Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Just stuff.

CC turned up to collect her return label and immediately wanted into the house. Sigh. I knew this would happen. I've spoken to her at length about social distancing, but she just ignores it. I kinda feel guilty because of her mental health, but she's the one living with elderly parents and on the off-chance that I am an asymptomatic carrier, I really don't want to be putting her parents at risk.

She threw a huff and stropped off into my back garden whereupon she spent a good twenty minutes telling me what to do with my garden. Why is it that everyone is an expert on things? My cousin, a few days ago, was exactly the same and he's not even seen my house but could tell me how to do everything.

CC did look good, dressed in yoga pants and a reasonable tight top showing off her figure in a way I don't recall she's done before. She also had an ass too. I presume that's the gym paying off, but she never looked like that in her jeans and baggy top which is her usual attire.

Still, as good as CC looks, as soon as she starts talking, then the illusion all falls apart. She has a habit of making a conversation sound like a lecture, which I find extremely off-putting.

I had an eye on the clock too. There was an outside chance that KfW2 was going to call round. I've not seen KfW2 in, what, six weeks at least, and if I am being honest, our communication hasn't been great - semi-random text messages and some short chats over IM.

I didn't want CC and KfW2 bumping into each other, mainly from the CC perspective.

KfW2 did turn up, but not until well after CC had gone. She was extremely paranoid that someone would see, even though we were adhering to the social distancing directions. KfW2 does sometimes get very self-conscious about what other people think. Regardless, we ended up chatting for probably about 90 minutes. That's easily the most human interaction I've had and I think it made me realise that I'm not coping with the isolation as well as I'd thought.

I sent her a quick message this morning, thanking her for calling round and I think she really appreciated it. KfW2 suggested that she might call round again, soon-ish as she's going to be in the area a bit more over the next few weeks. I told her that she'd be welcome whenever.

That's true. She knows I value her friendship. Maybe it's time for a reminder.

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