Sunday, June 14, 2020


I remember years ago, being quite taken with Orlaith McAllister on Big Brother. I may have even posted about it here. She lives in the same city as I do, so I've seen her out and about and she's still very pretty.

My first Big Brother crush, though, was Kate Lawler, completely going against my preference for tall brunettes.

Recently, I discovered that Orlaith had been working out and was incredibly fit - flat stomach, six pack, the works. I find that incredibly sexy. Have a picture.

So imagine my delight when I saw the following image posted on a forum of Kate Lawler. Mmmm... I think she's gotten better with age as well.

I'd love to meet a woman with this body... but seeing as I have too much of a pie and beer addiction and am allergic to exercise, it's not likely.

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