Saturday, September 08, 2012

Well, I never!

Hmmm... it's interesting where things take you when you least suspect it. After blogging a few posts recently about stepping out of my comfort zone and trying new things - specifically related to KfW2's friend's birthday, the last thing I expected was to go out and sleep with a 26 year old.

This is off the back of a few conversations I'd had elsewhere about body issues (prompted by this post) and self-esteem/confidence.

I got a call last night, late on. Well, not that late, but late enough for me. It was after 10PM and I was just settling in for a night on the sofa and a beer when I got a call from a friend suggesting a few drinks. This was not totally unexpected - we'd made tentative arrangements, but I tend to be quite settled by 10PM and never bother going out once I get into the "settled" mentality. Friday was different - it was a great day here and I had been busy around the house doing bits and pieces so hadn't yet gotten into that settled frame of mind.

I threw on a quick change of clothes and headed out. We had a good night - plenty of chatting and some flirty banter with a few girls - a typical night out with the two guys I was with (S and another guy that the girls find cute - I'll call him GM).

An aside about S and GM - I used to work with them a few years ago. I've known S for a good while now, but GM is someone I've only known for about three years, but he's a good lad. Despite the fact he's ten years younger than me, we do share a lot of things in common, so he's easy to get along with. S is, too, for the most part. We all used to hang around in the same group with KfW and JB, which is how S introduced me to everyone.

We stopped off at a late night greasy spoon for some food and while we were sitting there a reasonably cute, petite, blonde girl came and sat down while her friends got food. For whatever reason, her friends disappeared, leaving her on her own. We didn't figure this out until fifteen minutes later. She claimed she was drunk, but didn't seem it, though was quite flighty and random in her comments. So we sat around the table, chatting and generally having a laugh.

By this point, myself and GM looked to be interested in this girl, but she was definitely making eyes at me. S was, well, I dunno. I dunno if he was interested, but he was IMO, making a dick out of himself. When she went off to make a phone call to see if she could find her friends, GM made a (verbal) tactical withdrawal. We said that we'd stay and make sure she got a taxi whereupon she invited us all to a party, having made contact with her friend.

GM declined and shepherded S away (he was still being dickish, but I think it was drunken dickish rather than deliberately dickish, if you get my meaning), leaving me and the blonde girl. I don't usually turn up to anything on the basis of a third-party invitation (see recent posts about KfW2's friend's birthday), but I knew that MfW2 was having a fuck buddy over for a pre-arranged booty call, so wanted to keep my head down. This is usually where I call things a night - a handy get out clause - but in light of recent conversations, I took the other option, to stay out, to see what happens.

We managed to flag a taxi and get to the party whereupon the girl's friend was being annoying by pretending not to hear the door and refused me entry (despite giving her friend permission to bring all three of us not fifteen minutes previously).

I said that I'd just head home - no harm done - but the blonde girl insisted on making her own way home too as she was pissed at her friend for both abandoning her at the cafe and then being a moron when she showed up.

It turned out that we were both heading roughly in the same way, so we flagged a taxi down with the intent of dropping her off at hers on my way back to mine. It would have been a slight detour. But when we got to hers, she invited me in for a drink, and I accepted. Sometimes I'm clueless about women, but I had noticed the signals and wanted to see how this would pan out.

Suffice to say that the drink didn't last too long before we were sat on her sofa, snogging away. And we weren't doing that too long before things progressed.

As a result, I've had precious little sleep due to a late night finish and an early morning start. I've been spaced out all day and have already potential arrangements with FP tonight for the pub as well that I'm strangely looking forward to, despite the fatigue.

It's unlikely that there will be any further contact with this girl. At 26, I don't think she's relationship material and, well, there is kinda the issue that she thinks I'm eight years younger than I really am.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...