Tuesday, September 18, 2012

No title necessary.

Recently, my blog hit the 4000 post mark in just over seven and a half years. That's roughly 533 visits per week or just over ten per day. On average, that is. Or is it? I can't remember if that's just from when the counter was started or if it's the entire thing. I prefer to think of it as the entire thing because I am currently too lazy to look at the settings and confirm it one way or the other.

Still, not too many comments though, which is kinda disappointing. Maybe I should just shut down the commenting function and be done with it?

1 comment:

Random Person said...

I think your math may be off, or mine is. Who knows. But, if you want comments then shutting the comment function down is kinda daft, no? Unless your ego is battered by the lack of them, that is.

Do you comment on other peoples blogs that you read, if you read any? And do you comment using your name so it links back here? Tends to be the best way to encourage visits and comments.

(stats can be deceptive though, especially if they include your own visits)


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