Sunday, September 16, 2012

Ho hum

Last night was ummm... not as good as I'd hoped it was going to be. It started off well, KfW2's friend (let's call her CC) arrived at mine wearing a very nice dress with a plunging neckline, coupled with a Wonderbra so the goods were very much on display (and she's not a, well, small girl). Eye contact with her was difficult! KfW2 arrived at her usual time (45 mins after she says she will), but the four of us enjoyed a few hours at mine, chatting and having a laugh. Even KfW2 voiced her opinion that she was having enough fun at mine without having to go out to a club, but sadly the decision was not ours to make.

We left and went to the club. The problem I have with this club is pretty much the music - the actual interior is great, but the music is, IMO, really not my scene. Last night's, as an example, was far too dancey for starters, and that was after KfW2's friend had said that the DJ who was on was playing a wider (less dancey) mix of music than usual.

KfW2's busty young friend was after a man and took herself off after snagging one, KfW2 was out with her fiancĂ© so they went off for a dance and a snog as you do and I was left as a kind of third wheel on my own. I don't even recall that there was that much totty about to perv at or chat to. It's at times like this that having a girlfriend would be great - especially when KfW2 makes her relationship with her fiancĂ© look easy, fun and worthwhile (unlike DSC's car crash of a relationship that's enough to put anyone off a relationship)

KfW2's friend returned after a bit because there was something wrong with the one she'd chosen. It appears she's even more choosy than I am! So, with the four of us all together again, the night got better, and the DJ played music that was more in tune with my tastes.

We left late-ish, but before the end and came back to mine for a few more drinks before I called taxis and everyone went home. I had the hangover from hell today (I blame the cigarettes more than the booze), but recovered mid-afternoon.

KfW2 keeps asking if I had a good time. I say I did. I did mostly, apart from that middle period which was only about half an hour, but I'm not sure she believes me.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...