Friday, May 31, 2024


Not quite a dream and more of a memory, but I woke from sleep with a woman on my mind. When I was travelling, around 20 years ago, I met a woman in bar. She was cute (my memory of her is giving me serious Elizabeth Mitchell vibes), intelligent and interesting. 

She was a doctor in the local hospital and she had some great stories. She was out with colleagues after the first day of a multi-day conference and they slowly drifted off as the evening wore on. Bear in mind that this was midweek, if I recall correctly. And then it was just the two of us.

When she wanted to leave, I walked her to her taxi. She kissed me then appeared to change her mind about something before inviting me back to hers. I accepted and we had a few more drinks before I spent the night. She was due to be at the second day of the conference but that wasn't scheduled to start until lunchtime, so we had a leisurely second round in the morning before finding a cafe near the conference centre (and my hostel) for breakfast and we went on our separate ways.

So, yeah. My memory/dream from last night. Still horny, and now with the travel itch reignited.

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