. We were discussing the contents of a website that contained (amongst other things) two lists: a list of sexual positions and a bucket list of sex. One of the things on the list was to have sex with someone young enough to be your son/daughter. Bearing in mind that I'm way beyond the wrong side of 35, that's not taking me anywhere near anything illegal should I ever act upon it. (In fact, as an aside, after having this conversation with my friend, I did actually go out and do just that a little while later). It's never been a huge turn on/goal to fuck someone that's much younger than me, but when I did mention this to my friend, I did have someone in mind: one of the staff at my favourite pub. She's early 20s, cute, brunette, has a great rack and a wicked sense of humour. There's always a lot of perving going on when she's on duty (and especially as the beer flows).
Last night we were in that pub for MfW's birthday, myself, S, UF and another friend were there with MfW's new girlfriend. The cute bar girl was on duty and we duly had our usual quota of banter with her, but she's now pregnant. Not that being pregnant is a bad thing or particularly shocking, but I'm nearly sure that when I last saw her about four weeks ago, she wasn't seven months pregnant as she admitted last night. My memory is shocking.
It was also lookalike night as well - when "perusing" the totty, there was a lovely looking girl who was very reminiscent of Gabby Logan (same kind of figure face shape etc.) that UF and I were admiring. We left that bar before we could make any contact though and went to a nearby club where I got chatting to this stunning blonde girl that I had started to chat to and dance with before realising that she was actually married. She reminded me a lot of Elizabeth Banks, but she was great fun and I haven't danced as much in a long time.
Last night we were in that pub for MfW's birthday, myself, S, UF and another friend were there with MfW's new girlfriend. The cute bar girl was on duty and we duly had our usual quota of banter with her, but she's now pregnant. Not that being pregnant is a bad thing or particularly shocking, but I'm nearly sure that when I last saw her about four weeks ago, she wasn't seven months pregnant as she admitted last night. My memory is shocking.
It was also lookalike night as well - when "perusing" the totty, there was a lovely looking girl who was very reminiscent of Gabby Logan (same kind of figure face shape etc.) that UF and I were admiring. We left that bar before we could make any contact though and went to a nearby club where I got chatting to this stunning blonde girl that I had started to chat to and dance with before realising that she was actually married. She reminded me a lot of Elizabeth Banks, but she was great fun and I haven't danced as much in a long time.
Sunday, November 04, 2012
When things get interesting, they get interesting.
In the lead up to GB's birthday night out, I was swapping text messages with CH. I'd made a point of deciding that I wasn't going to show up at 5PM like everyone else. I was going to leave it until 6:30 or 7PM before showing up - I had the day off and was chilling out (and kinda recovering from two nights drinking too), but then CH asked when I would be there, so I gave her a rough time.
I was approximately 15 minutes later than I had said to CH, and she had started texting me pretty much as soon as the time had passed that I'd said (even though I'd said that it was only a rough estimate).
When I arrived, I did a lap of the bar, socialising with those that I needed to (teammates etc.) before sitting at the table with GB, MF and CH amongst others. Eventually, CH and I got into a conversation of our own that covered a wide variety of things including (if I can remember this correctly) CH mentioning that it was predicted that we wouldn't get along. I think people thought that by introducing us, there'd be a lot of friction - the both of us are strong personalities in our own way. However, that wasn't to be the case and we hit it off immediately.
GM and CC were also there and they popped in and out of our conversation from time to time, but for a good while it was just the two of us. Plus, I think CC was shocked at some of the conversation topics. Between visits we were talking about breasts (CH's), boob jobs (CH wants one) and giving your partner a blowjob while he's driving (CH did it, GM and myself have never been on the receiving end and CC never did it). CH is very forthright at times and will quite happily talk about anything at all. At least, I've never heard her being reluctant to talk about anything.
Eventually, it was just CH and I at the bar, doing shots and talking. During the conversation, CH actually asked me to kiss her. No snogging or anything, just a peck on the lips. I was happy to oblige, but I can't help but feel that this is not normal, platonic behaviour and with the night in general being a work thing, I do have to consider the office gossip grapevine to a certain extent.
S then turned up, GM came over, CC popped by and we all had a bit of a laugh. CH then got talking to another friend of ours while I ended up talking to CC, S and GM. I was standing with my back to CH at this stage and, like the last night we were out, she indulged in a bit of surreptitious arse grabbing which I'm sure no-one else saw.
Later, CC asked me outside and proceeded to question me about GM. It's a crush she's had for a while now. KfW2 hinted about it months ago - that a friend of hers (who she wouldn't name) - had a huge crush on GM, but GM is a man who's not single for very long. I answered her questions as best I could, though I did make it clear that he was younger than she thought and that his relationships didn't last very long. CC then asked me about CH... she implied that we seemed to be very friendly. My answer was that CH was married with three kids which seemed to satisfy her curiosity. It's not a proper answer to her question, but she was drunk, so hopefully she'll not give it any more thought.
While it's not an issue to me, I've often just considered that CH and I have great chemistry - but I have great chemistry with other women that's purely platonic - KfW2, DSC etc. We hit it off the very second I sat down at the table with GB during that one coffee break two years ago and while I don't see us as being proper friends (we only see each other at company events and swap the odd banter text message). However, over the past few nights we've been out, I think CH might have something less than platonic going on. I don't think she'll ever act upon it outside of the arse grabbing and the odd peck kiss, and if she ever does, then I'll deal with it then. It's something to be aware of, but nothing to be worried about, if that makes sense.
I was approximately 15 minutes later than I had said to CH, and she had started texting me pretty much as soon as the time had passed that I'd said (even though I'd said that it was only a rough estimate).
When I arrived, I did a lap of the bar, socialising with those that I needed to (teammates etc.) before sitting at the table with GB, MF and CH amongst others. Eventually, CH and I got into a conversation of our own that covered a wide variety of things including (if I can remember this correctly) CH mentioning that it was predicted that we wouldn't get along. I think people thought that by introducing us, there'd be a lot of friction - the both of us are strong personalities in our own way. However, that wasn't to be the case and we hit it off immediately.
GM and CC were also there and they popped in and out of our conversation from time to time, but for a good while it was just the two of us. Plus, I think CC was shocked at some of the conversation topics. Between visits we were talking about breasts (CH's), boob jobs (CH wants one) and giving your partner a blowjob while he's driving (CH did it, GM and myself have never been on the receiving end and CC never did it). CH is very forthright at times and will quite happily talk about anything at all. At least, I've never heard her being reluctant to talk about anything.
Eventually, it was just CH and I at the bar, doing shots and talking. During the conversation, CH actually asked me to kiss her. No snogging or anything, just a peck on the lips. I was happy to oblige, but I can't help but feel that this is not normal, platonic behaviour and with the night in general being a work thing, I do have to consider the office gossip grapevine to a certain extent.
S then turned up, GM came over, CC popped by and we all had a bit of a laugh. CH then got talking to another friend of ours while I ended up talking to CC, S and GM. I was standing with my back to CH at this stage and, like the last night we were out, she indulged in a bit of surreptitious arse grabbing which I'm sure no-one else saw.
Later, CC asked me outside and proceeded to question me about GM. It's a crush she's had for a while now. KfW2 hinted about it months ago - that a friend of hers (who she wouldn't name) - had a huge crush on GM, but GM is a man who's not single for very long. I answered her questions as best I could, though I did make it clear that he was younger than she thought and that his relationships didn't last very long. CC then asked me about CH... she implied that we seemed to be very friendly. My answer was that CH was married with three kids which seemed to satisfy her curiosity. It's not a proper answer to her question, but she was drunk, so hopefully she'll not give it any more thought.
While it's not an issue to me, I've often just considered that CH and I have great chemistry - but I have great chemistry with other women that's purely platonic - KfW2, DSC etc. We hit it off the very second I sat down at the table with GB during that one coffee break two years ago and while I don't see us as being proper friends (we only see each other at company events and swap the odd banter text message). However, over the past few nights we've been out, I think CH might have something less than platonic going on. I don't think she'll ever act upon it outside of the arse grabbing and the odd peck kiss, and if she ever does, then I'll deal with it then. It's something to be aware of, but nothing to be worried about, if that makes sense.
Friday, November 02, 2012
No title required
Had a few drinks with G last night, catching up and swapping news. G's probably my oldest friend and I should probably be in contact more often than I am (I really only swap the odd email or meet up when he's in town).
He might be coming out tonight, and it would be good if he did. It's a shame that KfW2 isn't coming out cos she's mentioned wanting to meet a few of my friends in the past. She's already met FP and his wife and thinks they're ace.
Early-ish start to the evening too, so I get to do a bit of chilling out with my day off before hitting the pub.
He might be coming out tonight, and it would be good if he did. It's a shame that KfW2 isn't coming out cos she's mentioned wanting to meet a few of my friends in the past. She's already met FP and his wife and thinks they're ace.
Early-ish start to the evening too, so I get to do a bit of chilling out with my day off before hitting the pub.
Thursday, November 01, 2012
My dad is involved with the running of a charity and they're having a fund raiser tonight. I'm not going though, for two reasons: first, I don't particularly agree with how my dad runs the charity (lots of little things that stop the charity from really going back to its roots and being much larger than it currently is) and second, G is home and we've tentatively agreed to meet up. He should be in contact any time now and we'll arrange a time and place for a few drinks.
I don't know where I'm going with this...
...but I am slightly tipsy and have been somewhat "blonde" all day, so my thought processes are all over the place.
I was talking to KfW2 today about fancy dress - more specifically her penchant for dressing up. She was complaining that it had been ages since she had last done it and that if she had been going to GB's birthday celebrations this weekend (as she had hoped to do), then she would have definitely worn her favourite fancy dress outfit and that she hasn't done enough dressing up since getting together with her now fiance.
Now, as I may have stated before, KfW2 is a (in my opinion) stunning brunette and as I am only a lowly male, you can, as the Americans say, do the math: cute female, brunette, fancy dress.
Now, CH sent a text earlier asking if anyone else was going in fancy dress to GB's birthday, but I said that I didn't know. CH wouldn't care if no-one else turned up in fancy dress, she's confident enough to do her own thing (something that ticks boxes regardless).
So for a small window of opportunity, it looked as if both CH and KfW2 were both going to turn up at GB's in fancy dress. Camera time, methinks. Or was going to be... until KfW2 had to pull out cos of an in-law family commitment. Damnit.
Still... JB and her cute mate are turning up in fancy dress. Perv time if nothing else.
Oh, so that's where I end up when drunk tipsy posting: I end up looking like a pervert. Bugger.
I was talking to KfW2 today about fancy dress - more specifically her penchant for dressing up. She was complaining that it had been ages since she had last done it and that if she had been going to GB's birthday celebrations this weekend (as she had hoped to do), then she would have definitely worn her favourite fancy dress outfit and that she hasn't done enough dressing up since getting together with her now fiance.
Now, as I may have stated before, KfW2 is a (in my opinion) stunning brunette and as I am only a lowly male, you can, as the Americans say, do the math: cute female, brunette, fancy dress.
Now, CH sent a text earlier asking if anyone else was going in fancy dress to GB's birthday, but I said that I didn't know. CH wouldn't care if no-one else turned up in fancy dress, she's confident enough to do her own thing (something that ticks boxes regardless).
So for a small window of opportunity, it looked as if both CH and KfW2 were both going to turn up at GB's in fancy dress. Camera time, methinks. Or was going to be... until KfW2 had to pull out cos of an in-law family commitment. Damnit.
Still... JB and her cute mate are turning up in fancy dress. Perv time if nothing else.
Oh, so that's where I end up when drunk tipsy posting: I end up looking like a pervert. Bugger.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
A couple of random thoughts and an update.
S and CC are halfway through their date. I wonder how it's going?
CH sent a text earlier asking if anyone is dressing up for our work night out. CH in fancy dress should be good fun.
Also - I got a phone call today which gave me good reason to talk to the other guys about cleaning the apartment. MfW took the easiest (and shortest) job and will still probably cut corners, I took the middle job - a bit more involved, but should only take 30 mins and left UF to brush and then mop the floor of the kitchen and living room. It is slightly more work, but it's straightforward and probably only take 30 mins at most, not a lot more certainly. It needs done by Thursday afternoon though, and it wasn't done tonight... what are the odds it won't be done on time?
I also kinda implied to MfW that I was considering moving on when the lease is due up next year.
CH sent a text earlier asking if anyone is dressing up for our work night out. CH in fancy dress should be good fun.
Also - I got a phone call today which gave me good reason to talk to the other guys about cleaning the apartment. MfW took the easiest (and shortest) job and will still probably cut corners, I took the middle job - a bit more involved, but should only take 30 mins and left UF to brush and then mop the floor of the kitchen and living room. It is slightly more work, but it's straightforward and probably only take 30 mins at most, not a lot more certainly. It needs done by Thursday afternoon though, and it wasn't done tonight... what are the odds it won't be done on time?
I also kinda implied to MfW that I was considering moving on when the lease is due up next year.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Maybe I'm being unreasonable here, but I have just arrived home from work. UF is currently working a 4-day week due to the recession and, until now, has been preparing for exams, the last of which he completed last week.
That means he's been in the house all day today, presumably scratching his balls. The washing machine is on and by the sounds of it has just started its cycle no more than ten minutes ago. All the lights in the house are on, which is a lot, but he's hibernating in his room as per usual.
None of the house work has been done (UF hasn't lifted a finger since we moved in, well over a year now) and our outstanding rental agreement, which has been sitting on our dining room table for the past three months is still unsigned by UF and MfW.
So, why not do the housework? Mopping the floor of the kitchen, hallway, bathroom and living room is at most an hour's work. Add another hour for giving the place a wipe down with a duster or cloth, emptying the bins etc/ and you're talking two hours, tops, none of which is exactly hard labour.
The washing machine is different - why not do the washing in the middle of the day when no-one's around? Why wait until ten mins before we all (not just us in the apartment, but our neighbours too) arrive home from work? Bear in mind that UF used to put on a wash at half ten at night that would run for two and a half hours until we had a word, I'm not sure if he's stupid, inconsiderate or being deliberately obtuse.
My gripe above is mainly reporting UF's lack of effort, but I have to say that MfW isn't the world's most pro-active man either, though he does do a little more than UF.
I'm tempted to move on come next year when the lease is due for renewal.
That means he's been in the house all day today, presumably scratching his balls. The washing machine is on and by the sounds of it has just started its cycle no more than ten minutes ago. All the lights in the house are on, which is a lot, but he's hibernating in his room as per usual.
None of the house work has been done (UF hasn't lifted a finger since we moved in, well over a year now) and our outstanding rental agreement, which has been sitting on our dining room table for the past three months is still unsigned by UF and MfW.
So, why not do the housework? Mopping the floor of the kitchen, hallway, bathroom and living room is at most an hour's work. Add another hour for giving the place a wipe down with a duster or cloth, emptying the bins etc/ and you're talking two hours, tops, none of which is exactly hard labour.
The washing machine is different - why not do the washing in the middle of the day when no-one's around? Why wait until ten mins before we all (not just us in the apartment, but our neighbours too) arrive home from work? Bear in mind that UF used to put on a wash at half ten at night that would run for two and a half hours until we had a word, I'm not sure if he's stupid, inconsiderate or being deliberately obtuse.
My gripe above is mainly reporting UF's lack of effort, but I have to say that MfW isn't the world's most pro-active man either, though he does do a little more than UF.
I'm tempted to move on come next year when the lease is due for renewal.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Thriller night.
The pub I'd arranged to meet S in last night was practically empty, so we made a decision to head elsewhere. There were two choices - one of my favourite pubs or the club where we went with CC for her birthday.
Sadly, from my point of view, we ended up in the club. I like the club itself, but I hate the music with a passion and the bar staff are not brilliant. To be honest, I did contemplate going home at that point, but for some reason, I decided to stay out.
CC turned up with a couple of friends and she was looking very foxy indeed. It was interesting because S and CC have a date lined up for Tuesday night, so they were circling each other a little bit last night - wanting to chat, but not wanting to because of the date. It also transpired that S hadn't told any of his mates that he had a date with CC.
I was messaging KfW2 throughout the night, giving her updates on the S and CC circling and that continued into this morning. KfW2 was asking if there were any women. I did get chatting to one girl - cute, thin, short-haired brunette who was dressed as a sexy vampire nurses or something, but I went to the toilet then the bar and got side-tracked by a very drunk S who was in danger of making a complete tit of himself and kinda forgot about her.
Things seemed to be going quite well there and I'm surprised that I got sidetracked before I got a number, though I wasn't exactly sober myself. Then again, I do seem to have a blind spot for that kind of thing that I really need to overcome.
Sadly, from my point of view, we ended up in the club. I like the club itself, but I hate the music with a passion and the bar staff are not brilliant. To be honest, I did contemplate going home at that point, but for some reason, I decided to stay out.
CC turned up with a couple of friends and she was looking very foxy indeed. It was interesting because S and CC have a date lined up for Tuesday night, so they were circling each other a little bit last night - wanting to chat, but not wanting to because of the date. It also transpired that S hadn't told any of his mates that he had a date with CC.
I was messaging KfW2 throughout the night, giving her updates on the S and CC circling and that continued into this morning. KfW2 was asking if there were any women. I did get chatting to one girl - cute, thin, short-haired brunette who was dressed as a sexy vampire nurses or something, but I went to the toilet then the bar and got side-tracked by a very drunk S who was in danger of making a complete tit of himself and kinda forgot about her.
Things seemed to be going quite well there and I'm surprised that I got sidetracked before I got a number, though I wasn't exactly sober myself. Then again, I do seem to have a blind spot for that kind of thing that I really need to overcome.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
I was supposed to be having a quiet weekend, but I've suddenly developed the urge to head out. I've fired a quick text off to S, M and GM. Hopefully one of them fancies a few drinks and is free.
UPDATE: M already has arrangements and GM is both suffering from excesses last night and skint. S is heading into town with his mates, so I've asked him to let me know where he's going and I'll meet up with him.
UPDATE: M already has arrangements and GM is both suffering from excesses last night and skint. S is heading into town with his mates, so I've asked him to let me know where he's going and I'll meet up with him.
Friday, October 26, 2012
No update
It's been two weeks since M originally suggested we volunteer our time to MMBF with a spot of decorating, but I've not heard from him since (at least, not with respect to MMBF) so it looks like that idea's bitten the dust.
Next week is GB's birthday and KfW2 and CH will be out. CC will also be out as it's our monthly work bash and, interestingly, S will be out too. If things do well on CC and S's date then that's not a problem but if there are no sparks (and bear in mind that the two of them were smashed when phone numbers exchanged), then it might be a bit uncomfortable.
As well, GB and CH's mutual friend who knows CB will also be out. If the universe were smiling upon me, CB would inexplicably be out too, but this is obviously highly unlikely. Still... a man can dream. Now, about that £73 million Euromillion lottery win...
Next week is GB's birthday and KfW2 and CH will be out. CC will also be out as it's our monthly work bash and, interestingly, S will be out too. If things do well on CC and S's date then that's not a problem but if there are no sparks (and bear in mind that the two of them were smashed when phone numbers exchanged), then it might be a bit uncomfortable.
As well, GB and CH's mutual friend who knows CB will also be out. If the universe were smiling upon me, CB would inexplicably be out too, but this is obviously highly unlikely. Still... a man can dream. Now, about that £73 million Euromillion lottery win...
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Pumping Iron
I was chatting to KfW2 over coffee today and we were semi-talking about CC's imminent date with S next week. We kinda got side-tracked onto the issue of the fitness/weight loss/beach body thing, especially CC's desire to do the hardcore physique thing. I commented that I thought it was a bit weird in that it all seemed very un-CC-like. She can be quite "girly" and pumping iron down at a men's gym seems out of sorts for her.
KfW2 said that they'd been talking about it for some time. KfW2 is someone that might be seriously interested in something like that - she used to be quite the gym goddess* before I knew her, but has gotten out of the routine.
I think KfW2 was doing a bit of fishing to see if I would be interested, though she didn't ask outright. If she did, I think I'd admit to my own body image issues (that I've not discussed here in any detail) that would stop me from doing something that extreme, even though I would be interested in theory.
*I don't know if goddess is the right word here, but I have been reliably informed that my previous terminology could be misinterpreted to be somewhat negative, and that wasn't the case at all.
KfW2 said that they'd been talking about it for some time. KfW2 is someone that might be seriously interested in something like that - she used to be quite the gym goddess* before I knew her, but has gotten out of the routine.
I think KfW2 was doing a bit of fishing to see if I would be interested, though she didn't ask outright. If she did, I think I'd admit to my own body image issues (that I've not discussed here in any detail) that would stop me from doing something that extreme, even though I would be interested in theory.
*I don't know if goddess is the right word here, but I have been reliably informed that my previous terminology could be misinterpreted to be somewhat negative, and that wasn't the case at all.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
"The one"
While I was waiting earlier for CC to return my call so I could book my trip for KfW2's wedding, I got a somewhat random text message from DSC asking if I thought there was such a thing as "The One". I doubted she meant Neo out of The Matrix and it's a bit deeper than our normal conversations, so I quizzed her on it.
Unsurprisingly, she was referring to the romantic notion of there being "the one" with whom you're destined to meet and marry and all that nonsense. By all accounts, DSC and her useless boyfriend had an argument because he doesn't believe in "the one" but would gladly settle down with DSC (or so he says, I still have my doubts).
Sometimes, it would make life much easier if things like this did exist (mainly because I yearn for a universe where karma is something that's real and happens), but we live in the real world.
Rhetorically speaking, how would you know if you met this mythical creature? Maybe I could make a mint out of "realistic" greetings cards: "You're not The One, but I will gladly settle down with you". "I LUST You". "Happy Birthday, Fuck Buddy".
Unsurprisingly, she was referring to the romantic notion of there being "the one" with whom you're destined to meet and marry and all that nonsense. By all accounts, DSC and her useless boyfriend had an argument because he doesn't believe in "the one" but would gladly settle down with DSC (or so he says, I still have my doubts).
Sometimes, it would make life much easier if things like this did exist (mainly because I yearn for a universe where karma is something that's real and happens), but we live in the real world.
Rhetorically speaking, how would you know if you met this mythical creature? Maybe I could make a mint out of "realistic" greetings cards: "You're not The One, but I will gladly settle down with you". "I LUST You". "Happy Birthday, Fuck Buddy".
Saturday, October 20, 2012
I was out with S and a few other mates last night. We headed to a few bars and ended up in the same one where I had my last night out with CH. Separately, I managed to bump into KfW who was out with some friends of hers and CC and JB who work in the same department and were out on a night out.
I got talking to JB and CC about general stuff, but CC suggested that we go off and do a kind of boot camp kind of thing to get ready for KfW2's wedding. A friend in work has recently done something similar (like a managed/tutored Insanity kind of thing) and lost a lot of weight and got himself ripped, but it did cost him the guts of a thousand pounds.
As I've stated before, while I do want to lose a bit of weight and tone up a bit, getting completely ripped is not something that is a goal, but the idea of doing something with someone for motivational purposes sounds good.
Oh, and CC seemingly took a shine to S. I believe there was number swapping going on and everything and a late night text from KfW2 suggested that CC was quite taken. I'm looking forward to the updates on Monday.
I got talking to JB and CC about general stuff, but CC suggested that we go off and do a kind of boot camp kind of thing to get ready for KfW2's wedding. A friend in work has recently done something similar (like a managed/tutored Insanity kind of thing) and lost a lot of weight and got himself ripped, but it did cost him the guts of a thousand pounds.
As I've stated before, while I do want to lose a bit of weight and tone up a bit, getting completely ripped is not something that is a goal, but the idea of doing something with someone for motivational purposes sounds good.
Oh, and CC seemingly took a shine to S. I believe there was number swapping going on and everything and a late night text from KfW2 suggested that CC was quite taken. I'm looking forward to the updates on Monday.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
The ongoing saga of...
...trying to book something for KfW2's wedding. After waiting a week for CC to make a decision, who in turn was waiting for KfW2 to make a decision (because I was supposedly sharing a room with CC), it now turns out that CC wants a room of her own.
I think the logistics of sharing a room with a (platonic friend) bloke finally dawned on her - having to get dressed/changed in the bathroom etc. is a lot more awkward than just having the freedom of the room that you would get on your own. That comes with a premium though .. and I need to see how much that premium is going to cost me, even though this is what I was initially planning for.
I think the logistics of sharing a room with a (platonic friend) bloke finally dawned on her - having to get dressed/changed in the bathroom etc. is a lot more awkward than just having the freedom of the room that you would get on your own. That comes with a premium though .. and I need to see how much that premium is going to cost me, even though this is what I was initially planning for.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Quick update.
Just as a quick update on my comments yesterday about MMBF's new business... her new premises need to be ready in three weeks. So if M is going to volunteer us, he'd need to be quick about it!
Saturday, October 13, 2012
I'm too tired to think of a related title.
I went out for a few drinks last night with a friend from out of town, BR. M showed up as well. I should have known that he would, but it had all slipped my mind really. It was a good night - the guys are always good company. M mentioned that MMBF was setting up her own business, but was behind schedule in getting her premises set up, M suggested that we give her a hand with some decorating - painting and the like, which I obviously agreed to. That prompted a chat with BR with M and myself trying to explain how cute etc. she was. BR has seen her twice already (once at M's wedding when I was chatting to her and once at M's birthday party from a few months ago) and professed his appreciation, but he said last night that he couldn't remember her. BR's memory is appalling though.
It was left with M to chat to MMBF to see if she wants or needs the help.
It was a late night and I don't think I enjoyed my lunch with DSC today as much as usual due to being over-tired and in need of a nap. I was meant to be looking at trying to reduce the price of the holiday for CC and myself, but I find myself just staring at the screen and not really accomplishing anything.
On top of that, when trying on a few pieces of clothing today during our shopping trip, it was obvious that I really needed to lose some weight and tone up a little. I've been promising myself that I am going to do it for months now, but apathy always gets to me when it comes to the gym/exercise. I need to change that mindset.
On a side note, Attack of the Clones is on ITV at the moment and Natalie Portman is simply stunning. Ah, go on, have a picture:
It was left with M to chat to MMBF to see if she wants or needs the help.
It was a late night and I don't think I enjoyed my lunch with DSC today as much as usual due to being over-tired and in need of a nap. I was meant to be looking at trying to reduce the price of the holiday for CC and myself, but I find myself just staring at the screen and not really accomplishing anything.
On top of that, when trying on a few pieces of clothing today during our shopping trip, it was obvious that I really needed to lose some weight and tone up a little. I've been promising myself that I am going to do it for months now, but apathy always gets to me when it comes to the gym/exercise. I need to change that mindset.
On a side note, Attack of the Clones is on ITV at the moment and Natalie Portman is simply stunning. Ah, go on, have a picture:
As it happens, I've seen her in the flesh (co-incidentally, after a weekend on the lash with BR). She's stunning in real life. Like genuinely jaw-dropping.
Friday, October 12, 2012
I made an arrangement some weeks ago with KfW2's friend (with the awesome chest) that we'd get somewhere together for KfW2's wedding. I had assumed we'd end up in the same hotel or, at a push, a villa. Until today, when we were looking at hotels and I was wondering why the prices I was seeing were much more expensive than hers. Then KfW2 came along and cuffed me around the head as I was pricing for a double room for one person, but KfW2's friend (henceforth known as CC) was looking for two people sharing a twin room.
So, from a few weeks ago where I didn't think I knew her well enough to go to her birthday, I'm now going to be sharing a room with her for a week... unless things change between now and us booking the holiday.
So, from a few weeks ago where I didn't think I knew her well enough to go to her birthday, I'm now going to be sharing a room with her for a week... unless things change between now and us booking the holiday.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
A blast from the past.
The last time I was out with DSC, we ended up in Marks and Spencer buying dinner. The woman in front of us in the checkout queue was reasonably cute and vaguely familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it until today, when it randomly popped into my head: PD.
She never did buy me that coffee/drink for getting her past her university module seven years ago. Bah.
As a quick aside, she had a young girl with her who was easily eleven or twelve, but PD never mentioned having any kids when we were talking.
She never did buy me that coffee/drink for getting her past her university module seven years ago. Bah.
As a quick aside, she had a young girl with her who was easily eleven or twelve, but PD never mentioned having any kids when we were talking.
Sunday, October 07, 2012
Balls - an update.
And as if by magic, by just posting about it here, I have a goal I can tick off. Since my last post, I have sourced and emailed approximately six people whom I hope will be able to give me the information I require to take my pay increase plan further. I may need to source more people, but half a dozen is a good start.
I was in an organised mood today and spent some time sorting out my finances. I say "sorting", but really it was more of a tidying up exercise - moving some money about etc. in order to make sure I was keeping track of less accounts and being more on top of my money. I realised that I should have done this a long time ago as I am not as solvent as I thought I was, to the tune of nearly two thousand pounds worse off than anticipated. Hmmm... [I should state here that while this is a large sum of money, but it's not the end of the world. I earn a decent salary, but I had hoped to clear all my credit card debt by next summer, which is looking highly unlikely now with the debt being £2K higher than planned.]
Still, if there's something that will kick me into action about doing the required homework for a pay rise, it's that. I can't remember if I've posted about the pay rise, but I have a plan of action about going to my boss and looking for a pay rise (almost 10% if I play my cards right). In order to do that, though, I need some information which is going to mean emailing a few people first. I have about 60% of the information I need, but I just need to sit down and write the dozen or so emails, but I've been putting it off for no reason since I formulated the plan originally.
I should do that, then I have to book my flight for KfW2's wedding.
Still, if there's something that will kick me into action about doing the required homework for a pay rise, it's that. I can't remember if I've posted about the pay rise, but I have a plan of action about going to my boss and looking for a pay rise (almost 10% if I play my cards right). In order to do that, though, I need some information which is going to mean emailing a few people first. I have about 60% of the information I need, but I just need to sit down and write the dozen or so emails, but I've been putting it off for no reason since I formulated the plan originally.
I should do that, then I have to book my flight for KfW2's wedding.
Wednesday, October 03, 2012
A Eureka Moment
I was having a conversation a while ago - it was way last week, but I haven't had time to put my thoughts down here due to being incredibly busy with work-related stuff - when I started thinking about something from waaaay back. Specifically, I started thinking about my friend F.
F and I always had great chemistry. We met when I was active during my online writing hobby. I say "met", but obviously it was all online, but we were both "targets" for different reasons. It was a year or so before we actually met in person, but by then we had exchanged plenty of contact - phone calls, emails, IMs etc. She'd done a lot of teasing when I fucked K (who went out of her way to befriend F after that because she thought she was competition, which is how F found out I'd fucked K) and I'd done my fair share of teasing because a guy she was fucking on the side was a complete imbecile, to be perfectly honest.
However, when we did eventually meet, it was obvious that there was a mountain of chemistry between us. I had always thought that it was just platonic "I think F is great" chemistry and thought nothing more of it and I assumed the chemistry she felt (and had admitted to) was the same - my assumption was that if she wanted a fuck, she'd have made a move. F wasn't backwards in coming forwards if she wanted a seeing to. Regardless, we eventually met up with each other about three times - once in her home city, once in mine and once elsewhere with a bunch of fellow hobbyists - and each time, there was the same chemistry, but we never did anything about it apart from have a laugh and drink copious amounts of alcohol.
However, I think the chemistry I now have with CH is pretty much the same as I had with F - to some extent they're very similar people in terms of attitude and telling it like it is. That's only surprising because, under other circumstances, I think I'd fuck CH. The reasons why we never will are documented on here, so I don't have to repeat myself.
So, the resultant "Eureka" moment from my conversation a few weeks back is that I think I might have wanted to fuck F all along but didn't recognise that because there was no immediate lust going on, just a kind of ambiguous chemistry. No doubt if I were to tell this little story/revelation to others, specifically those who knew both parties (there aren't a lot of them to be fair) that they might not be that surprised. I don't think there'd be too many "I told you so" comments, but it might not be the revelation to them as it was to me.
I'd love to see her again, mind you. Always have, even before last week's sudden lightbulb.
F and I always had great chemistry. We met when I was active during my online writing hobby. I say "met", but obviously it was all online, but we were both "targets" for different reasons. It was a year or so before we actually met in person, but by then we had exchanged plenty of contact - phone calls, emails, IMs etc. She'd done a lot of teasing when I fucked K (who went out of her way to befriend F after that because she thought she was competition, which is how F found out I'd fucked K) and I'd done my fair share of teasing because a guy she was fucking on the side was a complete imbecile, to be perfectly honest.
However, when we did eventually meet, it was obvious that there was a mountain of chemistry between us. I had always thought that it was just platonic "I think F is great" chemistry and thought nothing more of it and I assumed the chemistry she felt (and had admitted to) was the same - my assumption was that if she wanted a fuck, she'd have made a move. F wasn't backwards in coming forwards if she wanted a seeing to. Regardless, we eventually met up with each other about three times - once in her home city, once in mine and once elsewhere with a bunch of fellow hobbyists - and each time, there was the same chemistry, but we never did anything about it apart from have a laugh and drink copious amounts of alcohol.
However, I think the chemistry I now have with CH is pretty much the same as I had with F - to some extent they're very similar people in terms of attitude and telling it like it is. That's only surprising because, under other circumstances, I think I'd fuck CH. The reasons why we never will are documented on here, so I don't have to repeat myself.
So, the resultant "Eureka" moment from my conversation a few weeks back is that I think I might have wanted to fuck F all along but didn't recognise that because there was no immediate lust going on, just a kind of ambiguous chemistry. No doubt if I were to tell this little story/revelation to others, specifically those who knew both parties (there aren't a lot of them to be fair) that they might not be that surprised. I don't think there'd be too many "I told you so" comments, but it might not be the revelation to them as it was to me.
I'd love to see her again, mind you. Always have, even before last week's sudden lightbulb.
Friday, September 21, 2012
I dunno LOL.
MfW has a girl in tonight. He's seen her before - they're ex-work colleagues but work in different towns so I've no idea how they know each other. Regardless, for the past few weeks, they've been seeing each other regularly - he goes off to hers, she comes up to ours. I don't know if it's serious or just fuck buddies, but it is regular.
I thought they might have gone to the pub tonight, leaving me in front of the telly with a few beers, but no. MfW is cooking! Bear in mind that all he eats is stuff you can throw in the microwave/oven, I thought that cooking for a bird he's trying to impress might be a risky venture.
Then I saw what he was "cooking". A pre-made Tesco chicken dinner thing (for two) with a large portion of thick-cut Tesco oven chips. Bang everything in the oven for 35 minutes and you're done.
He's a 31 year old man and I've never seen him cook anything properly in the many years I've known him. Certainly with his last serious girlfriend, he never cooked beyond maybe frying a steak and throwing some Tesco ready-made mash in the microwave.
UF is the same, actually, though he and his now fiancé actually go out to cafés and restaurants. MfW is a man who earns almost £12000 more than me per year and yet skimps on absolutely everything where he can. However, he hates thinking that he's lost out.
For example, when we moved into this place, we divided the rent in relation to the size of the bedrooms. The master room (with ensuite) is significantly more than the middle sized room which is slightly more than the smaller room. MfW challenged the rate for the larger room, but still wanted it. I said that I was prepared to take the largest room and was also prepared to pay the extra amount due to the larger size and en-suite... and yet MfW still insisted that he wanted the room. I think he felt that he was being manoeuvred out of it.
UF automatically declared a preference for the smallest room (and hence the cheapest rent). MfW and I ended up tossing a coin because MfW refused to back down - he continually said that it was too expensive, but wouldn't just admit defeat. I honestly think he sees it as a sign of weakness or something. When I voiced a theory that UF will move out next summer (he's getting married late next year) when our lease is due for renewal, MfW quickly said that he'd move into UF's room. He hates the fact that UF is paying approximately £40 less than him per month - he still thinks that he's "losing" and that it's all a big competition.
Personally, I'd love the master room. I've no qualms about taking it and paying the current price for it - I could put a larger room and en-suite to very good use... plus having to use the communal bathroom might mean he's a bit more aware about having to do some housework around the place.
I still don't understand how a man who wants a flashy place where he can impress girls won't do any housework and lives like a student, despite being a professional and earning an extremely good salary for the area.
Hmmm. That kinda turned into a bit of an anti-MfW post. Ah, fuck it. I'm away for a beer.
I thought they might have gone to the pub tonight, leaving me in front of the telly with a few beers, but no. MfW is cooking! Bear in mind that all he eats is stuff you can throw in the microwave/oven, I thought that cooking for a bird he's trying to impress might be a risky venture.
Then I saw what he was "cooking". A pre-made Tesco chicken dinner thing (for two) with a large portion of thick-cut Tesco oven chips. Bang everything in the oven for 35 minutes and you're done.
He's a 31 year old man and I've never seen him cook anything properly in the many years I've known him. Certainly with his last serious girlfriend, he never cooked beyond maybe frying a steak and throwing some Tesco ready-made mash in the microwave.
UF is the same, actually, though he and his now fiancé actually go out to cafés and restaurants. MfW is a man who earns almost £12000 more than me per year and yet skimps on absolutely everything where he can. However, he hates thinking that he's lost out.
For example, when we moved into this place, we divided the rent in relation to the size of the bedrooms. The master room (with ensuite) is significantly more than the middle sized room which is slightly more than the smaller room. MfW challenged the rate for the larger room, but still wanted it. I said that I was prepared to take the largest room and was also prepared to pay the extra amount due to the larger size and en-suite... and yet MfW still insisted that he wanted the room. I think he felt that he was being manoeuvred out of it.
UF automatically declared a preference for the smallest room (and hence the cheapest rent). MfW and I ended up tossing a coin because MfW refused to back down - he continually said that it was too expensive, but wouldn't just admit defeat. I honestly think he sees it as a sign of weakness or something. When I voiced a theory that UF will move out next summer (he's getting married late next year) when our lease is due for renewal, MfW quickly said that he'd move into UF's room. He hates the fact that UF is paying approximately £40 less than him per month - he still thinks that he's "losing" and that it's all a big competition.
Personally, I'd love the master room. I've no qualms about taking it and paying the current price for it - I could put a larger room and en-suite to very good use... plus having to use the communal bathroom might mean he's a bit more aware about having to do some housework around the place.
I still don't understand how a man who wants a flashy place where he can impress girls won't do any housework and lives like a student, despite being a professional and earning an extremely good salary for the area.
Hmmm. That kinda turned into a bit of an anti-MfW post. Ah, fuck it. I'm away for a beer.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
I was meant to be heading out with DSC this weekend and it took a lot of persuasion to get her out. She's miserable at the moment and her boyfriend being a useless muppet isn't helping her. Apart from meeting her a few times this year for lunch, shopping trips and whatnot, I can't recall hearing her say that she's been out with her friends. This is a girl who used to love getting dressed up and coming out for a few drinks and a bit of a dance.
I got a text today - she's crying off. Admittedly there are reasons for her crying off - medical ones - but she has this habit of deciding she's not in the mood to go out and then just cancelling, even though we're still three full days away and the medical thing in itself is not stopping her from going out.
Often, I think she'd be better off seeing through the social engagements rather than moping in the house (alone) or arguing with her boyfriend because he a) doesn't understand b) doesn't care and probably c) will be at the pub with his mates.
I think I am still angry, because I expected her to cry off anyway, but also because I don't think she helps herself and sometimes I think she likes to be unhappy. Staying in when her partner is away to the pub gives her something to complain about...
I got a text today - she's crying off. Admittedly there are reasons for her crying off - medical ones - but she has this habit of deciding she's not in the mood to go out and then just cancelling, even though we're still three full days away and the medical thing in itself is not stopping her from going out.
Often, I think she'd be better off seeing through the social engagements rather than moping in the house (alone) or arguing with her boyfriend because he a) doesn't understand b) doesn't care and probably c) will be at the pub with his mates.
I think I am still angry, because I expected her to cry off anyway, but also because I don't think she helps herself and sometimes I think she likes to be unhappy. Staying in when her partner is away to the pub gives her something to complain about...
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
No title necessary.
Recently, my blog hit the 4000 post mark in just over seven and a half years. That's roughly 533 visits per week or just over ten per day. On average, that is. Or is it? I can't remember if that's just from when the counter was started or if it's the entire thing. I prefer to think of it as the entire thing because I am currently too lazy to look at the settings and confirm it one way or the other.
Still, not too many comments though, which is kinda disappointing. Maybe I should just shut down the commenting function and be done with it?
Still, not too many comments though, which is kinda disappointing. Maybe I should just shut down the commenting function and be done with it?
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Ho hum
Last night was ummm... not as good as I'd hoped it was going to be. It started off well, KfW2's friend (let's call her CC) arrived at mine wearing a very nice dress with a plunging neckline, coupled with a Wonderbra so the goods were very much on display (and she's not a, well, small girl). Eye contact with her was difficult! KfW2 arrived at her usual time (45 mins after she says she will), but the four of us enjoyed a few hours at mine, chatting and having a laugh. Even KfW2 voiced her opinion that she was having enough fun at mine without having to go out to a club, but sadly the decision was not ours to make.
We left and went to the club. The problem I have with this club is pretty much the music - the actual interior is great, but the music is, IMO, really not my scene. Last night's, as an example, was far too dancey for starters, and that was after KfW2's friend had said that the DJ who was on was playing a wider (less dancey) mix of music than usual.
KfW2's busty young friend was after a man and took herself off after snagging one, KfW2 was out with her fiancé so they went off for a dance and a snog as you do and I was left as a kind of third wheel on my own. I don't even recall that there was that much totty about to perv at or chat to. It's at times like this that having a girlfriend would be great - especially when KfW2 makes her relationship with her fiancé look easy, fun and worthwhile (unlike DSC's car crash of a relationship that's enough to put anyone off a relationship)
KfW2's friend returned after a bit because there was something wrong with the one she'd chosen. It appears she's even more choosy than I am! So, with the four of us all together again, the night got better, and the DJ played music that was more in tune with my tastes.
We left late-ish, but before the end and came back to mine for a few more drinks before I called taxis and everyone went home. I had the hangover from hell today (I blame the cigarettes more than the booze), but recovered mid-afternoon.
KfW2 keeps asking if I had a good time. I say I did. I did mostly, apart from that middle period which was only about half an hour, but I'm not sure she believes me.
We left and went to the club. The problem I have with this club is pretty much the music - the actual interior is great, but the music is, IMO, really not my scene. Last night's, as an example, was far too dancey for starters, and that was after KfW2's friend had said that the DJ who was on was playing a wider (less dancey) mix of music than usual.
KfW2's busty young friend was after a man and took herself off after snagging one, KfW2 was out with her fiancé so they went off for a dance and a snog as you do and I was left as a kind of third wheel on my own. I don't even recall that there was that much totty about to perv at or chat to. It's at times like this that having a girlfriend would be great - especially when KfW2 makes her relationship with her fiancé look easy, fun and worthwhile (unlike DSC's car crash of a relationship that's enough to put anyone off a relationship)
KfW2's friend returned after a bit because there was something wrong with the one she'd chosen. It appears she's even more choosy than I am! So, with the four of us all together again, the night got better, and the DJ played music that was more in tune with my tastes.
We left late-ish, but before the end and came back to mine for a few more drinks before I called taxis and everyone went home. I had the hangover from hell today (I blame the cigarettes more than the booze), but recovered mid-afternoon.
KfW2 keeps asking if I had a good time. I say I did. I did mostly, apart from that middle period which was only about half an hour, but I'm not sure she believes me.
Friday, September 14, 2012
The weekend appraches
Tonight is a chilling night. Tomorrow, I'm out with KfW2 and a few others to a club. We're meeting at mine, having a few drinks then moving on. With my new found sense of optimism from last Friday night, I have decided that it will be fun. Maybe not as... ummm... productive as last Friday night, but fun nonetheless. I'll probably have to pop down to Tesco tomorrow and get a few things in. Can't be a bad host!
I also popped round to see M and MM last night and their new baby. A good couple of hours entertainment and chat and catching up. No opportunity, I thought, of mentioning MMBF until the end as I was walking out the door and asked MM to pass on my best to her, which resulted in a weird, knowing smile from MM. I didn't follow it up as it was already late and MM was taking the infant off for a feed.
Also made arrangements for the next weekend to head out with DSC on a proper Saturday night out, though she's promising to stay sober (her utterly useless boyfriend has made his own arrangements for the next five weekends and DSC's complaints that he never takes her out are falling on deaf ears). DSC's cute friend with the great rack has all but disappeared and bar the odd post on Facebook, doesn't figure any more so won't be out. Oh and has recently changed her relationship status too changing whatever outside chance I had of a shag into zero.
I also popped round to see M and MM last night and their new baby. A good couple of hours entertainment and chat and catching up. No opportunity, I thought, of mentioning MMBF until the end as I was walking out the door and asked MM to pass on my best to her, which resulted in a weird, knowing smile from MM. I didn't follow it up as it was already late and MM was taking the infant off for a feed.
Also made arrangements for the next weekend to head out with DSC on a proper Saturday night out, though she's promising to stay sober (her utterly useless boyfriend has made his own arrangements for the next five weekends and DSC's complaints that he never takes her out are falling on deaf ears). DSC's cute friend with the great rack has all but disappeared and bar the odd post on Facebook, doesn't figure any more so won't be out. Oh and has recently changed her relationship status too changing whatever outside chance I had of a shag into zero.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
I had planned to take a night class this year, partly because there are a few things I'd like to be able to do (better) and it's a good excuse to get out of the house for a few hours per week and perhaps meet some new people.
I spent last week trying to get the hold of someone who could tell me more about the course that I was specifically looking for and after a few days to-ing and fro-ing, I had all the details I needed and just needed to enrol.
Except, trying to get information on enrolment was impossible. The website contradicted the email... a brochure on the website contradicted both the website and the email I'd received.
Eventually, after trying to enrol over the phone (I called well over thirty times in three or four days), I took an hour out of work and went to do it personally. The course was full. It had been empty all summer and even when the tutor was emailling me, all places were unfilled, but in the five days since I had been trying to enroll, the course had been maxed out.
To say I was angry was an understatement. I really, really fucking hate academia.
I spent last week trying to get the hold of someone who could tell me more about the course that I was specifically looking for and after a few days to-ing and fro-ing, I had all the details I needed and just needed to enrol.
Except, trying to get information on enrolment was impossible. The website contradicted the email... a brochure on the website contradicted both the website and the email I'd received.
Eventually, after trying to enrol over the phone (I called well over thirty times in three or four days), I took an hour out of work and went to do it personally. The course was full. It had been empty all summer and even when the tutor was emailling me, all places were unfilled, but in the five days since I had been trying to enroll, the course had been maxed out.
To say I was angry was an understatement. I really, really fucking hate academia.
Sunday, September 09, 2012
Sunday blues.
FP cried off last night and GM had already made plans. That's probably a blessing in disguise. I sat in, had a few beers and watched rubbish on the telly. Today, I've been busy-ish. I've done some research for my fitness plan/goals, I've researched a course I want to do at night class this year and I've gotten some stuff done around the house. Not bad for a Sunday. I tried to get S out to the cinema, but he's playing hard to get.
I dread to think the state I'd have been in if I'd gone out and had a load more pints. I'm tired today... still need to catch up on sleep from Friday night, but my head's clear enough that I can do stuff.
I dread to think the state I'd have been in if I'd gone out and had a load more pints. I'm tired today... still need to catch up on sleep from Friday night, but my head's clear enough that I can do stuff.
Saturday, September 08, 2012
Well, I never!
Hmmm... it's interesting where things take you when you least suspect it. After blogging a few posts recently about stepping out of my comfort zone and trying new things - specifically related to KfW2's friend's birthday, the last thing I expected was to go out and sleep with a 26 year old.
This is off the back of a few conversations I'd had elsewhere about body issues (prompted by this post) and self-esteem/confidence.
I got a call last night, late on. Well, not that late, but late enough for me. It was after 10PM and I was just settling in for a night on the sofa and a beer when I got a call from a friend suggesting a few drinks. This was not totally unexpected - we'd made tentative arrangements, but I tend to be quite settled by 10PM and never bother going out once I get into the "settled" mentality. Friday was different - it was a great day here and I had been busy around the house doing bits and pieces so hadn't yet gotten into that settled frame of mind.
I threw on a quick change of clothes and headed out. We had a good night - plenty of chatting and some flirty banter with a few girls - a typical night out with the two guys I was with (S and another guy that the girls find cute - I'll call him GM).
An aside about S and GM - I used to work with them a few years ago. I've known S for a good while now, but GM is someone I've only known for about three years, but he's a good lad. Despite the fact he's ten years younger than me, we do share a lot of things in common, so he's easy to get along with. S is, too, for the most part. We all used to hang around in the same group with KfW and JB, which is how S introduced me to everyone.
We stopped off at a late night greasy spoon for some food and while we were sitting there a reasonably cute, petite, blonde girl came and sat down while her friends got food. For whatever reason, her friends disappeared, leaving her on her own. We didn't figure this out until fifteen minutes later. She claimed she was drunk, but didn't seem it, though was quite flighty and random in her comments. So we sat around the table, chatting and generally having a laugh.
By this point, myself and GM looked to be interested in this girl, but she was definitely making eyes at me. S was, well, I dunno. I dunno if he was interested, but he was IMO, making a dick out of himself. When she went off to make a phone call to see if she could find her friends, GM made a (verbal) tactical withdrawal. We said that we'd stay and make sure she got a taxi whereupon she invited us all to a party, having made contact with her friend.
GM declined and shepherded S away (he was still being dickish, but I think it was drunken dickish rather than deliberately dickish, if you get my meaning), leaving me and the blonde girl. I don't usually turn up to anything on the basis of a third-party invitation (see recent posts about KfW2's friend's birthday), but I knew that MfW2 was having a fuck buddy over for a pre-arranged booty call, so wanted to keep my head down. This is usually where I call things a night - a handy get out clause - but in light of recent conversations, I took the other option, to stay out, to see what happens.
We managed to flag a taxi and get to the party whereupon the girl's friend was being annoying by pretending not to hear the door and refused me entry (despite giving her friend permission to bring all three of us not fifteen minutes previously).
I said that I'd just head home - no harm done - but the blonde girl insisted on making her own way home too as she was pissed at her friend for both abandoning her at the cafe and then being a moron when she showed up.
It turned out that we were both heading roughly in the same way, so we flagged a taxi down with the intent of dropping her off at hers on my way back to mine. It would have been a slight detour. But when we got to hers, she invited me in for a drink, and I accepted. Sometimes I'm clueless about women, but I had noticed the signals and wanted to see how this would pan out.
Suffice to say that the drink didn't last too long before we were sat on her sofa, snogging away. And we weren't doing that too long before things progressed.
As a result, I've had precious little sleep due to a late night finish and an early morning start. I've been spaced out all day and have already potential arrangements with FP tonight for the pub as well that I'm strangely looking forward to, despite the fatigue.
It's unlikely that there will be any further contact with this girl. At 26, I don't think she's relationship material and, well, there is kinda the issue that she thinks I'm eight years younger than I really am.
Friday, September 07, 2012
Oh dear...
First it was clubbing, then it was pubbing, then it was pubbing on a different night to what she'd originally planned... these are all the different things KfW2's friend pondered today at lunchtime for her birthday celebrations.
I was all for pubbing on the Friday night, cos I like pubs and JB would be there, increasing the number of people I would know (plus, JB perving is good).
Then it changed again. We're back to heading out as originally planned, to a club, on the original night... only now everyone is meeting at mine for a few warm up drinks.
Still, a week to go. It could all change again!
I was all for pubbing on the Friday night, cos I like pubs and JB would be there, increasing the number of people I would know (plus, JB perving is good).
Then it changed again. We're back to heading out as originally planned, to a club, on the original night... only now everyone is meeting at mine for a few warm up drinks.
Still, a week to go. It could all change again!
Thursday, September 06, 2012
The golden goal.
Once again I am thinking about getting into shape, losing a bit of weight and regaining some fitness. I have two reasons for this - I am doing a 10K run with the boys next year and I have a foreign holiday to fgo on that I'd like to be able to fit into some nice summery clothes that I currently own, but are not the greatest fitting. Generally being fitter means better sleep at night and better concentration and mental faculties etc. during the day that would be enormously helpful in my line of work.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking to get ripped and run off and do the Insanity P90X routine. What I want is to lose some weight, especially around the midriff and tone up a bit - tighten the tum, get a bit of stength in the arms and become fitter. Importantly, though, I don't want to lose too much weight. I have my reasons for this that I don't want to share publicly at this time.
The amount of information out there is incredible and often contradictory though. About the only thing that everyone agrees on is that diet (note: not "going on a diet") is 80% of weight loss, and 20% exercise. But everything else is at odds with each other - carbs, no carbs? Proteins? Healthy fats? Calorie counting or not? Trying to find a decent eating plan is impossible and, sad to say, my own motivation to do exercise is really poor right now.
So, starting at the weekend, I'm going to try and research an eating plan. Right away I know that I will have to cut out the booze (if stuck, drinking gin and slimline tonic has been recommended in the past by GC) and I will have to cut out my much loved foods of cheese and crisps. The new eating plan will require me to be more stringent about what I buy at the supermarket, doing weekly shops instead of when I need them so that I have time at the weekend to cook my own lunches and always have things in the house so I don't resort to unhealthy snacking.
I've said this before, but I will have to work all this in gradually - stopping the boozing, radically overhauling my diet and rapidly increasing my exercise will not last long if I do them all at once. I need to gradually phase them all in. I'll knock the booze on the head in October for a few weeks as I'm already booked up for the pub for most of this month. The diet thing will probably be the second thing as I see that as taking a good few weeks to research properly, so that means that the first thing I need to to is up my exercise routine - find things I can do in the house without too much impact (i.e. pissing off the downstairs "neighbours") cand turning up to the gym again maybe once or twice a week - and ultimately aimn to be doing something perhaps four nightrs as week for an hour (or more) at a time.
I'm not looking forward to it, but it's something I need to do.
So, after a bit of pondering and a conversation with UHSW, I told KfW2 that I would go out with her to her friend's birthday. I'm still not 100% convinced about it - we're supposedly going to a club that plays music I tend not to like - but I guess that sometimes, it makes sense to go out and do something you wouldn't normally do.
Plus, KfW2 was really pleased that I'd changed my mind.
There's still plenty of time for things to change, so we'll see what happens.
Plus, KfW2 was really pleased that I'd changed my mind.
There's still plenty of time for things to change, so we'll see what happens.
Monday, September 03, 2012
The proposed night out with KfW2 is in danger of being cancelled. The night we were planning on heading out has kinda been hijacked by a friend of KfW2's whose birthday it is. Well, I don't know if it is her actual birthday on the day we had planned to go out, but that's the day she's taking for her celebration. KfW2 guiltily confessed to me earlier that this had happened at lunchtime (while I was out for lunch with GfW).
I kinda brought it on myself because I had said to KfW2 to invite her friend along to our night out, the friend (who I kinda know, having met her a few times as she work in our firm) had said that she was planning on going out the previous week for her birthday, but if we were heading out, could combine the two (or words to that effect - I'm paraphrasing here a little). So KfW2 assumed that I would tag along for her friends birthday. However, I don't think I will... firstly, I don't think it's KfW2's place to invite me to her friend's birthday, even thought it'll be held in a pub/club and isn't private (I'm funny that way - see this post) and secondly, the choice of pub/club is something I don't like - the music is far too dancey for my liking. So, I said that I probably wouldn't go.
KfW2 had started the conversation by suggesting I would be angry (at the choice of venue) but I think she was slightly taken aback when I said that I probably wouldn't go (as I don't know her friend very well) even before the venue bombshell was dropped. I think KfW2 is feeling a little guilty now... and I don't think she should - a birthday for one of her closest friends is a more than acceptable reason to change plans. It's not like she simply had a better offer at the last minute and took it, which really would grind my gears.
There are two weeks to go, so things could change. KfW2's friend could directly invite me out which would probably make me reconsider my position (yes, I really am funny about that) or the venue could change or KfW2's friend could change her mind about the date...
I kinda brought it on myself because I had said to KfW2 to invite her friend along to our night out, the friend (who I kinda know, having met her a few times as she work in our firm) had said that she was planning on going out the previous week for her birthday, but if we were heading out, could combine the two (or words to that effect - I'm paraphrasing here a little). So KfW2 assumed that I would tag along for her friends birthday. However, I don't think I will... firstly, I don't think it's KfW2's place to invite me to her friend's birthday, even thought it'll be held in a pub/club and isn't private (I'm funny that way - see this post) and secondly, the choice of pub/club is something I don't like - the music is far too dancey for my liking. So, I said that I probably wouldn't go.
KfW2 had started the conversation by suggesting I would be angry (at the choice of venue) but I think she was slightly taken aback when I said that I probably wouldn't go (as I don't know her friend very well) even before the venue bombshell was dropped. I think KfW2 is feeling a little guilty now... and I don't think she should - a birthday for one of her closest friends is a more than acceptable reason to change plans. It's not like she simply had a better offer at the last minute and took it, which really would grind my gears.
There are two weeks to go, so things could change. KfW2's friend could directly invite me out which would probably make me reconsider my position (yes, I really am funny about that) or the venue could change or KfW2's friend could change her mind about the date...
Red alert, red alert!
I know I have a problem opening up. Even the person that I trust most in the world, G, has trouble getting information out of me, though he has less problems than most. He was the first that I admitted the E3 conundrum to, for example, but I still have the same issues opening up to him as I do with, for example, QC2. I've known G for pretty much my entire life - at least that part that I can remember. G and I have known each other since P1, when I was... *thinks* ... five? Probably five. Barring one brief period where a girl separated us (by him, I should add, though isn't that often the case?), we've been there for each other.
So when G's partner showed up tonight and mentioned that E3 is getting very broody, especially in the light of M and MM's recent arrival, both G and myself had a bit of a giggle over my actions a few months ago where I put her in a taxi because she was getting a little too friendly.
Don't get me wrong - as a no-strings shag or a bit of a snog and fumble, I'd be right in there, but if she has grander designs then I should probably stay clear, given the fallout from mutual friends.
So when G's partner showed up tonight and mentioned that E3 is getting very broody, especially in the light of M and MM's recent arrival, both G and myself had a bit of a giggle over my actions a few months ago where I put her in a taxi because she was getting a little too friendly.
Don't get me wrong - as a no-strings shag or a bit of a snog and fumble, I'd be right in there, but if she has grander designs then I should probably stay clear, given the fallout from mutual friends.
Saturday, September 01, 2012
The day after.
Yesterday was...eventful. Pretty much all my conversations were female orientated - weddings, breast feeding, clothes, unrequited attraction by a girl. Interesting, but very female-centric. We had our monthly work night which was OK, but we met up with a few ex-colleagues later on and CH arrived down after her own commitments were met.
As usual, CH and I had a good laugh and I think my friend GB might be a bit of a cock blocker in that she was getting very protective of CH last night. I think the chemistry that we share might be a concern to others. It's not to me and I don't think it is to CH, but GB was definitely trying to keep between us last night and was moving conversations away from anything I might try and join to something else (the breast feeding convo for example).
There were a few kisses between us - quick pecks on the lips, not full-on snogging (she is married with kids, so nothing's ever going to happen), I grabbed her boobs for a photo at some point (photo deleted the next morning for obvious reasons), a cheeky bum nip and plenty of hugs. One thing that did cause me to wonder was when she had her arm around me, she would slide it down over my ass rather than remove it normally. This happened more than once, so it's either something she does normally, or she wanted a cheeky feel of my arse. I'm all for that, obviously.
Regardless of that one moment of confusion, it was a great night out all round. Her friend came to pick her up around midnight which was interesting in itself as this was the friend that CH was supposedly going to try and set me up with. Sadly, I don't think she's my type, plus she's a full-time smoker. While I do smoke the odd cigarette and cigar, I'm not a full-time smoker and probably wouldn't want to date one. In fact, the last full-time smoker I dated was CAB and that was nigh on twenty years ago.
Still... a good night out. I met up with DSC this afternoon for a recovery lunch and some aimless wandering about the town, doing little bits and pieces of shopping. That was thoroughly enjoyable.The plan for tonight is to keep my head down, but G is home this weekend and we're definitely meant to be heading out at some point. Usually, this means a few quiet pints on Sunday night, but the odd time it's a Saturday instead (or as well as the Sunday). I don't feel as bad as I should given the booze I poured down my neck last night, but I would probably think that avoiding the pub tonight would be a good idea on my part.
As usual, CH and I had a good laugh and I think my friend GB might be a bit of a cock blocker in that she was getting very protective of CH last night. I think the chemistry that we share might be a concern to others. It's not to me and I don't think it is to CH, but GB was definitely trying to keep between us last night and was moving conversations away from anything I might try and join to something else (the breast feeding convo for example).
There were a few kisses between us - quick pecks on the lips, not full-on snogging (she is married with kids, so nothing's ever going to happen), I grabbed her boobs for a photo at some point (photo deleted the next morning for obvious reasons), a cheeky bum nip and plenty of hugs. One thing that did cause me to wonder was when she had her arm around me, she would slide it down over my ass rather than remove it normally. This happened more than once, so it's either something she does normally, or she wanted a cheeky feel of my arse. I'm all for that, obviously.
Regardless of that one moment of confusion, it was a great night out all round. Her friend came to pick her up around midnight which was interesting in itself as this was the friend that CH was supposedly going to try and set me up with. Sadly, I don't think she's my type, plus she's a full-time smoker. While I do smoke the odd cigarette and cigar, I'm not a full-time smoker and probably wouldn't want to date one. In fact, the last full-time smoker I dated was CAB and that was nigh on twenty years ago.
Still... a good night out. I met up with DSC this afternoon for a recovery lunch and some aimless wandering about the town, doing little bits and pieces of shopping. That was thoroughly enjoyable.The plan for tonight is to keep my head down, but G is home this weekend and we're definitely meant to be heading out at some point. Usually, this means a few quiet pints on Sunday night, but the odd time it's a Saturday instead (or as well as the Sunday). I don't feel as bad as I should given the booze I poured down my neck last night, but I would probably think that avoiding the pub tonight would be a good idea on my part.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Drink! Feck! Arse!
Despite my last post title, I've been meaning to take a break from drinking for a while. This summer has been quite busy, socially, and the next month or so is probably going to be the same. In a conversation today, KfW2 asked me about my plans for the next while and I rattled off a few days that I had planned. Once at the end of this week and another two at the end of September. Originally, KfW2 was meant to be out on Friday, but she's changed her mind. CH is going to turn up though and be extremely drunk. This is going to be tremendously funny. She's good fun and I can't remember the last time we were both drunk at the same time - possibly the first time I ever met her and kissed her (in full view of everyone and a kiss "kiss", not a snog). I think I've mentioned that there is a bit of chemistry between us and we've been described as a mirror image of each other in terms of cheekiness. Anyway, I'm digressing a little...
"That's not bad" I thought to myself. "Maybe I can actually use this to de-tox and formulate the fitness plan that I've been promising myself for months".
Then I remembered that M and MM recently had a little girl and that M is already suggesting pints to wet the baby's head. And a postponed night with KfW2 herself, that we promised ourselves sometimes in September. And FP was asking about a night out, too. And I haven't seen DSC in ages (texted and stuff, but not seen in the flesh). Oh, and QC2 suggested last week that she'd be in contact once she returned from her holidays. This is all socialising that, by and large, will involve alcohol. I can maybe avoid it with DSC by taking her out for lunch or something, but the others are very definitely pub and booze nights.
Even ignoring the health benefits of knocking the booze on the head, there's the cost as well. Laying off the booze for a month is easily worth a couple of hundred quid in my pocket that can be put to good use.
"That's not bad" I thought to myself. "Maybe I can actually use this to de-tox and formulate the fitness plan that I've been promising myself for months".
Then I remembered that M and MM recently had a little girl and that M is already suggesting pints to wet the baby's head. And a postponed night with KfW2 herself, that we promised ourselves sometimes in September. And FP was asking about a night out, too. And I haven't seen DSC in ages (texted and stuff, but not seen in the flesh). Oh, and QC2 suggested last week that she'd be in contact once she returned from her holidays. This is all socialising that, by and large, will involve alcohol. I can maybe avoid it with DSC by taking her out for lunch or something, but the others are very definitely pub and booze nights.
Even ignoring the health benefits of knocking the booze on the head, there's the cost as well. Laying off the booze for a month is easily worth a couple of hundred quid in my pocket that can be put to good use.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Alcohol is great. Not evil.
"Let's go for cocktails," she said.
It was a kind of running joke where we'd seen a bar advertise two-for-one cocktails on a Thursday night and decided that we'd head out some night and try them. That was ages ago. But her fiancé was working and her son was off on his holidays with his dad, leaving her free to do what she wanted.
So we went out for cocktails. We had one each in the first bar, then moved on. That's kinda where the night fell apart (from a cocktails perspective). We tried another bar, but their cocktail menu was poor and went across the road instead to my second favourite bar in the city.
Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your point of view, my second favourite bar does not serve cocktails. So we got stuck into gins instead. We do like our gins, KfW2 and me. And that was pretty much it for the next few hours - we talked, KfW2 asked some questions, and I gave answers. I did mean to talk to KfW2 about her comment from the gig a few days previously regarding not treating her like a female, but there was never a lull in the conversation to shoehorn it in, and I was enjoying the conversation anyway which flowed easily.
The highlight of the night (if you want to call it a highlight) was a thread of conversation we had about my living abroad, which took us on to the subject of FA2 and my relationship with her. KfW2 said that getting the story out of me was like pulling teeth. I think she was being a little unfair. I know that I can have trouble opening up, but my pauses were more to gather my thoughts and to try to not sound bitter and hateful rather than a reluctance to share any of the information. I can't remember what I've said about FA2 here, but I do know there's a draft post somewhere when I was sitting down and trying to get it all out in the open. It's a draft because it's unfinished and also because (like above), I'd rather people judge the entire story based on fact rather than me ranting about it (because I think it paints FA2 in a rather mental light so if I can report it factually, people will see that for themselves).
KfW2 did admit that she thought FA2 was out of line and just a little bit weird, but didn't dwell on it and continued asking questions about whether I really liked FA2 (I did) or if the breakup or the manner of the breakup had put me off relationships (it didn't).
KfW2's fiancée came down about 11PM to pick her up and that's where I should have gone home (i.e. the clever thing to do), but no, I went round to my favourite bar to meet a few friends where we managed to clap eyes on this D-list celebrity:
It's Orlaith McAllister: she's actually really pretty in real life... Anyway, I stayed on for another while, having another few drinks with friends. Let's just say that work wasn't fun in the morning, but it was probably worth it.
I'm aware that this blog could turn into a series of "KfW2 is awesome" posts, and I hope it doesn't (even though she is great and we are spending a bit of time together) but do expect to see her mentioned a bit more over the next few months.
It was a kind of running joke where we'd seen a bar advertise two-for-one cocktails on a Thursday night and decided that we'd head out some night and try them. That was ages ago. But her fiancé was working and her son was off on his holidays with his dad, leaving her free to do what she wanted.
So we went out for cocktails. We had one each in the first bar, then moved on. That's kinda where the night fell apart (from a cocktails perspective). We tried another bar, but their cocktail menu was poor and went across the road instead to my second favourite bar in the city.
Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your point of view, my second favourite bar does not serve cocktails. So we got stuck into gins instead. We do like our gins, KfW2 and me. And that was pretty much it for the next few hours - we talked, KfW2 asked some questions, and I gave answers. I did mean to talk to KfW2 about her comment from the gig a few days previously regarding not treating her like a female, but there was never a lull in the conversation to shoehorn it in, and I was enjoying the conversation anyway which flowed easily.
The highlight of the night (if you want to call it a highlight) was a thread of conversation we had about my living abroad, which took us on to the subject of FA2 and my relationship with her. KfW2 said that getting the story out of me was like pulling teeth. I think she was being a little unfair. I know that I can have trouble opening up, but my pauses were more to gather my thoughts and to try to not sound bitter and hateful rather than a reluctance to share any of the information. I can't remember what I've said about FA2 here, but I do know there's a draft post somewhere when I was sitting down and trying to get it all out in the open. It's a draft because it's unfinished and also because (like above), I'd rather people judge the entire story based on fact rather than me ranting about it (because I think it paints FA2 in a rather mental light so if I can report it factually, people will see that for themselves).
KfW2 did admit that she thought FA2 was out of line and just a little bit weird, but didn't dwell on it and continued asking questions about whether I really liked FA2 (I did) or if the breakup or the manner of the breakup had put me off relationships (it didn't).
KfW2's fiancée came down about 11PM to pick her up and that's where I should have gone home (i.e. the clever thing to do), but no, I went round to my favourite bar to meet a few friends where we managed to clap eyes on this D-list celebrity:
It's Orlaith McAllister: she's actually really pretty in real life... Anyway, I stayed on for another while, having another few drinks with friends. Let's just say that work wasn't fun in the morning, but it was probably worth it.
I'm aware that this blog could turn into a series of "KfW2 is awesome" posts, and I hope it doesn't (even though she is great and we are spending a bit of time together) but do expect to see her mentioned a bit more over the next few months.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Rock on.
I don't know if this hangover is going to decide to kick in properly or just hang about all day on the periphery, threatening to take hold. But the gig I went to yesterday was brilliant, I met with KfW2 and FP and their respective partners mid-afternoon and just went from there.
KfW2 has met FP's wife before and they get on like a house on fire, so she had some girly company.
There's not a lot of detail to go into, really - it was a fun day without too many "incidents". It was a great gig, KfW2 really enjoyed herself - I don't know if she was talking about the gig or the day in general (I think it's the latter), it was great spending time with FP and his wife (who I don't see enough of). I swapped a few texts with AM who was also at the gig, but we didn't meet up, though we've made tentative plans to meet up sometime soon.
There was a funny moment where I'd taken myself off to use the facilities and had triangulated where we were standing, so returned in super quick time, only to drunkenly wander past the guys. It's not like I wasn't seen - KfW2 smacked me in the head and I just looked at her, smiled and dandered on only for her to follow me and pull me back. Oh dear. *embarrassed face*
And a comment made by KfW2 that will require follow up is that she (I think) complained about the fact I didn't treat her as a girl. FP's wife said that I did that to her too. Hmmm. I'm out with KfW2 tomorrow after work. I might bring this up again.
Oh, and on the way out, we managed to meet up with QC2 and her partner. I knew they'd be at the gig, but I wasn't expecting to bump into them. I managed a quick round of introductions (cos KfW2 has recently complained that I don't share enough) before we all went on our separate ways.
KfW2 has met FP's wife before and they get on like a house on fire, so she had some girly company.
There's not a lot of detail to go into, really - it was a fun day without too many "incidents". It was a great gig, KfW2 really enjoyed herself - I don't know if she was talking about the gig or the day in general (I think it's the latter), it was great spending time with FP and his wife (who I don't see enough of). I swapped a few texts with AM who was also at the gig, but we didn't meet up, though we've made tentative plans to meet up sometime soon.
There was a funny moment where I'd taken myself off to use the facilities and had triangulated where we were standing, so returned in super quick time, only to drunkenly wander past the guys. It's not like I wasn't seen - KfW2 smacked me in the head and I just looked at her, smiled and dandered on only for her to follow me and pull me back. Oh dear. *embarrassed face*
And a comment made by KfW2 that will require follow up is that she (I think) complained about the fact I didn't treat her as a girl. FP's wife said that I did that to her too. Hmmm. I'm out with KfW2 tomorrow after work. I might bring this up again.
Oh, and on the way out, we managed to meet up with QC2 and her partner. I knew they'd be at the gig, but I wasn't expecting to bump into them. I managed a quick round of introductions (cos KfW2 has recently complained that I don't share enough) before we all went on our separate ways.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
It's amazing what you can do with Facebook, access to a website and a Google Images plugin for Chrome.
News report.
Last night wasn't the entire disaster that I had anticipated given that my friend S's friends were calling the shots. I gambled a little and went into town half an hour early, to see if the brunette was at my favourite pub. She wasn't, but I kinda caught the eye of this blonde girl, who seemed to be waiting for someone. S text and told me where they were headed and with the brunette not being about, I left to meet him.
We had one drink in this other bar and left because it was dead and went to my second favourite bar. It's really tiny, so we had to queue. Who joined the queue a few people back, but the blonde girl... still on her own. We were in the upstairs bar and unsurprisingly, the blonde girl arrived a few moinutes later. She stood at the bar, nursing a pint of Guinness and making eye contact with me again. Beyond standing beside her at the bar, I never did anything. She did seem to strike up a conversation with another bloke who was standing beside me away from the bar and she sounded English, rather than local. After a while though, she moved away from these people, back to the bar, where the eye contact resumed. I didn't do anything about it, bantered with SD's friends and a few girls around me.
No doubt, when I regale others with this story, I will be slapped and told that she was gagging for it, but I think it's odd that someone would go out on their own. In hindsight, I probably should have made a token effort... something tells me that's all it would have taken.
Overall: pat on the back for being pro-active and seeing if the brunette was about. Kick in the arse for not at least opening a conversation with the blonde.
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Giveth and taketh.
While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen: a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...
Following on from this post I've got my hands on this year's first shortlist for the High Street Honeys award. How will the ladies ...
Today, I decided that it's been far too long since I've seen QC2, so I sent a text message in the hope that she'll reply soon. E...