Monday, December 31, 2018

Record breaking

I'm unsure of this year's post count, though I do know it's quite high, but I do know that this month is my all-time top month for posts - averaging over one per day (albeit by a tiny amount).

I don't think I'm going to post enough in the next few hours to break the all-time Baby Needs record, but that's not really the point.

I sent a message to GM to see if he had changed/made up his mind about tonight. I re-iterated that my spare bed was his should we head to my local bar. He's staying in, though, so tonight is a night sat in front of the telly or the PC, watching films or gaming.

I'm a little disappointed, but not nearly as much as I would have been a few years ago, partly because there's no desperation to head out to see if CB is there (is it six years ago tonight) and partly because I'd resigned myself to sitting in a few days ago.

Still, I have a few beers chilling in the fridge. How many beers will it take before I start feeling upset that I'm not out (or thinking about CB)? I'm gonna say six.


USHW said...

You only need to make 3 more posts before midnight for this to be BN's busiest year.

ruuude said...

That's unlikely unless the beer-fuelled anger and/or regret kicks in :D

USHW said...

And it probably will.

But hey, I see you've just posted again so that's one down already.

ruuude said...

We'll see... I don't think it's guaranteed (the regret, not the posting).

USHW said...

Well, I hope it doesn't happen (the regret).

It's only two more posts though. I'm sure you can manage that either way :)

ruuude said...

Oh, I can probably come up with something to post about that's not just posting for posting sake. it's whether I can muster the energy to do so right now as I am feeling VERY lethargic.

USHW said...

Do it!!!

ruuude said...

I did it!

Giveth and taketh.

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