Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The weight loss journey: update.

So far, the calorie counting hasn't been as troublesome or as difficult as I'd imagined. Long may that continue. MyFitnessPal has also encouraged me to manage my water intake as well, which I was appalling at.

Over the past week, I've noticed my sleep quality improving. I haven't woken up in the middle of the night which I have been doing a lot of, for quite some time actually.

The only other thing is the exercise. That's on hold for a few days. A... errrmmm... chafing issue has put paid to that. I can probably get back to it on Friday or so. I should be upping my game by introducing yoga to the mix anyway, on top of my lunchtime walk. At least, once I get to grips with the calorie counting.

I've started eating breakfast and that's helping a lot. It means I'm not as hungry at lunchtime and that carries through to tea-time. Food is the key, though. I'm not sure the Huel is too helpful as it really doesn't give me the sensation of having eaten anything.

I'll have to take a look at some of my favourite recipes and work out their calorie counts so incorporate those into my new, calorie-tracked diet.

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