Sunday, December 30, 2018


As part of my conversation with my old school friend (let's call him MS), we talked about our relationships or lack thereof.

Along with G, MS is one of my oldest friends.

MS split with his long-term girlfriend around a year ago and moved departments at the same time. During this time, he met and fell in love with a co-worker. A married co-worker. So he moved back to his old department. She was stunning, he assured me.

He dug out a photo he had on his phone. She was the absolute spitting image of Katherine Ryan... without the amazing cleavage.

In turn, I told MS about Ideas Girl and showed him some pictures and we both bemoaned the fact that we can't find anyone we like who likes us back.

I don't see MS as often as I would like. I think he feels the same. I should do something about that.

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