Tuesday, November 13, 2012

More (unexplained) dreams.

I used to be quite friendly with a cute blonde girl who was in my class at school. Apart from Sunday School (yes, yes, I know), we didn't see each other out of school, but we had decent banter and I knew her brother (who went to a different school) from other stuff I did during the week and weekends.

Apart from one night in the pub, about five years ago when I was out with my brother-in -law, I've not seen her in 20 years... and I haven't spoken to her in that time which made last night's dream all the weirder.

We were both at a party, chatting away, but I spent the entire time trying to make a move on her, of which she was oblivious. That was pretty much it as far as I remember... there was no actual ending where I managed to pull her or she rejected me, I think I just kinda woke up.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...