Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Oh, K?

Maybe it was my post at the weekend regarding female friends, or maybe it was something totally random, but I woke up this morning with K on my mind. That was pretty much due to an X-rated dream where we met in a hotel room and had sex non-stop for a few days before parting ways.

In real life, K and I only ever had sex once. I'm pretty sure that I've blogged about this before so I'll not repeat myself right now. After that first and only time, we were both in the same hotel on two further occasions and we met, in person, at least twice more.

There was an undercurrent of sexual tension each time. To be honest, I would have slept with K again quite happily if not for the fact that K held much stronger feelings for me and was pushing, quite aggressively, for a relationship. Prior to one of those occasions, she'd admitted to F that she was going to have sex with me.

So, yeah, I would have slept with her again... plus I'd always had this idea/bucket list item about spending a few days in a hotel with a willing, cute participant, enjoying ourselves. Sleeping with K would have afforded me the opportunity to tick that off. I reckon she'd have agreed to it too, if she hadn't gone all stalker-y and mad.

It was weird though. We'd moved on from it... I think. We were regularly conversing over MSN, albeit mostly about the online hobby. And then one day, out of the blue, almost a year to the day from our hooking up, she accuses me of having a problem with her. I didn't... though I was very wary about giving off the wrong impression and was keeping her at arm's length. She was right, though, a barrier was created and delivered.

But getting back to the weekend's post about female friends... while I wouldn't say that I miss K (after all it's well over ten years since we last spoke), I am disappointed in how things ended between us.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...