Me, talking about the things that I find interesting or general stuff that's going on in my life.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
The great soap opera
Thankfully, MF set the ball rolling by telling us she was going to a bar with some friends of hers. KfW mentioned that she wouldn't mind going to that bar (and she's good friends with MF), so it looks like we're going with MF's suggestion.
So, there are issues... MfW has been paranoid over the past few weeks about people like MF and a few other girls feeding information back to his most recent ex-girlfriend. I don't believe this for one second, at least, I don't believe there's a conspiracy to give this information to the ex-girlfriend. If/when MfW finds out that our plans for tomorrow night are from MF and others, he might well lose his temper.
From a personal point of view, I'm a little apprehensive because I don't know who MF's friends are, but it's not out of the question that RB will be there. That might make the night, well, interesting, but I'm looking forward to this. There are a few people that have not yet said anything and it would be great if they'd come out with us, so it's fingers crossed.
Dear Landlord... (part 4)
Roll on January when we can find a new house.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Getting my head showered.
While I'm grateful to my sister for her hospitality and it was great to spend a few days running around with my nephews, I'm glad to get back here... to be able to spend time on my own, potter about, do what I want to do and get my head showered.
Tonight, I've got plans for heading out for a few pints with MfW. Tomorrow, I'll try and get M out for something quiet and hopefully something will get organised for New Year's Eve. If there's one night I really don't want to sit in the house, it's New Year's Eve.
Dear Landlord... (part 3)
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Dear Landlord... (part 2)
Monday, December 27, 2010
Dear Landlord...
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Even with the thaw on, the pipes haven't let up and I'm forced to spend another night away from my own bed... the fourth on the trot. All I want right now is a good night's sleep and a couple of days on my own.
My only remaining house mate has been his usual clueless self, to be honest. He's disappeared off for Xmas on Wednesday without informing the landlord that we were having issues. Not that I'm expecting our useless fucking landlords to do anything.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Mild thing, you make... well, perhaps not.
On a side note, MfW asked me if I was planning on making a move on JB because he fancied a shot himself. I told him that I had no interest... I don't. JB is a nice girl, a friend but in terms of something more than that, I can safely say that a) she's the most high maintenance girl I've ever met and b) she doesn't do one night stands (well, beyond a snog).
She's pretty and sexy, but as far as I'm concerned, she's a no-go area.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Xmas Party
For the past few months, I've been considering making a move on a girl from work. She's probably out of my league, but I think she's good company, I think she likes me and she's friends of M's girlfriend (blonde and stunning), so there's a potential to bump into her out of work, too. I've always had this rule about dating co-workers unless I thought there was something special there... well, I've no idea but I think she's worth a shot. Why mention her? Well, she was meant to turn up to the Xmas party, but was snowed in and couldn't make it. Given I was very drunk and very frisky the other evening, I dread to think what I might have done had she turned up.
Monday, December 13, 2010
In a rich man's world...
Hopefully that'll change though. Both the payments for the credit card and the night class both should end this month, giving me a bit more money to play with, plus I've spent a little extra already this month on Xmas presents and a few bills too. In addition, I can see January being a quieter one, socially, giving me more breathing space.
Still, I've seen my savings get eaten into in order to be able to survive to the end of the month, and the rest of the month is going to be busy (i.e. expensive). My finances might be something else I'm going to have to re-evaluate in January.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Party season plans.
I also have an official work night out and another with ex-collegaues from another company (including FBS and D amongst others). I've also suggested meeting up with DSC and possibly CF as well.
Also, before Xmas, I'm expecting to meet up with possibly BW and definitely M (possibly with M's girlfriend) and juggle FP too.
Between Xmas and New Year, I'm hoping to meet up with AM and QC1 and the rest of that group and hopefully, someone will have a party on NYE to end it all off. to be honest, that's the night I'm most concerned about. I really don't want to be sat in on NYE. I don't think it's likely, but the concern is there.
That should keep me busy outside of the usual family stuff that goes on and keep my mind off the other stuff.
I'm having concerns
We were chatting yesterday and I genuinely feel sad for her because of her boyfriend situation. He's just either useless or clueless or a combination of both and she's settling for this because she thinks she can't do any better because (her words) "of the baggage I carry around with me". She means her kids.
I believe in all of my friends. I really don't think anyone should settle and I don't believe that a relationship where all you ever do is cry or are critical of your boyfriend or are trying to get your boyfriend to meet you halfway is a good relationship. And because of that, I am really concerned.
Sunday, December 05, 2010

I do miss E, sometimes quite a lot, but I know she's happy. She's coming home next year for a bit and I'm already looking forward to it. I'll take a few days off again, well meet up and have fun.
Saturday, December 04, 2010
Knowing me, knowing you... AHA!
The new team-mate was quite shocked that I knew, suggesting that she'd been deliberately keeping things under wraps regarding her relationship with KfW, but my opinion is that it doesn't matter to me as long as it doesn't hugely influence my relationship with the new team-mate.
I predict that she'll have questions about it next week.
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Party season begins.
I'm out with work tomorrow night and I'm looking forward to it, with the possibility of more this weekend, should the snow stay away.
Party season is good... plenty of potential to meet new people etc.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Talk about leaving it to the last minute...
While I get along with him just fine, I will be really, really happy to get him out of the house. The only disappointment is that he'll not be replaced and the remaining house mates are forced to find somewhere new as a result of him leaving.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Just waffling.
I went out for a walk earlier, mainly to get some fresh air as I've not left the house since arriving home on Friday evening. I love the snowy weather. I love the sound and feel of the crunch under foot as I walk along the street, the way that the whole place looks brand new with the smallest of snowfalls. It's also quieter... the snow muffles a lot of sound, but there are less people out and about and, go out after dark, and you might well be the only person on the planet. Even now, looking outside, and the snow reflects every piece of available light and it's not completely dark. In a few days, it will all thaw, turn to slush and the real world will return, but for now it's just magical.
Minor, unimportant new updates.
Also, messy house mate was due to move out this weekend, but so far I've seen no evidence that he's done any packing, never mind moved any stuff out of the house. I know he's here... I've heard him skulking around, but I don't hear enough movement to suggest he's actually packing. I bet he went to the toilet then went back to bed. He's a man who can easily stay in bed until tea time.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Work totty.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
More landlord fun.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Facebook recommends...
Friends recommend...
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Meh. Again.
I’ve been very “meh” this month... while things were trundling along nicely, there’s been the odd (some might even say inevitable) hiccup. That seems to have been the way it’s gone over the past few years – things go well, then there’s a setback. This time, it’s nothing serious. To be honest, they rarely are, but that doesn’t stop it from knocking me for six. The housing thing, the dating thing, the MfW thing has all cropped up in the past three to four weeks just to knock me out of my stride. This, I think, has been reflected in my blogging over the past two months where I simply don’t have the energy or enthusiasm to blog as much as I had in the early part of the year.
In addition, the fitness thing has tailed off again due to injury. I keep meaning to see my GP about perhaps getting some physio, but I keep getting side-tracked by work.
I'll have to sort this out this week.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Over the past few months, MfW has been my pub partner, often just the two of us heading out. MfW split up with his last girlfriend in July and since then I think it’s pretty safe to say that he’s had the horn something shocking. Nearly every weekend has seen him get in contact to go to the pub primarily to go on the pull and primarily looking for a shag, not specifically looking to meet someone new.
Ordinarily, things can go smoothly, but MfW has an Achilles heel – whiskey. When he drinks whiskey, he gets stupid. Whiskey seems to be a weakness for a lot of people. A friend’s friend got very violent on whiskey and stopped drinking it. MfW doesn’t get violent, but he can get selfish and he can be a liability in terms of trying to stay in the pub. MfW's problem is bad/stupid behaviour, not violence. Let’s not forget, it was MfW that ruined the night with NM by scaring her and her friend away
A group of us were out on recently for an occasion and MfW started on the whiskey early. Within 90 minutes of us arriving in the pub, he had deliberately nudged a friend into a group of strangers, made one of our female friends cry because of some kind of paranoia, threw his drink over a chair for no reason and ten minutes later, the straw that broke the camel’s back, tried to mop up the spilled drink with my brand new winter coat. Only my return from the toilets, catching him on, stopped him from doing it.
Suffice to say, I finished my drink and left. He sent a few text messages apologising and stuff and tried to call, but I didn’t pick up. I sent a message telling him I’d speak to him later, but there was no point in talking to him at that time. I tried calling yesterday, but he didn’t pick up and hasn’t tried to call back. We’ll have to see what this week brings.
MfW needs to be told that his behaviour was beyond unacceptable and that he needs to stop drinking whiskey. It'll be interesting to see if he pays attention to me and the rest of his friends.
Monday, November 08, 2010
The weekend just past.
The next morning, MfW and the other bloke were telling us stories of “the greatest night out, ever” but I wasn’t buying it. It really sounded like they were trying to talk themselves into it rather than make us jealous. Still, the last laugh was on us as MfW and the other one suffered greatly all day Sunday, including our flight home.
Friday, November 05, 2010
Weekend plans.
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Useless people. FFS.
However, arriving home later that evening, the entire house was spotless. Every room had been entered, even my room which had its doors closed and is off limits to everyone. Why would a potential new housemate want to see our bedrooms?
The answer arrived the next morning as I scoured sites like Gumtree looking for the landlady’s advert for our new flatmate… the viewing wasn’t for a new flatmate, but the house had been put up for sale again.
I fucking want to kill this woman. She has been the wrong side of absolutely useless ever since I moved into the house. It has taken over 9 months for her to get us a key for the back door (meaning our only access into and out of the house was the front door). Even then, all she did was replace the lock, meaning we could get out the back door, but have no access in through it. It has taken her over a year to fix a leak in the shower and a lack of main lighting in the communal areas of the house, and when the work was carried out earlier this year, it was only done so the landlords could put the house up for sale.
We always knew that the house would be put up for sale again, so it’s not really that which is annoying me. It’s the lack of contact and that we had to find out for ourselves that’s really annoying me on top of the fact she wouldn’t fix reasonably serious issues in the house for us, but did it quickly when she wanted to sell the house.
I was absolutely livid yesterday, something I mentioned to the remaining flat mate, and he was surprised. He says that he’s used to it, but really, the entire situation is just a lack of manners. We’re going to have to find somewhere new and this time it should be easier to find somewhere as it’s now only two of us looking for a place with two double rooms, rather then looking for three double rooms as it was earlier in the year (with little success).
I’m still waiting to hear from the landlord regarding the house being up for sale. I’m not holding my breath though.
Monday, November 01, 2010
Boo! (or boooooooooo).
And, well, that's exactly what happened. The only downside, as I saw it, was that 95% of the pub time was spent in student or "old men's" boozers, so the potential for meeting people was pretty much zero.
It's kind of annoying because Hallowe'en is one of those times it's easy to meet people, so I view this as a missed opportunity. The gig was good though.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Questions, questions.
I pointed out Date No. 1 to DSC a few nights ago, as an example, and DSC thought she was out of my league, but Date No. 1 made the contact there. At the same time, DSC pointed out a woman she thought looked perfect for me. A woman that I thought was very reminiscent of NM from a month or so ago. My argument was that I considered Date No. 1 and NM to be of comparable prettiness on my own personal scale, so how one was out of my league and the other was "perfect" was a mystery to me.
DSC then switched tack and said that Date No. 1 was too young for me while the NM-like person was around my own age. Date No. 1 was/is five years my junior, but that put her at the lower end of the age range that I would find acceptable in dating. I had messaged younger while on PoF, but really I was just expanding my target group to maximise potential replies. The amount of women in my target age group that matched my criteria was very few.
While I like DSC to be forthright, I don't think her criticism in this case is valid. I don't know if she will have changed her mind with the extra information I gave her, but it has caused me to think about who I might have missed with my targeting of women that I though were attractive. It's important to me to have that spark of attraction, so why would I message women that weren't giving me that vibe? Was I sabotaging myself by picking women that are construed to be out of my league? Admittedly, I wouldn't have chatted up some of the PoF girls in the bar if I were out, but there have been a few that I consider to be as pretty as Date No. 1/NM with decent results.
I don't know. I'll have to give this a ponder.
Another sighting.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Online dating... WTF?
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Another blast, from a recent past.
One point of interest is that I saw Date No. 1 while we were hunting for a taxi home. I haven’t seen her since our date, and she was looking quite cute. I didn’t stop to talk to her though – just a nod and a smile of recognition from the both of us and we were on our way.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Another change is imminent.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
A blast from the past... Part 2
Only a few years ago my mum told me that I had actually asked her out, but that's just pure balls. I never did, but I can imagine that my crush was nowhere near the secret I thought it was.
Well, out of absolutely nowhere, a friends request has come in from her. I haven't seen her in easily twenty years, possibly more. No comments or messages... just a friend request.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
A few interesting coincidences.
The second is that I think KFW is interested in me. Her friend spent a lot of Friday night asking me if I'd date KFW, then when she was leaving, KFW's hug lingered a little more than those she gave to the others. Interesting times.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
As a result, the smelly, untidy housemate has hinted that he's going to move out, possibly to his girlfriend's, possibly to his parents'. That might put us in a quandary as our landlords are (eventually) looking to sell the house. If we lose a house mate, they might take this opportunity to put the house back on the market, then we're left looking for a place. I have seen a fair few places at a price I am willing to pay, but my flatmate probably won't go the extra few quid required to get a really nice, modern place.
Could be another frustrating few months ahead.
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
More online frustrations.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
A blast from the past!
In addition, I also saw Pretty Blonde at lunchtime. It’s been a while (almost three years if I recall correctly), but a quick refresher is that she was someone I was mildly interested in while she worked at the same company as me a few years ago. I haven’t seen her since she left, though. PB was looking very well today.
Finally, another girl that works in our company is taking a career break. If she didn’t work for our company, I’d definitely be interested in her – intelligent, tall, sexy, good figure, pretty and a lovely smile. We’ve had some decent banter on odd occasions, but nothing to suggest that anything might go anywhere beyond that. There’s an outside chance I can see her out of work though as she’s friends with M’s girlfriend.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
DSC says it's a winter thing... she doesn't like being single during the winter. I can't say I've ever noticed something like that - the single thing - but it's something that's definitely annoying me at the moment.
No contact from QC3, though if I recall correctly, it's her birthday today. I expect her to be in contact very shortly though.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
In other news, it looks like the work being carried out on the house is going to continue for at least another two weeks. Personally, I thought the jobs were two weeks of work, full stop. I’ll be having words with the landlord about this as four weeks for the work they’re doing is unacceptable.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Stig of the House
The QCs
Semi-related to QC1, following on from this post, I’ve yet to hear back from QC2 or QC3. The QC2 thing is starting to get slightly annoying as emails are disappearing into the ether. I want to meet up with her, but the thing that’s annoying me is the lack of replies, not the lack of going out for a drink with her.
I’ve also decided that I’m going to get into the online dating thing again. DSC has been trying to talk me into it for the past month or so and I’ve resisted, but the being single thing is slowly creeping up to annoying levels again. I’ve said it before that most of the time, it’s not an issue, but it does pop up every now and again. The recent Near Miss thing has kicked it all off again, I think. DSC has offered to come and help me build a profile for a site… probably PoF or Match as she seems to have had lots of joy in getting messages if not dates. That was my issue last time… the lack of contact either by way of replies to my own initial contact or people getting in contact with me.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Once the work on our house has been complete, I'm going to seriously look at my diet. I would like to lose some weight over the next few months, and I'm doing the exercise, but I think my eating habits are all wrong. There's no point in doing anything now seeing as our house is like a building site right now and the cooker doesn't even work properly. Once those are sorted, then I'll look into it. I've already done some reading, so I have a rough idea of what's required.
Friday, September 17, 2010
A thought popped into my head...
Now I'm off out to the pub!
A coincidence?
There was an emotional response, but I can't honestly tell you what it is. Unlike DSC telling me about bumping into a recent ex of hers, this wasn't dislike or anxiety though, but I can't put my finger on it.
In two separate conversations later on with DSC and KFW, I tried explaining that I was angry with myself for feeling anything when seeing RB... after all, it was only a couple of dates, tops, and some semi-naked fumbling.
KFW talked more about RB as she's met her a few times, as seen in this recent post. Some of the stories were unsettling. KFW was trying to surmise if RB was back in the city for a holiday or more permanently. RB appears to have more than a few issues, though some of RB's so-called issues are not really issues. Dating a married man in my opinion is not a sign of "issues", but something else - a different moral code, perhaps? Not according to KFC though. It was interesting hearing a different point of view about RB, even if it was concerning. KFW did suggest that she didn't think RB was a good match for me, personality-wise. That's hard for me to say because KFW probably knows her better than I do, but apart from showing the odd bit of "interesting" behaviour, she seemed like a perfectly likeable young lady. KFW described her as being moody, bitchy and immature amongst other things.
The DSC conversation was slightly different. I was speaking to DSC more because I was annoyed at myself for having an emotional response rather than anything else. I thought DSC would be more critical, but she was actually supportive and suggested that having an emotional response isn't a bad thing. Acting upon it is completely different though. Acting upon it is going to be difficult if she's still living in London though, and I'd be very surprised if she had moved back home permanently, so soon after moving away.
I did mean to ask MF if she knew if RB was home this weekend, but I never got the chance to speak to her, sadly. I think RB might be home for a local sporting event, but I'm not 100% sure. I'll maybe ask MF next week if she was home, though for what purpose, I've no idea. Satisfying my own curiosity, really.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
All the Qs
I've made tentative arrangements to see QC1 next week for lunch. She's always good company and reasonably reliable and I'm still kinda intrigued by the blind date she wants to set me up on. I think I already know who it is, so I really want to avoid a blind date scenario, but let's see what happens... if it happens.
I haven't heard from QC2 in ages... months, in fact. I sent her an email today to see if she fancies meeting up for a chat and a drink. I know she's going to be busy... she hits a milestone birthday before the end of the month, so she might not be able to come out, but the offer's out there.
QC3 is a weird one. Until recently, I hadn't heard from QC3 in years. The last time I remember speaking to her probably would have been 2003. Bloody hell... seven years and then all of a sudden it's suggestions for meeting up for drinks or lunch etc. Part of me is confused because this is all a bit sudden, but at the same time, she used to be a good friend and someone I was interested in, so why not just meet her?
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Random girls.
Weird vibes
The only other point worth mentioning is that M was in the same bar with his girlfriend and a few other people. I seem to remember a couple of cute ladies, too, but as I was out with CF and DSC, I really couldn't give them the time to get to know them better, even though one of them was really quite cute. I popped across for a brief chat, but nothing more than five minutes, sadly.
I had promised DSC, after a bit of lecturing, that I would try and at least go looking for potential dates this weekend, but Friday was a washout (and a work night out, so looking wasn't really an option) and CF's own less-than-happy mood meant that I didn't get to go looking.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
An interesting conversation.
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Housing progress.
On a similar subject, one of my housemates has recently gotten engaged, so I reckon he could be out of the house by Christmas. Seeing as it’s the messy one, I’ll not be sad to see him go and getting in a new housemate should be interested, if nothing else.
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Another wedding.
Thursday, September 02, 2010
I'm still a little confused as to why I'm invited out. CF and I have hit it off (platonically at least), but we've only met a few times. I barely invited DSC out to my birthday and we've become quite close in the ten months or so that we've known each other.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
A long, but enjoyable weekend, finishes.
MfW turned up later and we eventually crashed back at mine for a few beers and some late night chat. I found out some interesting things about co-workers which was entertaining, but nothing that will ever be made public. It was interesting having a chat with MfW though. He's recently broken up with his girlfriend of about two years, but is looking for someone already rather than something physical. I did joke with him about him spoiling my chances a few weeks ago with NM, but that wouldn't stop me from heading out with him again.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Moving on.
The gig was amazing. I'd spent all day not really feeling the excitement, but once there, it all kicked in. A few quiet drinks with a couple of mates was food fun, but low key. The supposed big night of the weekend turned out to be the most disappointing. It was disorganised and the people involved were, well dicks. The stag suggested a pub (the one where I met NM), there were a few dissenting voices, but no real reason why we shouldn't go. Fourteen of us managed to get in, except for the best man who wasn't allowed in as he'd worked there before... a fact he'd neglected to tell us. The party went across to that trendy bar I was in last week while me and a mate stayed behind "accidentally".
I did keep an eye out for NM or her friend, but I saw neither. I had hoped, a little, that she would be there last night. After all her friend has been there a few weeks running, so I'd hoped she would pass on the message that she'd seen me and NM would turn up herself. That was clutching at straws a little, I think, and as she wasn't there last night, I'm going to have to give up on NM and look elsewhere. Time to have another conversation with DSC, I think.
Friday, August 27, 2010
What do you want?
"I sense a bit of frustration... LOL"
Which is true. I am incredibly frustrated and the incident with NM recently has really not helped matters... so close, but so far. I replied:
"Yes, that's fair to say. NM hasn't helped."
"I can imagine. So are you looking for a shag, fun dating or to meet someone?"
Interesting question from DSC.
"All of the above? I like dating. It's fun. If I can get a few dates and the odd shag along the way of meeting someone, I'll be happy"
"LOL. You'll be lucky"
Hmmm... not exactly what I wanted to hear, but is it really so unlikely or unrealistic?
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
I fucking hate when this happens - UPDATE
I am annoyed, but less so given that the cute friend wasn't going to be there. And it's about time the cute friend got her own tag, so it's CF from now on.
I fucking hate when this happens.
There are two things wrong with this picture. The first is that I have no say in the matter. Heading out tonight for a drink and a chat was my idea, and it was my idea to being along her cute friend, to try and get her to break her routine of always staying in during the week. DSC suggested that I might bring out a few mates, to expand her own social circle and generally make the night more fun. The second is the person that’s she’s invited.
Where I do have issues is that DSC’s arbitrarily inviting along people without really asking if it’s OK. She did this before, when I had suggested we (me, DSC and the cute friend) go out at the end of June. She invited other friends, changed the venue and when I did show up, there were another four people there that I had no knowledge of. The fact that she’s done it again with someone I don’t particularly like, is a double whammy.
I’m considering not going out tonight now.
Monday, August 23, 2010
The weekend, rescued!
The conversation with DSC was good, it was a nice day outside and things were just nicely chilled. Over luncha dna few drinks, we touched briefly on my own lethargy, but I still don’t really understand it myself, so couldn’t explain why I was in that mood to DSC. She also suggested that I try online dating again, and I really am not in the mood right now, but I suggested we leave it a few weeks and have another go. DSC got plenty of action on Plenty of Fish, so if I get her involved in my profile, who knows what might happen?
By coincidence, G was also asking about my dating status. I explained to him that it was all a matter of minor dalliances at the moment, but that I was looking a little more seriously than I had in the past. He wanted to know why and I explained that I was simply fed up of being single.
I’m meant to be meeting up with DSC and her cute friend on Wednesday, so I expect this topic to be raised again, not only with myself in mind, but DSC’s cute friend too as she’s currently single and looking (albeit in a weird and twisted way).
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Meh. And lots of it.
DSC had demanded that I go on the pull last night and after last week, I was really up for it all this week, but after being in that place for an hour and trying to scope out interesting looking women, I really couldn't be arsed. Plus, with no wingman to help me along, I was never going to go out there on my own. Both M and myself contacted G to see if he was going to come join us (and he makes an excellent wingman), but he never returned our texts and calls.
I quit early and, on the way to get a taxi, stopped into the bar where I met NM last week. I bumped into her friend (as she was leaving), but NM was nowhere to be seen. I had a quick drink then went home. DSC was texting me and we had a text chat for about an hour about my general feeling of lethargy.
I woke this morning with that feeling still present, along with something else. I don't know what. Disappointment, perhaps, as this weekend had promised so much but has spectacularly failed to deliver.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Fun times ahead.
Tonight, I've got a gig to go to - Stereophonics - which I'm looking forward to. I'm going with a few old work colleagues from the past, including GfW.
Tomorrow is M's girlfriend's birthday, where DSC has demanded I go on the pull, along with the very long shot of NM being in the pub we met in last week, plus a mate's band is playing too. Saturday should be a really good night and I'm looking forward to it already.
A last minute addition to the weekend is meeting G on Sunday night. M will be out as will FP (shifts permitting, of course) plus various wives/girlfriends.
All in all, it's a packed weekend... the first of about three or four on the trot. It's going to cost a small fortune, but I'm hoping it will be great fun.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Further options now appearing.
The only issue is how I'm going to fit in my quick journey to the pub to see if NM is about. DSC still thinks it's a good idea, but I'm not entirely convinced she'll be there. The upside of all this social action is that the thing with M's girlfriend and my mate's band are all in the same area of town as the pub where I met NM, so I could possibly do it all. I still have to figure out the logistics though.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Decisions, decisions.
Physically, I don't really have a type. I've dated all sorts in equal measure over the years - tall, short, blonde, brunette etc. NM was medium height, thin and blonde and very pretty. I do have a preference - tall, athletic brunettes, but I've not dated the same type of woman often enough to say I have a type.
It's the non-physical stuff that I'm not sure about and would like to know more... assuming she shows up on Saturday night. QC1 and DSC are pretty convinced she will. I, on the other hand, am not.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
A girly suggestion.
NM lives too far away for starters - at least twenty miles and I don't own a car - and I think she has kids. I've never been too keen on dating someone with kids. I've yet to make my mind up about whether I want kids of my own, so dating someone with kids of their own strikes me as being, I dunno, weird? Hypocritical? Plus, there was a lot of small talk rather than anything deep and meaningful, so I don't actually know her that well.
Anyway, their theory is that if NM is keen, there's a very good chance that she'd return to the same bar to see if I was about. She did seem keen, I will admit. There were hints from her about coming back to mine, and I am interested in her physically. But my own thinking is that if she really is interested enough to go back to the bar to find me, then a simple, no-strings shag or two is not what she's after. This is where my concerns are.
Maybe it's worth showing up to get to know her a bit better anyway, clarify the kids thing? Who knows how things might turn out?
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Cock blocked by a mate?
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Being stubborn.
I'm still confused as to why DSC doesn't suggest we at least have a date. I don't know if she thinks I'm actually interested, but we're both single and DSC wants us both to meet someone. If it were me, I'd suggest it to both of us. We both get on well, there's some banter whoch can mean some sparks and certainly a few people have commented on Facebook that we do spark off each other. So what if we have a date and there's no spark? At least we can say we tried.
Maybe I should forget DSC and see if I can get her friend out and see what happens?
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Busy times ahead.
Those are all plenty of good opportunities to meet new people, but I still quite fancy a crack at DSC's friend.
DSC also mentioned in a recent conversation that she thinks I need to meet someone...
"I think you need someone... even if it's just for the company"
Maybe she's right? There's only so far that friends can take you, after all.
Saturday, August 07, 2010
An eventful weekend.
I'd also spent a lot of time chatting to DSC via text and she was telling me that her friend, the one that's piqued my interest recently, has a date tonight. I'm still confused because, while there's no huge pang of attraction, the fact she's going on a date is very disappointing to me.
Still requires more pondering. DSC is still refusing to link me and her friend together, despite trying to get both of us to consider heading outside of our dating safe zones.
On the other hand, I have a night out with FP and a few of his friends tonight. Should be a good night but I hope it's not a big night out. I had that last night and really can't do it twice in a row anymore.
Giveth and taketh.
While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen: a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...
Following on from this post I've got my hands on this year's first shortlist for the High Street Honeys award. How will the ladies ...
Today, I decided that it's been far too long since I've seen QC2, so I sent a text message in the hope that she'll reply soon. E...