Monday, April 20, 2020


For ages, I'd always cited a small, brunette girl from primary school as my first-ever crush. We lost contact after primary school until late in our teens when our paths crossed again, briefly. For about a month and a half, we bumped into each other two or three times a week. It was actually completely unreal. Then she disappeared again until she sent a friend request on Facebook a few years ago. She looks different now, but she's still attractive in my opinion.

However, it dawned on me today that while she was my first crush, she wasn't my only crush from that class. I'd completely forgotten about her. When trying to remember what she looked like, the only thing I could think of was The Mother from "How I Met Your Mother", actress Cristin Milioti. I don't remember details, but the shape of the face I think is why my memory is jogged that way.

I've just had a quick look on Facebook. I doubt she's kept her surname - I assume she's married or something but she's not showing up as a friend of anyone else I went to primary school with. She's one of only a few people from primary school that I'd like to meet again.

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