Saturday, August 31, 2024


The weather here is glorious, and while I've had a productive day and should be feeling happy and sitting in the garden with a beer, I'm thinking about how I could/should be out with KfW2 for dinner and drinks. And I'm not going to lie, I'm not in a good place about it and I have been hoping that she'd be in contact today. I know I'm probably over-thinking it, but I still feel really down and more than a bit lonely.


I took another look at the weather this morning and the good weather forecast from the last time I looked has changed to a much more damp looking affair. It's disappointing because I could do with a spell of good weather to get stuff done around the house and garden. Plus it's good for the old mental health, you know?

Friday, August 30, 2024

Just talk (cont'd)

Another topic of conversation that Nerdy Girl and I covered was that of dating friends of friends. I'd completely forgotten that NG had once asked me to date a friend of hers and I'd refused. I'm pretty sure that I explained why at the time, but I reiterated my desire to avoid blind dates, but if she wanted to get two people into a room and see if they had chemistry, then that's the way to do it.

"I'm also insanely private," I added.

Nerdy Girl nodded.

There's also that thing where girl friends tell their girl friends everything, she explained. And then she went into detail about how she knows too much about some of her friends' sexual partners. I agreed, and shared my was-it-real experience with Quiet Girl's friend.

"That one's complicated. Even if it was real, there's lots for me to ponder."

Nerdy Girl ask me to elaborate, so I explained the following points, adding a bit of detail around them...

  • Dating a friend of a friend.
  • Being private - if we got physical, do I really want QG to know what I'm like in bed?
  • We work for the same company. I have a guideline about that.
  • She's a single mother, with a young kid. I have another guideline about that.

I admitted that I thought she (QG's friend) was fun and would make a good drinking buddy, but I didn't see anything ever happening.

"Not even as a one night stand?" asked NG.

"Unlikely, but ask me again if it's put on a plate."

She laughed.

"Honestly, I've not had the best luck when it comes to something casual."

And the conversation moved on.

Just talk.

The walk with Nerdy Girl was great, though it took serious energy to get out of the house and not call it off. But we did our mini walk because my PF is still an issue, albeit healing very slowly.

We completed our lap at CB Pub and continued our chat. One memorable piece was Nerdy Girl talking about wanting to try a relationship instead of just a series of short-term physical hookups. That wasn't the bit that caused me to drift off somewhere else, though. It was her comment about her first date clothes being a low-cut top and that she went out to impress her dates with "my rack, a low cut top and my abs".

I don't know what Nerdy Girls abs are like. I do know that she has a decent rack as she has worn low-cut tops when out and about with me.

But it also reminded me of a chat with USHW when she asked if I preferred tits or abs on a woman, and that provoked a whole conversation. Good times.

Thursday, August 29, 2024


I have heard nothing from KfW2, by the way.

Something to ponder.

For the first time since before Covid, work has announced a Christmas party. Usually, it's a good chance to dress up and "admire" co-workers. OK then, perv. Admittedly, it's been a good while since I've been to one. Maybe 2016? I remember one where I felt incredibly lonely after the table effectively emptied once the food was done, KfW2 disappearing, and just being really down.

I went home earlier that evening and haven't been back, I don't think.

I am a little tempted this year, but I'd need a new suit. I don't fit into my current suit because I have put on a lot of weight. I daren't step on the scales to see how bad the damage is.

There is something else to consider, but I'm in two minds about it and am reluctant to admit it publicly until I make a decision.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Sad face.

The silence from KfW2 around this coming Saturday is deafening. I think I've made about 4 distinct, and obvious, requests to confirm her availability on a date that she suggested. I mean, what's fucking wrong with her?

  • She called on her way to pick up her kids for our semi-regular quick chats.
  • I asked her to dinner to celebrate her birthday, which was months ago.
  • She suggested a date.
  • I confirmed that it worked for me and asked her to check her diary at home, so I could book somewhere, because she's useless with dates.
  • She subsequently went radio silent and refuse to address that request multiple times over a week and a bit.

It's the start of September and we've not seen each other, in person, at all this year. Given what happened with CH, I'm reluctant to push any harder. And, if I am being honest, I shouldn't have to. I'll be frank, her unreliability here is killing me given that we've been steadily drifting apart since Covid and she is still very dear to me.

If she's not in contact by this evening, then it's too late. It'll be interesting to see what she says if we don't go out.

Fingers crossed.

I've just taken a peek at next week's weather and it's looking pretty damned good. I don't know what I'm going to do if it turns out to be as good as the current forecast suggests, but I have to do something, right?

I've got a walk pencilled in with Nerdy Girl in a few days time, too, so some nice weather would really help.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


I ended up reaching out to KfW2 again, but I am now pessimistic rather than frustrated. I think she's deliberately dodging the question because she's not available or doesn't want to go out this weekend. I don't care which it is, I just hate the uncertainty. I've always said that. I don't care if people say "no", but I do care a lot of people cannot commit one way or the other.

I don't want to be hitting Friday and having to try and book a table. It reminds me of doing the same thing around this time of year, two years ago and CC invited herself along as well.

I also cracked, as I knew I would, and went to fix my sis's laptop last night.

Sometimes it would be nice if people thought of me, and showed it. Cos it kinda feels that I'm invisible at times.

And the dream I had last night was just plain weird with a capital 'W'.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Ups and downs.

Not even Uma Thurman in a black leather catsuit can save The Avengers from being a terrible movie, for the record.

But in more positive news, my time off at work has been approved and I'm meeting Nerdy Girl later in the week. It might be a walk, it could be dinner... we'll sort it closer to the time.

And still nothing from KfW2 about this coming Saturday. FFS. Not even my usual Monday evening phone call.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Mrs. Peel.

I might not want to go into work tomorrow and Sunday nights are awful, but Uma Thurman in a black  leather catsuit might improve my mood somewhat.

I think I've posted my FA2 and Avengers story before.

But it's on Disney+, so that'll keep me occupied until bed time.

Pea Tea Oh

I met E, we had breakfast and then spent the next two and bit hours walking around the city, doing some shopping errands that she wanted to get done before returning home on Tuesday.

I don't know how many steps that is, but we were walking for the best part of three hours. I certainly feel it now. I'm knackered.

I'm not really looking forward to work tomorrow. While seeing E has given me a little bit of an injection of enjoyment, there's still a mental hangover from last week, and the frustrations of trying to pin down KfW2 are still present.

I'm also still waiting for my sister to drop her laptop down to get fixed, but I know that she will say nothing and I will crumble and head to hers tomorrow after work.

But on the plus side, I'm going into work tomorrow to ask for a day off on Friday, all of the following week off, a day in October and a day in November. the days off in October and November are specifically for things, so that's something to look forward to.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Ooops (cont'd)

E's replied. She's not going out tonight. Her friend has literally just recovered from a bout of Covid and only tested negative yesterday for the first time in a week. She flew over today, but is flying back first thing tomorrow.

However, she has already suggested we meet tomorrow for a few hours, around midday. I'd far rather be in the pub tonight, but you can't argue against the backup plan.


I crumbled and sent E a text asking if she were going into the city tonight. No reply as yet (it's only been 5 minutes) and I already feel guilt at potentially intruding on her night out with her university friend. But this is the last chance I'll get to see her before she returns home and while it's likely to be a lot sooner than another 5 years before we see each other again.

Oh dear.

I also had a weird dream last night. Well, not weird in terms of anything strange happening in it, but rather how it made me feel when I woke up. There were two parts of it that I recall. The first involved FA2. The details are fuzzy but I seem to recall just spending time with her, though we were very physical (non-sexually) in terms of just cuddling or hugging or sitting on a sofa, and I was just getting this vibe of just being really safe.

In the other part, I was struggling with university work, knowing that I wasn't going to graduate because my exam results were rubbish and my dissertation was awful, both because I was putting no time or effort into preparing for either. And I was having to deal with my dad, who had always pushed me IRL from an educational standpoint and getting increasingly more angry as he realised the size of my failure. That was causing me to panic somewhat.

So, waking this morning, and remembering the FA2 portion, I wanted to feel safe, to have someone to hug and just spend time with. And remembering the university portion, just being really glad that my university days are well behind me and not having that stress any more.


KfW2 texted late last night. She'd remembered that it was an anniversary of sorts and wanted to check in. It's not an anniversary that I'd like to celebrate, but this is the side of KfW2 that I love - the caring empathetic side.

Within the same conversation, we get the flip side of KfW2 that I don't like - the increasing flakiness/inability to pin down. I asked, once again, about her availability next Saturday night. She's already tentatively agreed to it, but she needs to confirm it before I book the restaurant as she's useless with dates. I've already asked her three times this week.

She also invited me to her place tonight after I admitted that it had been a tough week. But this is typical. I love the sentiment, but it's last-minute and I don't do last-minute very well. I'm also hoping that E is going to call tonight and I get to meet her for a few drinks. But nothing was set in stone beyond us verbally agreeing to it over a week ago. She is meant to be meeting an old university friend, so I'd be third-wheeling it, which is why I've not been pushing her for details. If she calls, she calls.

But I hate this ambiguity when other offers are made.

Friday, August 23, 2024


My sister texted and asked for a favour. She needs someone to look at her laptop as she thinks there's a virus on it. I said that I'd be glad to, but I said nothing more.

And why did I say nothing more? Because despite the fact that it's seemingly quite urgent, she won't bring the laptop to my house. She'll expect me to go to her house. I'll text her tomorrow and ask when she's bringing it down, and she ask me to go to hers.

It's something that's bothered me for some time - that she's never made a social call to my house. She's been down when I've invited them for a BBQ or cocktail party, but a random drop in? Never. My brother-in-law has popped in loads. My sister hasn't.

It kinda feels like something I've blogged about recently, but I can't remember.

Mr. Right.

A gaming session got cancelled last night, so I ended up watching Mr. Right on Netflix. It's a rom-com with blog favourite Anna Kendrick and Sam Rockwell. Sam Rockwell is always great value, too. And Tim Roth. I do like Tim Roth, too.

Not too bad.

Thursday, August 22, 2024


I had a random thought in the middle of the afternoon about a girl who'd gone to the same school as I had. I think I've posted about her recently as the one that M had admitted had split with her husband/long-term partner. She was a school crush of mine, and she stands out as one of the few that I actually acted upon.

Back in the day, I actually asked her out, having managed to get her phone number off her.

She turned me down.

But that then provoked the question about whether or not I ever admitted that to USHW. I don't know why that thought popped into my head, but it did, it was quiet in work, so I spent an hour going through some old email conversations with USHW from around ten years ago.

I miss those conversations. They could get quite detailed and quite personal/in-depth. So it was an enjoyable but somewhat bittersweet end to the afternoon.

Happy birthday x2

Facebook tells me that it's MMBF's birthday today. And if that's the case, then it was MM's birthday yesterday. That provoked a memory of a night when MM invited me to join her and MMBF for a drink as they were out celebrating. That must easily be ten years ago now.

MMBF was, as usual, looking great and wearing her typical figure-hugging dress. She always wore those very well. Obviously, months later, I wondered if MM had an ulterior motive for inviting me out. After all, it was just me, MM and MMBF. If I remember correctly, MMBF was very tactile that night. NOthing ever happened and I always assumed it was because she was drunk - MM and MMBF had been taking shots before I arrived down.

But it was a great night.

And here's an MMBF-type dress because I'm feeling visual today.


Fingers crossed.

It's lined up to be a quiet weekend unless E messages. She's out this weekend with an old university friend of hers who's over for the weekend. She promised to let me know, but I'm pessimistic about these things having been burned in the past.

But I'd love a night out.

And I'm still waiting to hear back from KfW2 if she's free next weekend. She said she was, but it's always best to get her to confirm because she's got a memory like a goldfish.

*drums fingers*

The house is tidy and clean, which is unusual. It's either one or the other but rarely both, unless I am expecting guests. And there are guests expected, albeit not social ones. I am expecting the glazier who phoned me on Tuesday to come today and at the very least quote me for some work. he suggested the work could even be done today, but I don't really mind, as long as it's done before autumn kicks in and the days get colder.

But he never promised he'd turn up today, just that he might be in touch. I've not heard from either of the other two firms I contacted beyond them asking for my address. This is what happened last time when I last reached out to glaziers, maybe a year ago.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


As I am in the habit of doing, when I returned home from a day in the office, I put the bins out before I settle in for the evening. However, as I have just realised, today is Wednesday (duh!) rather than Thursday when I am usually in the office, so I've put the bins out 24 hours too early.

I did wonder why no-one else had done it.

Ah well, I'm not bringing them back in.

Hitting it off.

I had a dream about CH last night. The details are vague, but we met in a bar and were chatting. It was a bar that I used to frequent in the States, the one where V worked, when I was there briefly years ago. V was on duty and they were both trying to set me up with the other one.

I can't recall the resolution to that, if there even was one.

But as a tribute to memories of the good times with CH, here's some Alison Brie.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Look here.

I hate when people communicate via a different method than how you made you initial approach. For example, I emailed three glaziers on Sunday. Two replied via email, though have yet to specifically tell me when they'll come out and diagnose my problem.

The third? Well, I had a phone call from an unrecognised number earlier. I don't usually pick up if I don't recognise the number, but that's not really a luxury I have any more with the ongoing family stuff.

It was the third glazier. In theory, he's coming out on Thursday to look at my windows. He suggested, without seeing the windows, that it's something different to what my own (uninformed) diagnosis was. Not only that, he reckons he might even get the work done, too.

If that's the case, then great. But I am still a little cheesed off that he chose to call rather than email back and arrange a time.

I've got a few leads for the electrical work that I need done, so I should really follow up on that, too.

Monday, August 19, 2024

The good, the bad...

I think I have a tentative date to meet KfW2... it's 31st August. I'd demanded that she messages me later to confirm so that I can book the restaurant, and she's agreed, but let's see if she actually does that. That's the good.

The bad is that she mentioned that she's promised to go out to dinner with CC, and I have concerns that this will turn out like a similar night a few years ago, almost to the very day where KfW2 invited CC along. Or rather CC invited herself along and KfW2 never said "No".

But that's good. Potentially this weekend, I'm seeing E again. Fingers crossed on that. And then the following weekend, it's KfW2.

I might see if GM wants to meet either for coffee or something a bit stronger. I know he has a girlfriend and stuff, but maybe a different ear might help?


I didn't get to sleep last night until after 4 AM. I started work at 8 AM. Suffice to say, I'm hanging. I have a splitting headache that I can't shift and my eyes are really sore. I've already made the decision that I'm going to take some time this afternoon just to step away from the screen.

I might nap, though I tend not to be able to nap. Never have been, regardless of how tired I am.

I've been swapping messages with GM. We're both going through a hard time, and just chatting makes me miss him. I can't remember the last time I saw him in person, and we always got along really well, and I'm surprised that we never kicked on as mates.

But, an afternoon chilling should help and I should be tired enough this evening to get a good night's sleep.

Sunday, August 18, 2024


I've messaged KfW2 about doing dinner soon, I've already gotten a reply from a glazier about doing the work I've asked and he's coming to take a look (though he's not committed to a day/time yet). I've also done a little bit of gardening and a little more tidying, I've put out the feelers for an electrician to do this one thing for me and I've also messaged GM and Mrs FP, both of whom I should have messaged weeks ago.

So now it feels like I actually have accomplished something today rather than that fake feeling that I had earlier this afternoon.


So far today I've emailed three glaziers about doing some maintenance on my windows before the weather gets colder, I've opened a new savings account with double the interest rate of my current savings account and done some housework. That's easily the most productive I've been (outside work) in a long time.

I've got other stuff still to do - book an eye test, message KfW2 about our night out and I need an electrician for a couple of small chores that I refuse to do myself (I don't trust myself with electrics). Those are chores for this evening.

I also have a smart doorbell to mount, too, but I don't think I have the tools for that. That's not really time critical though, like the windows stuff and the electrics.

Friday, August 16, 2024


Following on from yesterday's post, I have some holidays to take. I usually take some around this time of year anyway, but I was, just like July, hoping that the weather would be better. I'll see how I feel after next week, but I'll definitely take a week off soon.

It's not much , but it's a start.

Thursday, August 15, 2024


 Motivation is at an all-time low. I have a few messages I need to reply to, including one from FP's widow from the start of July and I just don't have the energy for that.

I also need to get back into yoga. Again, it's something I dropped at the start of July but not picked back up yet.

I don't know what it is. I don't think I'm funking... but this lack of motivation and lack of energy is concerning.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Time flies.

It's been 5 years since I last saw E and it took literal seconds before we lapsed into our easy-going back and forth. I was worried that she might not stay out late or not drink and that it might be a little awkward. God knows some of my recent phone conversations with KfW2 have been really stilted for reasons I can't understand.

But it was a great day. In the past, she's invited out her cousin and sister, though they weren't present this time. Her family dynamics are weird and someone is always falling out with someone else. In this case, ES isn't talking to her mum, and E reckons that ES is being distant with E, to the point where E doesn't have a mobile number for her sister. 

We covered a lot of ground, conversationally, including E asking if I had any plans to head back out to New Zealand. I do, tentatively, but there are other places I'd like to see, too, and this was all explained to her.

We kicked off our day by hitting a bar and playing some pool. I think I've posted before that E is very proud of her rack and had been known to wear clothes that accentuate that specific feature plus show a little cleavage. Yesterday was no different. She was wearing a sweater with a reasonably deep 'V' and while I wasn't staring, it was hard not to get an eyeful when she was lining up a shot. And she knew it, I think.

I drank a lot. We were out from shortly after 2 PM and I got back into the house around 1 AM, and it was a super day out. I've already mentioned to her that I'd love to see her again before she goes, though her remaining time is already looking very busy, but there's an outside chance we could meet for a few drinks in around ten days time, and I'd love that.

Monday, August 12, 2024


Christ. It's almost as bad as trying to pin KfW2 down for something. I don't know how many times I've shared my availability and yet E has, with each message, not suggested a meeting time. Sigh. So I've done it. Does it suit her? I don't know, but it's out there at least.

Time out

While I want to spend as much time with E as possible tomorrow, I also want to give her the chance to set the time to meet. And that's proving frustrating as she's steadfastly not suggesting a time, even after directly asking her.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Looking good

Over the past two or three days, I've seen a lot of women wearing their hair in braided pigtails - real life, TV, pictures on the internet and YouTube/Twitch broadcasts. For reference, here's a picture of actress Daniela Melchior wearing the same style. I'm not complaining... I think pigtails on women are hot. I'm just pointing out the sudden appearance (unless it's just frequency illusion after seeing a stunning woman in town with her hair like that).


I had a weird memory-like dream last night. In it, I was in Bristol, visiting someone. IRL, that would have been E, but in this dream, I dunno. USHW, maybe? It kinda felt like that, though I don't remember that specific detail, if it even existed. But it provoke some nice memories when I awoke of visiting E back in the day. I'm really looking forward to Tuesday. the only details we don't have nailed down is the meeting time. I've told E when I'm available from, so I'm just waiting for her to confirm.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Deal with it.

I was browsing some Olympic content earlier and I came across this photo of two Australian Olympians.

They're sisters, but that's not really the talking point. The woman on the right really reminds me of someone who regularly turns up to our work events as part of the company that we use to put on our events. She tends to operate part of the casino, so seeing her in a slinky, strappy black dress is a real pleasure.

I'm pretty sure I've blogged about her before, but this photo did provoke a few memories, including a recent one from the same night a few weeks ago with Quiet Girl's friend where she was looking fantastic.

Let's go.

For some reason, E hasn't shared her phone number with me this time around, so contact is being done via Facebook. I've left her a message, kicking off the conversation about meeting this coming Tuesday. I'm hoping that we'll meet mid-afternoon and it'll go on into the late evening, but that's all to be decided. It's just a waiting game now.

Friday, August 09, 2024

Oh la la!

V posted a selfie on Facebook, and I have to say that she's looking really good. Any time she posts a selfie or a picture of herself on Facebook, I go back to the Hallowe'en party where she was dressed as Dorothy or Alice... I can never remember which.

I nearly always think about an ex-colleague's comments that KfW2 reminded him of V, though that's a comparison I simply don't see.

Thursday, August 08, 2024


Something I've not mentioned in a while is the foot injury, the Plantir Fasciitis. It has gotten noticeably better over the past month. I think I've found a particular pair of training shoes that are helping. Other shoes, less so. So wearing this one pair is helping the healing. It's a slow process. This has been troubling me since early this year - maybe February - so it'll be great to be pain free from that perspective.

Wednesday, August 07, 2024


Out of the blue, KfW2 called, in the middle of the day. Conversation was stilted again, but that was mainly due to the fact that I could barely hear her. Long story short, we've tentatively arranged to meet for dinner. It's going to be a weekend and it's going to be before the end of the month. My diary is empty, apart from E next week, so I've left it with her, but I'll send her a message tomorrow to remind her to let me know, so I can book the restaurant. And that this will be my treat for her birthday.

I'm pleased, though. She was the one who brought up going for dinner, so that's promising. I often feel I'm the one asking to see her and having to fight for her time, often with no result.

Tuesday, August 06, 2024


I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't expecting KfW2 to call me back last night, and I was proved correct. There's no massive rush because I'm kinda housebound this week and KfW2's trying to get back into life after three weeks on holiday.

Plus, the excitement is starting to build for seeing E next week. If things pan out according to our initial plans, then we'll likely be finishing off some food somewhere with a view to hitting a local bar or one of the comedy nights in town right about now.

In the past, these have been boozy, drunken affairs but this time, I'm not so sure. She has her kids with her, though they will be with a babysitter.

ES might be out, E's cousin might be out, but I probably won't know until next week. As long as I get a few hours with E alone, I don't mind of people turn up later.

Monday, August 05, 2024

Let's go? (cont'd)

I didn't have to send KfW2 a message - she called me. To be fair, it seems to be her habit to call me around 6 PM on a Monday evening. We chatted, she mentioned that I sounded a lot more "myself" than before she'd gone on holiday. We didn't get around to planning something social - we got cut off after about 15 minutes, but she's promised to call me back once she's free again.


I had promised myself that I'd get back into the yoga today. It's been like four weeks since I last did it and while the back pain from my injury (I can't remember if I blogged about it, but I missed a stair at home and jarred my back) is mostly gone, I can feel the other back pain returning. It was busy in work and I wasn't able to do it at my usual time at lunchtime, so I'm hoping I can still motivate myself to get a short session in once I log off.

Let's go?

KfW2 should be back from her holidays. I'll drop her a line later to see how she enjoyed herself, even though we've been swapping messages while she's been gone, she only really chatted about the weather. If she keeps her promise, we should be arranging to meet for dinner and potentially drinks at some point.

Sunday, August 04, 2024

Things that make you go "hmmm". (Part 3)

Hang on, Quiet Girl's friend was effectively suggesting that I ask for her number, right? I mean, that doesn't change the fact that I'm not attracted to her, romantically, but it's still taken almost 48 hours for that particular penny to drop.

Out and about.

It's easily the busiest week I've had in a long time from a social perspective. Two nights in the bar with G and M, followed by the cinema with Nerdy Girl on Wednesday and then the work thing on Friday evening. That's four nights over the past week. Not bad at all.

This week should be quiet, but we're counting down to meeting E in just over a week's time, assuming plans don't change. I've already booked the time off work, but I can change it if required.

Saturday, August 03, 2024

Things that make you go "hmmm". (cont'd)

Something else that came to mind earlier this afternoon... Quiet Girl's friend doesn't know my relationship status. I'm pretty sure Quiet Girl doesn't either. So if the request for me to text was real and the intention behind it was to pursue something romantic, it's quite the leap of faith.

I don't think that QGF and I spoke directly/separate from the group all night, it was all done through a group conversation.

Don't get me wrong, she seems fun and has this outgoing, confident personality that brings out my own cheekiness in the same way that SSCW or CH did. I'm just not interested in anything romantic or even physical. 

I know I'm over-thinking, but it's what I do. I just wish that someone that I was genuinely interested in would be the person to take that leap of faith.

Things that make you go "hmmm".

It was a good night. Stalky Guy was being his usual self - not getting involved in conversations, and when he did, it was all centered around stuff he knew rather than get involved with what we were talking about. Even CC suggesting that she was seriously considering a boob reduction.

Quiet Girl was in good form, and when the work thing wrapped up around 9-ish, we decided to hit CB Pub. QG was unsure, but, surprisingly, I was able to talk her round and off we went.

I guess the interesting part of the evening was at the end, or towards the end. QG and her friend were leaving. QG's friend comes in for a hug and we're hugging she whispers:

"You should text me"

And while I was hugging QG, QG's friend slapped my ass.

These two things happened literally 30 seconds apart.

But, here's the rub: I don't actually know if it was real or if it was something I dreamt and am remembering it as a real thing this morning. I was fairly drunk last night, being out from around 5 PM until midnight. It feels real though.

Even if it did happen, beyond being an ego boost, QG's friend isn't doing anything for me. I don't have her phone number either, but that's a minor obstacle if it were something that was likely to happen.

Friday, August 02, 2024


I'm probably quite drunk and eyeing up some attractive co-workers, including Quiet Girl, but here's an Alison Brie appreciation post seeing as I've just seen a picture of her on Reddit. We've not had an appreciation post for anyone in a while. A couple of recent pics (bikini and purple dress) and the two middle ones are from her Community days when she, IMO, really gives off CH vibes.


I dreamt of FA2 last night. It's a dream that I've had before, I think. It's a semi-memory of the night we first slept together. Instead of it being a semi-rushed and unfulfilling (for her) experience, we move between many positions and she's vocal in telling what's working for her. I get her off a couple of times before my own orgasm hits and we collapse on the bed having satisfied our lust.

On waking the next morning, FA2 initiates another round that follows the same pattern.

As I said, a semi-memory. In reality, it was nothing like that. There was a fair bit of foreplay followed by missionary, and that was it. I can't remember if we had sex in the morning.

But I woke early this morning for work, I've not been sleeping well over the past few nights, so I'm really tired and now I'm also really horny. Thanks, brain.

Thursday, August 01, 2024


My sister's just invited me to hers for a barbecue... Ordinarily, I'd be all over that. They do great barbecues, but I've literally just eaten, plus I had a huge lunch.

I'm also exhausted. It's a lack of sleep and a desire just to chill and kick back after a long day in the office. I also have half an eye on tomorrow's work thing with Quiet Girl, Stalky Guy and others.

Let's go?

The wanderlust continues. It wasn't a dream this time, but a vague sense of deja vu. After I graduated from university, I travelled to N...