Saturday, August 25, 2012

Alcohol is great. Not evil.

"Let's go for cocktails," she said.

It was a kind of running joke where we'd seen a bar advertise two-for-one cocktails on a Thursday night and decided that we'd head out some night and try them. That was ages ago. But her fiancĂ© was working and her son was off on his holidays with his dad, leaving her free to do what she wanted.

So we went out for cocktails. We had one each in the first bar, then moved on. That's kinda where the night fell apart (from a cocktails perspective). We tried another bar, but their cocktail menu was poor and went across the road instead to my second favourite bar in the city.

Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your point of view, my second favourite bar does not serve cocktails. So we got stuck into gins instead. We do like our gins, KfW2 and me. And that was pretty much it for the next few hours - we talked, KfW2 asked some questions, and I gave answers. I did mean to talk to KfW2 about her comment from the gig a few days previously regarding not treating her like a female, but there was never a lull in the conversation to shoehorn it in, and I was enjoying the conversation anyway which flowed easily.

The highlight of the night (if you want to call it a highlight) was a thread of conversation we had about my living abroad, which took us on to the subject of FA2 and my relationship with her. KfW2 said that getting the story out of me was like pulling teeth. I think she was being a little unfair. I know that I can have trouble opening up, but my pauses were more to gather my thoughts and to try to not sound bitter and hateful rather than a reluctance to share any of the information. I can't remember what I've said about FA2 here, but I do know there's a draft post somewhere when I was sitting down and trying to get it all out in the open. It's a draft because it's unfinished and also because (like above), I'd rather people judge the entire story based on fact rather than me ranting about it (because I think it paints FA2 in a rather mental light so if I can report it factually, people will see that for themselves).

KfW2 did admit that she thought FA2 was out of line and just a little bit weird, but didn't dwell on it and continued asking questions about whether I really liked FA2 (I did) or if the breakup or the manner of the breakup had put me off relationships (it didn't).

KfW2's fiancĂ©e came down about 11PM to pick her up and that's where I should have gone home (i.e. the clever thing to do), but no, I went round to my favourite bar to meet a few friends where we managed to clap eyes on this D-list celebrity:

It's Orlaith McAllister: she's actually really pretty in real life... Anyway, I stayed on for another while, having another few drinks with friends. Let's just say that work wasn't fun in the morning, but it was probably worth it.

I'm aware that this blog could turn into a series of  "KfW2 is awesome" posts, and I hope it doesn't (even though she is great and we are spending a bit of time together) but do expect to see her mentioned a bit more over the next few months.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...