Sunday, May 12, 2024


I didn't get the walk done yesterday as I'd hoped. I got side-tracked in the garden, tidying it up and chilling. I did use the route today, though, and took the bike out for a quick 3-mile jaunt. The bike came through OK and so did I, surprisingly.

I've been feeling off all week, physically. I know I'm overweight. I know I should be doing more exercise. And to compound it all, the plantar whatsitsface and my back have been giving me problems to the extent where my sleep this week has been awful. Though I think the hot weather is influencing that, too.

But I worked up a sweat (not difficult in this weather) and the middle third of the ride was mostly uphill, so there was a bit of a workout to it. I can feel it my legs already.

I'll get outside this afternoon to continue tidying up the garden with some tunes, too.

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