Sunday, May 05, 2024

Things that make you go "hmmmm".

I mean to post this yesterday, but I was having a lazy day and watching Star Wars, so wasn't thinking about blogging. The night out on Friday was OK. I wasn't as social as I would have liked, but I was, at least, out of the house for a few hours. Stalky Guy is not great company, either.

One point of interest was that there was a girl from work in the bar. That in itself is not unusual, it was a work event after all. But our paths have crossed before. I can't recall if I blogged about it, but she came on to me at one of our Christmas parties, years ago. She's an attractive, tall women, and I did actually pick up on her interest, but let her down gently partly because she was drunk and partly because I was surrounded by work people.

It was years ago, so I doubt she remembers. But the rumours in work are that our teams will soon merge, so I could be working alongside her more regularly.

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