Sunday, June 21, 2020

Time will tell

In the end, KfW2 called on Thursday and asked if I minded going to hers on Friday night instead? I had nothing on, so I said that I'd be happy to. Her husband was going to see his friend after work, so I could get a lift home if I wanted, rather than stay over.

I don't often stay over, often preferring to get a taxi home, even if it costs me money. Usually twenty to twenty-five pounds. However, that money is well spent as I can wake up whenever the next day and I'm already home. At KfW2's, her kids often cause me to wake, then KfW2 will offer/promise me a lift home rather than get the bus, and I don't get back into the house until mid-afternoon. KfW2 just doesn't see the time passing.

Well... KfW2's husband didn't go to see his friend, so I didn't get as much alone time with KfW2 as I would have liked, though I still really enjoyed my time. It was nice to have a change of scenery and a proper, prolonged conversation.

Unsurprisingly, it was late afternoon by the time I got into the house, having spent all afternoon shopping with KfW2.

I can't remember her exact comment but she made a comment about how late it is that I get home any time I stay at hers. I think it was meant as a joke, but I must have had a look on my face because she looked really guilty. I admitted that getting home the next day was a factor in deciding whether or not to stay over. I think KfW2 feels little put out that I don't stay over more often, or even visit for that matter.

Yesterday was slightly different. When she offered me a lift home, I said that while I didn't need to rush off instantly, I did need to try and get home sooner rather than later.

Cue her in-laws turning up (she didn't turn them away when they phoned prior to calling in), fixing bikes and a couple of other non-urgent tasks that were started before we left the house. Then we went shopping. She offer the chance to get dropped off home before she went to the shops, but I thought I could top up my groceries, so agreed to accompany her. She was relieved at this. Her kids can be a handful sometimes. One has ASD and another is simply a whining little brat. Sigh.

It's not the shopping that's the frustrating part of yesterday, it's the two hours of chores that were done prior to leaving the house

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