Sunday, July 14, 2024


KfW2 called. We chatted. She paused.

"Are you OK?"

I'm feeling a little lonely, taking a week off work hasn't recharged me the way I'd hoped and I've not been as productive as I'd like, especially with the garden. On the plus side, I've gotten some stuff in the house done, the family stuff is moving forwards (though it is taking a lot out of me) and I have recharged a little if not to the extent that I wanted. I said none of this to her though. I don't like having these chats on the phone.

"I'm feeling a little run down, but I don't think it's anything serious"

"You've sounded down the last couple of times I've called"

I'm not sure I agree with this. There have been times when she's called that I've been distracted or whatever, and yes been a bit down, but the last few times, I've been in good form, I thought.

"When I come back from holiday, we're definitely going out," she promised.

Well, yeah, I've been chasing you about your birthday for six months and I told you not two weeks ago that I'd be pestering you about it in August when you come back... was something I thought, but didn't say out loud.

Regardless, there was more chat. She disappeared for a bit into a shop then called me back and we continued the conversation. She reiterated her promise to meet up after her holidays and we ended the call.

The thing is, there's a reason I try to get her out in the first half of the year for her birthday. It's because it's her birthday, for starters. Secondly, my birthday's in the summer months, so once we pass that, then it becomes a joint thing. We lose "our thing" which is taking each other out for lunch or dinner, and KfW2 has, in the past, been vocal about making sure we have our things.

And, yeah, back to work tomorrow after a whole week off. Tomorrow's going to be a long day.

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