Friday, June 26, 2020

Dream a little dream.

In this dream, I was travelling with friends. We were in Tallinn, in Estonia (a place I've never actually been to). The friends group was made up of different people from my past - KfW2 was there, some people from the online hobby I did years ago, ex-coworkers. However, I had invited someone else along. Our actual relationship, in this dream, was unclear but we were not an item and this girl knew the other people we were travelling with. The only secret was our desire to sleep with each other, which we didn't want anyone to find out.

And so, throughout the dream, myself and the girl would try to find time and privacy to have sex, only to be scuppered by various members of the friends group, arranging touristy things to do. Not in a rom-com kind of way, just a frustrating period over a few days while we were on our trip.

We had finally gotten away, had reduced each other to our underwear and looked as if it was all about to happen... when I woke up.

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