Thursday, May 23, 2024

Oh yeah

I woke this morning almost uncontrollably horny. There was a vague recollection of a dream that featured FA2 and I presume us having a lot of sex, though I can't say for sure. Though I don't tend to wake up horny unless there's been a sex-related dream.

While I've not thought of FA2 in a long time, the timing is interesting as it's the anniversary of the day where we became an item after a couple of months of on/off fooling around. I'll not go into details, I'm pretty sure I've blogged about it more than once. Well, apart from to say that in my opinion, our anniversary was 22nd, not 23rd. Or was it the other way around? The details are escaping me. Suffice to say it was somewhat ironic as FA2 never did anything for our anniversary yet used the lack of an anniversary card as a reason that our relationship was over.

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