Monday, February 19, 2018

Where does the time go?

I can't remember the exact date, but it was around this time of year, that I realised that FA2 was interested in me from a non-platonic perspective. There had been other fleeting thoughts maybe a year earlier, but I'd not really given them any thought and we hadn't really seen each other regularly enough to see if my hunch was right.

As I've no doubt explained before, I was out with BW and FA2, but I was trying to figure out what FA1's romantic status was. FA1 was someone I'd been trying to figure out for a while - at least a year. She obviously liked me at least platonically - she'd invited me to loads of parties at her student house. Though during the early days, she was involved with a bloke. But we did seem to have at least a little chemistry.

The boyfriend was soon kicked to touch for effectively being useless - spending too much time with his mates instead of FA1, arriving into social events completely wankered etc. Nice bloke, just too much of a student to be a serious boyfriend.

That evening, I was putting in some serious groundwork with FA1 when she let slip that she'd met a bloke. It was early days, but had potential. So, I gave up on the groundwork and just had some fun with her. Eventually, FA1 and her friends all left, leaving me, FA2 and BW.

We ended up going back to FA2's. I was quite drunk. When BW excused himself to use the toilet, FA2 suggested I sit beside her. Before I knew it, we were kissing. To say that BW was surprised on his return was an understatement. I was surprised!

It was nearly three months after this first time that we eventually became an item after quite a few mistakes from me.

Months again, after FA2 and I became official that I learned from a mutual friend that BW had the biggest crush on FA2.

That was twenty years ago, this year. Twenty years.

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