Sunday, October 28, 2012

Thriller night.

The pub I'd arranged to meet S in last night was practically empty, so we made a decision to head elsewhere. There were two choices - one of my favourite pubs or the club where we went with CC for her birthday.

Sadly, from my point of view, we ended up in the club. I like the club itself, but I hate the music with a passion and the bar staff are not brilliant. To be honest, I did contemplate going home at that point, but for some reason, I decided to stay out.

CC turned up with a couple of friends and she was looking very foxy indeed. It was interesting because S and CC have a date lined up for Tuesday night, so they were circling each other a little bit last night - wanting to chat, but not wanting to because of the date. It also transpired that S hadn't told any of his mates that he had a date with CC.

I was messaging KfW2 throughout the night, giving her updates on the S and CC circling and that continued into this morning. KfW2 was asking if there were any women. I did get chatting to one girl - cute, thin, short-haired brunette who was dressed as a sexy vampire nurses or something, but I went to the toilet then the bar and got side-tracked by a very drunk S who was in danger of making a complete tit of himself and kinda forgot about her.

Things seemed to be going quite well there and I'm surprised that I got sidetracked before I got a number, though I wasn't exactly sober myself. Then again, I do seem to have a blind spot for that kind of thing that I really need to overcome.

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