Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Thinking back.

It's sweltering today. It has been for the past few days and thunderstorms are forecast. Even with working in the garden, I haven't really broken a sweat. That reminded me of a conversation with GC way back when I was doing the whole gym thing.

After putting me through my paces during a really warm summer's day, probably around this time of year, GC noted my mostly dry t-shirt.

"You don't sweat a lot, do you?" she asked.

"I've never given it much though, but I guess not" was my outward reply.

Inwardly, I was giving a different reply. Something about a horizontal workout to see if GC could make me sweat.

I've not thought about GC in years... funny how she popped into my head simply because we're having great weather.

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