Thursday, December 20, 2012

Upcoming events

I guilted KfW2 into doing something between Xmas and the New Year as "payment" for pulling out of the Xmas Party at the last minute, so we've made tentative arrangements to meet for lunch and an afternoon of chat a day or so before New Year's Eve.

I'm also meeting DSC this weekend for a late lunch (or early tea, whatever floats your boat). I haven't seen or spoken to her in what seems like ages, so I am looking forward to that.

Other nights I must arrange (or put in motion) in a night out with S, GM etc. and a night out with M and FP and maybe their better halves. I shall do that tomorrow.

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A result! My new yoga mat has already arrived! Sadly, it doesn't come with a carry bag or strap as per the picture on Amazon, but still,...