Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Hair today, gone tomorrow.

I mentioned in a previous post that, due to pandemic boredom, I was growing out my hair and my beard. It's been a while since I had my hair "long". In fact, I can date that back to probably the mid-90s where I had tended towards longer hair than not until I confessed to QC2 one particular hot summer that I was considering getting it cut really short. Not completely shaved off, but close to it.

"Ooooh," cooed QC2. "I think it would suit you. Do it!"

And the decision was made. I had a massive crush on QC2. If she thought I suited short hair, then I would do it (though I was pretty much already decided). Also, I'm a sucker for a pretty face, as USHW has often commented.

"I was thinking about getting my belly button pierced" she said. "If you get your hair cut short, then I'll do that."

Pierced belly buttons are/were a turn on. I don't know if QC2 was encouraging me to get my hair cut or just using me as an excuse to get her navel pierced.

"OK, agreed!" We shook on it.

Within a short while - no more than a couple of weeks, I had been to the barbers and had my hair cut short all over and it felt really good. I liked how it looked too. QC2 was equally as complimentary when I turned up to work, and ran her fingers over my head. Nothing was said about her side of the conversation until another few weeks had passed and we were out on one of our infrequent nights out with Friction Guy.

In a dark corner of the pub, on the way to the bar, QC2 pulled me to the side and lifted her top. She had an amazing flat tummy - in itself a physical trait I really like - but also showing off a belly ring.

"I had it done a week ago!" she said. She looked really pleased with herself. "Do you like it?"

"I do!" I declared. "I really like belly rings. Yours is nice." I shied away from called it "sexy", obviously.

I never made any moves on QC2, and I never saw the belly ring ever again (QC2 neither showed it nor wore anything exposing her midriff), but from that time onward, I've always tended to keep my hair shorter than I had done in the past. Now that I'm growing it out, I wonder why it took me so long to get it cut short. Longer hair, even if only by a centimetre or so, is much more of a pain in the ass than a short cut.

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