Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Just reminiscing stuff.

It's E's birthday today. I sent her a quick message on Facebook, but I'll follow up with something private later. I had meant to send her a small gift this year, but it slipped my mind a few weeks ago and I actually realised earlier that I don't have her new address since she moved out/broke up with her long-term partner at the start of the year.

It also prompted some memories of visiting her at this time of year, going on all-day drinking sessions, playing pool and getting drunk.

One particular time, we were playing pool and had been in the bar all afternoon. It was a gloriously sunny day. I was at the pool table taking a shot when E trundles over.

"That girl who walked in is right up your street"

I looked over. Tall, brunette, attractive. Dressed in jeans and a t-shirt.

"She bloody well is!" I declared.

The funny thing is, I don't ever remember having a conversation with E about my physical preferences in women. Had I simply forgotten (a possibility given our late-night drunken chats) or was she just observant? I certainly couldn't tell you what E's "type" was... even now, having met quite a number of E's exes, I can't put my finger on any common physical traits.

Still... Happy Birthday E. I wish we could be out, getting drunk and playing pool for old time's sake. I do miss you.

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