Saturday, August 03, 2024

Things that make you go "hmmm". (cont'd)

Something else that came to mind earlier this afternoon... Quiet Girl's friend doesn't know my relationship status. I'm pretty sure Quiet Girl doesn't either. So if the request for me to text was real and the intention behind it was to pursue something romantic, it's quite the leap of faith.

I don't think that QGF and I spoke directly/separate from the group all night, it was all done through a group conversation.

Don't get me wrong, she seems fun and has this outgoing, confident personality that brings out my own cheekiness in the same way that SSCW or CH did. I'm just not interested in anything romantic or even physical. 

I know I'm over-thinking, but it's what I do. I just wish that someone that I was genuinely interested in would be the person to take that leap of faith.

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