Sunday, November 04, 2012

When things get interesting, they get interesting.

In the lead up to GB's birthday night out, I was swapping text messages with CH. I'd made a point of deciding that I wasn't going to show up at 5PM like everyone else. I was going to leave it until 6:30 or 7PM before showing up - I had the day off and was chilling out (and kinda recovering from two nights drinking too), but then CH asked when I would be there, so I gave her a rough time.

I was approximately 15 minutes later than I had said to CH, and she had started texting me pretty much as soon as the time had passed that I'd said (even though I'd said that it was only a rough estimate).

When I arrived, I did a lap of the bar, socialising with those that I needed to (teammates etc.) before sitting at the table with GB, MF and CH amongst others.  Eventually, CH and I got into a conversation of our own that covered a wide variety of things including (if I can remember this correctly) CH mentioning that it was predicted that we wouldn't get along. I think people thought that by introducing us, there'd be a lot of friction - the both of us are strong personalities in our own way. However, that wasn't to be the case and we hit it off immediately.

GM and CC were also there and they popped in and out of our conversation from time to time, but for a good while it was just the two of us. Plus, I think CC was shocked at some of the conversation topics. Between visits we were talking about breasts (CH's), boob jobs (CH wants one) and giving your partner a blowjob while he's driving (CH did it, GM and myself have never been on the receiving end and CC never did it). CH is very forthright at times and will quite happily talk about anything at all. At least, I've never heard her being reluctant to talk about anything.

Eventually, it was just CH and I at the bar, doing shots and talking. During the conversation, CH actually asked me to kiss her. No snogging or anything, just a peck on the lips. I was happy to oblige, but I can't help but feel that this is not normal, platonic behaviour and with the night in general being a work thing, I do have to consider the office gossip grapevine to a certain extent.

S then turned up, GM came over, CC popped by and we all had a bit of a laugh. CH then got talking to another friend of ours while I ended up talking to CC, S and GM. I was standing with my back to CH at this stage and, like the last night we were out, she indulged in a bit of surreptitious arse grabbing which I'm sure no-one else saw.

Later, CC asked me outside and proceeded to question me about GM. It's a crush she's had for a while now. KfW2 hinted about it months ago - that a friend of hers (who she wouldn't name) - had a huge crush on GM, but GM is a man who's not single for very long. I answered her questions as best I could, though I did make it clear that he was younger than she thought and that his relationships didn't last very long. CC then asked me about CH... she implied that we seemed to be very friendly. My answer was that CH was married with three kids which seemed to satisfy her curiosity. It's not a proper answer to her question, but she was drunk, so hopefully she'll not give it any more thought.

While it's not an issue to me, I've often just considered that CH and I have great chemistry - but I have great chemistry with other women that's purely platonic - KfW2, DSC etc. We hit it off the very second I sat down at the table with GB during that one coffee break two years ago and while I don't see us as being proper friends (we only see each other at company events and swap the odd banter text message). However, over the past few nights we've been out, I think CH might have something less than platonic going on. I don't think she'll ever act upon it outside of the arse grabbing and the odd peck kiss, and if she ever does, then I'll deal with it then. It's something to be aware of, but  nothing to be worried about, if that makes sense.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...