Monday, June 15, 2020

Status Update: Week 7

The magic number this week is 229.6 lbs. That's practically my starting weight.

Again, just as I was back in week 3, I'm clueless to the explanation.

Generally, the calorie counting went according to plan. I had a few beers on Saturday night and Chinese takeaway last night (though they both should have been countered by all day Saturday and Sunday spent doing some heavy lifting in the garden).

Like week 3, doing the sums just doesn't add up. There simply weren't enough calories taken to account for an additional 5 lb weight gain. USHW suggested water retention last time, but I don't understand how that weight simply didn't disappear once the water retention was adjusted.

Admittedly, I wasn't moving around as much last week - I was super busy with work, but the gardening should have made a sizeable dent in any calorie intake.

Next week is the 8th week (or 2 months) since my initial weigh-in and I had hoped to be sub 220 lbs by then.



USHW said...

Once again weight gain you cannot account for after the same type of meal you had when this happened before. I'd still say water retention is most likely.

I know you don't like weighing yourself often but I'd suggest you do it daily for a week or so, and watch how your weight fluctuates from day to day, and how certain foods affect it.

This is an interesting article too.

To be on the safe side, maybe change the battery in your scale too if you haven't done it recently. Mine gets innacurate sometimes before the low battery warning comes up.

Interesting point about why the weight isn't dropping off if it's water retention. It can take around 5 days for your body to settle, but yeah, after that you'd expect the water weight to have gone..

Chances are, you're overestimating your calorie expenditure or underestimating your calorie intake.

The small things add up. The milk in your coffee, sugar in cereal, butter on toast... It's also alarming how small a serving can constitute a serving. Things like peanut butter. A table spoon/15g serving doesn't go very far. I could easily put 2 or three of those on a slice of toast, and then the spoonful extra that goes straight in my mouth.

Takeaways are notoriously hard to calorie count too unless they come with that info from the restaurant.

As for calorie expenditure, figuring how many calories are getting burned through various activities can be hard. If you're using a fitness tracker, assume that it's overestimating your burn. They are known for it. Sometimes by as much as 50%.

ruuude said...

I'm not arguing about the water retention thing... I was just querying why the two HUGE spikes seem to be permanent gains rather than temporary. After all if my sums with regards to calories are reasonably correct and I'm losing 1 lb per week regularly but spike due to water retention, I'd expect the next week to drop by a large margin as my body finds its level again, which has not happened and that is the concerning and disheartening point.

Giveth and taketh.

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