Sunday, July 23, 2023

Point of view.

There was a post made on Reddit over the weekend about having a woman "best friend". Now, first of all, I don't know that I've ever had a "best friend". There's no one person out there who knows all about me nor is there one person that I'd go to, no matter what.

I do have close friends, though.

Regardless, the question provoked some thought and some reminiscing. Despite having a lot of social anxiety, I guess I've been lucky in that I've been friends with some great women.

It also kicked up a bit of nostalgia. I'm not in contact with QC2 or CH any longer, which saddens me. I miss them both, for different reasons. But it must be ten years for QC2 and eight years for CH. At least since we had a proper conversation.

USHW and I haven't really had a proper conversation in years, since 2019.

AM also disappeared, but that was as much my decision as hers as I stopped making the effort and her own lack of effort ensured that we pretty much stopped communicating.

E moved across to the other side of the world, though my friendship with E was different from those than the others. Where I did lean on the others for a female perspective at times, it's something I never did with E.

And finally, KfW2. I don't need to say any more... there have been more than enough posts over the years about her. All I'll do here is reiterate how much she means to me, and how I wish we'd see more of each other these days.

And in comparison to the average person on Reddit, I seem to be doing very well in the "female friends" stakes.


USHW said...

That makes me sad seeing it in black and white, moreso because it's my fault. I don't know if we can get back to where we were.. a lot has changed. But I do know I can make more effort :)

ruuude said...

I wasn't pointing any fingers. Things do change, as much as the autistic part of my brain doesn't like it. So I wouldn't expect that they'd go back to how they were, but I'd love to hear more from you :)


Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...