Sunday, May 27, 2012

Breaking a sweat.

I took advantage of the good weather today and went out on my new bike. It's only the fourth time I've been on it in about 6 weeks, so I need to make more use of it, but I am now back in the apartment having done about ten miles with a little bit of sunburn, a pleasant ache in the legs from the exercise and have worked up a bit of a sweat.

I like this post-exercise feeling, so I need to do a lot more, whether it's cycling, hitting the gym or playing some kind of sport.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Things I learned or realised today...

  • It's V's birthday. I haven't have a proper conversation with her in years, but I wished her a happy birthday nonetheless.
  • I really need to win the lottery. I have lots of plans, need more time in the day and can't be wasting 8 hours a day in bloody work.
  • I am a lot more unfit than I actually realised. I need to do something about this immediately.
  • Lots of technical things about my work. I could tell you them, but you would call me a nerd.
  • I am too impatient.
  • Despite often complaining about not getting anyone to socialise with, I do actually have a wide, varied selection of friends.
  • Having had a quick peek in at my old online hobby, I can safely say that people are still as up their own arses as they used to be.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Yet another crappy digest.

Nothing ever came about from the E3 situation that I mentioned around a month ago. I haven't seen M or MM, so I haven't been able to gauge their thoughts on E3 or MMBF.

Socially, it's been quiet, but there are a few things coming up that I'm looking forward to. I'm in London this weekend briefly, for a sporting event. It's straight in and straight out the next day, so no time to catch up with anyone sadly, but I have a few mates who live close-ish who I should be able to meet up with for a few drinks after the event.

There are a couple of things planned with KfW2 that should be good fun - a couple of work nights out for starters, plus we've arranged to go on an all day session to celebrate her engagement. It's an interesting way of celebrating, but we've done it a few times and it's always really good fun.

And just as an aside, UF arrived back home on Saturday night (well, Sunday morning) and proceeded to take 45 minutes to go to bed. He's like this all the time - a lot of to-ing and fro-ing from his room with no apparent purpose. It was doubly worse as he had his girlfriend with him and she was just as bad. I mean, what was he (or they) doing? From what I could tell, there was no fucking going on as the patter of feet in and out of the room was pretty constant for the entire 45 mins. The mind boggles... or it would have if it hadn't been 3:30AM and I was trying to get some sleep.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


A little faux pas on a forum I currently frequent has made me take the blog offline for a day or so. Not that any of you can read this right now, but you'll understand when I make it public again.

Things that make you go "hmmmm".

I mean to post this yesterday, but I was having a lazy day and watching Star Wars, so wasn't thinking about blogging. The night out on F...