Sunday, December 02, 2018

Just say something, damnit.

A "tradition" started by me and KfW2 is an annual day out to the local Xmas market. They're usually good fun and we get a good crowd out (though we usually arrange them for ourselves and anyone extra showing up is a bonus).

Some memories from past Xmas days out are FP meeting SG for the first time, KfW2 and her hubby falling out and KfW2 leaving me a really sweet, albeit very drunken, voicemail on her way home.

This year, arranging it has been a pain in the ass. I've put out plenty of suggestions, but no-one replies, until it's decided.

Ruuude: "When's everyone available?"

No one says anything.

Ruuude: "Right. 15th December then?"

S: "Can't do that date."
FP: "Can't do that date."

Ruuude: *Lists dates I am unavailable*

No one says anything.

Ruuude: "What about doing an evening instead? We can meet after work?"

KfW2: "That suits me. I can do Wednesdays or Thursdays"

Ruuude: "OK, let's do a Thursday. I can take a Friday off for a long weekend."

No one says anything.

Sigh. GM and S are the prime candidates for this.

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