Friday, December 28, 2018

And the dance begins.

You might have thought by now that GM and S would realise the importance I place on being with friends for New Years Eve. I've stated outright how much I value company that evening and am always trying to get something sorted as soon as I can.

I sent out the first message late yesterday evening. Are we doing it this year? I have a couple of places in mind - one my favourite local bar (where I first saw CB) and another in the middle of town where we've had a few decent NYE's in recent years.

I know both have read the message, but not one reply. S has a tendency to do this, but GM isn't.

Regardless, it's extremely frustrating.

I can cope with not going out on NYE or even spending it alone as long as I have time to prepare. I hate the running around and chasing I have to do though.

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