Saturday, December 08, 2018

Let's talk about sex, baby. Let's talk about you and me.

Another dream last night, this time featuring FA2. It was around this time of year and I was doing a lot of Xmas shopping. For some reason, I was also spending a lot of time at FA2's house.

Now, back in the day, most nights I stayed over at FA2's, I would try to initiate sex. The pattern seemed to be that if it was mid-week, FA2 would refuse, but at the weekend, FA2 would go with it. In fact, we would have a lot of sex at the weekend, and FA2 would initiate it as much as I would.

Anyway, in the dream, I'd been staying at hers for a few nights, but the toll of getting ready for Xmas, the shopping etc. meant that we went to bed and promptly fell asleep.

In the morning, when I awoke, FA2 was already awake. I snuggled up to her, ready to initiate foreplay, but she stopped me.

"We have to talk"

I looked at her.

She went on to talk about how there was more to our relationship than sex and then promptly ended to relationship there and then, with me, naked, wrapped around her, sporting a massive erection. It was at that point that I woke up.

FA2 did actually have a similar conversation with me once. We'd been dating a while at that point, just short of a year. For some reason, we'd arranged a night out with lots of people. The problem was that I'd gone into town to get tickets for a gig for me, D, FBS and a couple of others, and kinda stayed in town.

By the time everyone else turned up to the bar at 9 PM, I'd been in the pub for nine hours and was more than slightly tipsy.

For some inexplicable reason, FA2 decided this was a good time to have a serious conversation with me about our relationship. She'd wanted me to stay over at hers. I had said that I had planned to go back to mine, which prompted FA2 to assume that I wasn't staying at hers because her brother was there and, taking that thought process further, that I had assumed we'd not have sex because of her guest. And that might have been a small part of the reason, but in reality, it was mainly because I wanted a lie-in the next day. FA2 would be up early with her brother.

In the middle of the conversation, I grabbed my coat and left to go home. There was no reason for me to do that. FA2 didn't say anything that angered me or that I disagreed with. In my head, it had registered that I was too drunk and needed to go home. I had lost all track of time and was convinced it was still early-ish, maybe around half past ten. I couldn't stick being in the pub for another two to three hours in my state. My head told me I needed to go home. So I did. The magic boots, the Irish goodbye... it has different names, but they tend to mean the same to me.

I went to the taxi depot to order a taxi, but I had used the last of my money to buy the tickets and would be skint until either my student loan came in or everyone paid me back for the tickets. So... I had to walk home.

In those days, the walk from the bar to my house was around three miles. This was around Easter time, but it must have been an early Easter as I remember it started snowing on the way home.

The next morning, FA2 rang. So much for my lie in. We chatted. Her brother had gone for an earlier train than planned, so she was available to do stuff. I needed to buy some birthday cards, so she collected me and off we went. In the car, she re-iterated the statement about the relationship being more than sex. I apologised for walking off, explaining that I was happy to have the conversation, but that once my head told me it was home time, nothing would stop me. 

I explained the lack of money and the long walk home. I also said that I didn't think our relationship was based on sex. And to lighten the mood a little, I told her than upon waking that morning, I'd found a twenty pound note in the middle of all the gig tickets. I could have gotten a taxi home after all. She told me that it wasn't as early as I had thought when I left, in fact it was near 1 AM and they left the bar shortly after I did.

And the subject was never mentioned again. In fact,  FA2 and I never really talked about sex and the closest we spoke about our relationship were a few offhand comments from FA2 about the frequency that I told her I loved her. In a relationship spanning nearly three years, sex was only ever specifically mentioned about half a dozen times, and mostly by me trying to figure out what she liked.

I don't know what the dream was about, bit prompted the memory of the conversation I mentioned above.

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