Thursday, April 02, 2020

Walky talky.

As is normally the case, one train of thought tends to lead to another. So, in thinking about old school crushes, I got on to thinking about another specific crush. She was possibly my biggest crush at school (out of around 4 main ones, one of which was E3).

That's an aside to this though. During that time, FP and I would entertain ourselves with long, rambling conversations about all sorts. We'd cover business ideas, women, cars, travel... everything really. But these weren't conversations locked away in our respective bedrooms... we'd go out walking. Night after night, and my memories are mostly of winter time, we'd roam the area, covering 10 km or more each time.

One of our favourite routes took us past a friend's house (she would eventually go on to be the crush described above).

Talking to FP earlier and we were reminiscing about our walks. If we weren't currently on pandemic lock down, I daresay FP and I would have done a similar walk for old time's sake.

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