Monday, June 03, 2024


KfW2 called. It was the same old thing. She had a ten minute walk to pick up her kids, so I got a call. It sounds like I'm bitching, and I am a little. We have these snatched conversations once a month that never get anywhere because they're so brief, but I can't pin her down for something more substantial.

There's an increasing amount of questioning about whether I've spoken to CC or not. As I've said before, CC is a means to an end, but she's not someone I can spend a lot of time with nor am I going to open up to her. But I'm wondering why she's so interested in whether or not I've spoken to CC.

She also asked about the family stuff that I've blogged about. It's taking its toll, I think. I guess I'm slightly disappointed that me sharing how I'm feeling didn't really get any response.

But it was great to hear from her, but disappointing that it was so brief and we still can't see each other, socially, in-person.

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