Tuesday, October 23, 2012

"The one"

While I was waiting earlier for CC to return my call so I could book my trip for KfW2's wedding, I got a somewhat random text message from DSC asking if I thought there was such a thing as "The One". I doubted she meant Neo out of The Matrix and it's a bit deeper than our normal conversations, so I quizzed her on it.

Unsurprisingly, she was referring to the romantic notion of there being "the one" with whom you're destined to meet and marry and all that nonsense. By all accounts, DSC and her useless boyfriend had an argument because he doesn't believe in "the one" but would gladly settle down with DSC (or so he says, I still have my doubts).

Sometimes, it would make life much easier if things like this did exist (mainly because I yearn for a universe where karma is something that's real and happens), but we live in the real world.

Rhetorically speaking, how would you know if you met this mythical creature? Maybe I could make a mint out of "realistic" greetings cards: "You're not The One, but I will gladly settle down with you". "I LUST You". "Happy Birthday, Fuck Buddy".

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