Monday, December 24, 2018

The money.

"I'm still hungover" grumbled KfW2 as she collected me.

"Hungover?" I was puzzled, then the penny dropped. "Ah, your Mums' Night Out"

"Yeah. A bottle of wine and I still feel like crap, two days later" she complained.

She brightened up.

"I was out with someone who knows FP though!"

FP and his wife know lots of people through their work.

"What's their name?" I asked.

KfW2 told me. It didn't ring a bell.

Later, while sipping a gin at KfW2's my phone beeped. A text message from FP.

"Eva Green is the money!" is what it said. Bugger. That meant there was a James Bond film on the telly, and I was missing it to do KfW2 a favour.

"Bond is on the telly?" I queried.

"ITV" he answered.

"FFS. I'm at KfW2's."

"KfW2's not bad at all, but she's not Eva Green"

I laughed out loud at that one.

"What you laughing at?" said KfW2.

"Just FP being FP."

"Ask him if he knows those people I met a few nights ago..." and the conversation moved off.

It reminded me of another conversation from Thursday night while FP was out with a couple of my current colleagues at the pub. One of them was bemoaning the lack of attractive females in our work place. I know that KfW2 is considered universally attractive amongst my male friends, but it's not a conversation I've had with male colleagues.

"What about The Princess* or the Dept Head?" I asked.

"Well, The Princess, yeah. Not the Dept Head though" said the younger of the two work colleagues.

"Do you count KfW2 in that list?" asked FP.

Younger Colleague stumbled a bit. I don't know if he wanted to answer given my close friendship with KfW2, but he admitted that she did indeed make the list.

The Princess was mentioned in one of my recent posts about the girl that GM broke up with for being too high maintenance.

I think Younger Colleague is wrong - there are plenty of attractive females in our work. And FP was right... Eva Green is the money...

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After Nerdy Girl and I had done out walk, we nipped into CB Pub for a drink. I was explaining to NG that I had a few gigs to attend over the...