Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Today was the day KfW2 and myself were due to head out for lunch and drinks... it never happened for reasons that I have previously posted here on BN, but while I was sat in work earlier, she sent a text and asked me to go round. I called in as I was planning on going that way anyway for some Xmas shopping, despite the onset of the dreaded man flu and I met KfW2 and one of her old team-mates. He left after a while to go off for his own Xmas shopping and myself and KfW2 spent a pleasant hour chatting away.

We chat all the time, but it's usually all small talk and rubbish, but when we get away from colleagues and out on our own, we start talking about other stuff... more personal stuff and stuff that we simply don't go near in work.

That's why I was so disappointed when today fell through, but it's also why I enjoyed the hour's worth of conversation that we had...

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...