Monday, October 29, 2012


Maybe I'm being unreasonable here, but I have just arrived home from work. UF is currently working a 4-day week due to the recession and, until now, has been preparing for exams, the last of which he completed last week.

That means he's been in the house all day today, presumably scratching his balls. The washing machine is on and by the sounds of it has just started its cycle no more than ten minutes ago. All the lights in the house are on, which is a lot, but he's hibernating in his room as per usual.

None of the house work has been done (UF hasn't lifted a finger since we moved in, well over a year now) and our outstanding rental agreement, which has been sitting on our dining room table for the past three months is still unsigned by UF and MfW.

So, why not do the housework? Mopping the floor of the kitchen, hallway, bathroom and living room is at most an hour's work. Add another hour for giving the place a wipe down with a duster or cloth, emptying the bins etc/ and you're talking two hours, tops, none of which is exactly hard labour.

The washing machine is different - why not do the washing in the middle of the day when no-one's around? Why wait until ten mins before we all (not just us in the apartment, but our neighbours too) arrive home from work? Bear in mind that UF used to put on a wash at half ten at night  that would run for two and a half hours until we had a word, I'm not sure if he's stupid, inconsiderate or being deliberately obtuse.

My gripe above is mainly reporting UF's lack of effort, but I have to say that MfW isn't the world's most pro-active man either, though he does do a little more than UF.

I'm tempted to move on come next year when the lease is due for renewal.

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