Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Only 365 days to go...

It's over for another year, thankfully. I enjoy the day itself, but I detest with a passion the lead up to it... all two months of it.

Now we get into the time I enjoy most - between Xmas Day and the turn of the year. Potentially I have a night out with a school friend and FP, a night out with GM, KfW2 etc. (though as I am not arranging this, it's unlikely to transpire), a night out with QC1, AM, BW etc. that I'm not really feeling enthusiasm for and, of course, potentially New Year's Eve.

I have another family day tomorrow, but it has a completely different vibe to it than Xmas Day. It feels a lot less formal/laid back, even though Xmas Day at my sis's is really not formal at all.

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