Monday, June 24, 2024

Oooft (revisited)

I guess I wanted to explain a little more why I thought it was interesting that FA2 had invited mutual friends to her parents' holiday home. She'd always been somewhat traditional when it came to relationships. Is traditional the right word? To an extent, yes. But there was something else.

She was always big on being bought flowers (specifically flowers, not any other type of gift), it was the guy's job to celebrate anniversaries, there was an outward and frequent demand for "romance".

So, yes, it was a surprise when she suggested we head to her parents' holiday home that mutual friends were invited. I had originally assumed it was a romantic getaway. She had, prior to making these arrangements, mentioned about having sex in front of the huge open fire. Clearly that wasn't going to happen with two other guys roaming the house.

And we never went back after that one time. She was right, though. Sex in front of the lit fire would have been awesome.

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