Sunday, February 25, 2018


A few weeks ago, before KfW2 and I had a slight issue, I had volunteered to do her a favour. Babysit her kids when she went out with her husband for dinner.

That was yesterday. CC picked me up (KfW2 actually asked CC first, but CC won't do it on her own and I have to accompany her) and off we went, picking up KfW2's parents on the way.

On the way down, when KfW2's parents weren't in the car, CC moaned incessantly about  KfW2's kids.

"They're too young"
"They're a handful"
"I'm putting them to bed immediately"

I mean, FFS, if you don't want to babysit, then fucking don't.

She's done this before. KfW2's kids aren't bad kids. They are young, which can make them irritable when tired, but in general, it's just bags of energy that need to be controlled.

I barely said two words to KfW2 when I got into the house as she was running late (though not to the extent of her reputation). She shouted a quick 'goodbye' as she left, looking stunning as ever.

We put the kids to bed at their bedtimes and settled in in front of Netflix.

"I'm cold"
"Where's the live TV?"
"There's nothing to watch"
"Why is Aliens on Netflix? Netflix is shit."

Then later, after we'd watched a few movies and it had gone past midnight.

"I didn't sign on to be here after twelve."
"Text KfW2 and tell her to come home."
"It's late why aren't they home?"

It was incessant all night long. Like last time, she barely lifted a finger as I entertained the kids while they were awake. That's partly because KfW2's kids love me and CC is a relative stranger to them, but partly because CC doesn't want anything to do with them. I wonder why she offers to do the favours then bitch about it all the time while doing it.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...