Tuesday, May 14, 2024


So, yeah, I bit the bullet and fired up the yoga introductory session at lunchtime. In 30 mins, I supposedly burned 415 calories, though that seems high. Calorie burning isn't really the purpose of doing the yoga though - it's increasing core strength and stretching. I was also delighted to see that my heart rate monitor still worked.

I won't be able to do any tomorrow, but I am out of the house and will be more active than usual anyway. Maybe I need to see how my body reacts to the yoga before committing to anything further.

Anyhow, I felt great doing the exercises, though I wasn't engaged fully. It's a matter of practice/habit. If I don't fall apart tomorrow, I'll consider doing the intro a few more times and then move onto one of the proper sessions at the weekend or next week.

There was a slight twinge in my right shoulder and my wrists and knees were uncomfortable when on my hands and knees on the yoga mat. I might need to look at a thicker one or move my workout to my bedroom where its carpeted. And I can't do press ups for shit.

Afterwards, there was a slight bit of discomfort in my left hip and with my back, but it only lasted about 15 minutes.

At this stage, I don't see any reason why I can't do this again on Thursday. As is always the case, it's a matter of easing myself back in and doing it properly and building up a routine/habit.

But current status: pleased.

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