Thursday, December 20, 2012

One step closer?

CH knows a couple of people who work for the same company as we do, but I'm reluctant to call them friends as she doesn't seem to hold them in particularly high esteem and certainly doesn't trust them.

Regardless, I requested their friendship on Facebook earlier today, partly because I took a few snaps of them at the Xmas Party and partly because I know one of them is friends with CB, a girl that I think I would very much like to meet. Sadly though, this is based on seeing her profile on an online dating site a few years ago and one or two fleeting glimpses in bars.

I actually saw her in a bar last New Year's Eve when I was out with GB and GM, but when I was going to try and initiate a conversation with her on my way back from the little boys' room, she had gone.

So, I'm potentially a step closer and I'm sorta wondering how to bring this up in conversation. I don't have a particularly good barometer in deciding that something is brave or stupid or would make a good impression. I remember thinking that calling RB at work was a stupid move but A and AM both told me to just do it regardless of that seeing as it was my only method of contact, and RB subsequently said on the date that she was tremendously impressed by it. Somehow I can't see that me mentioning CB to the mutual friend based on a bit of Facebook stalking has the same ring to it.

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This throat thing is really pissing me off. I had yet another night of little sleep. I was asleep by midnight, awake roughly around 1:30 AM ...