Saturday, February 03, 2018

Deja vu.

About nine months ago, I matched with three attractive women on Tinder. The one I thought was the cutest of the three disappeared before I could message her and I couldn't summon the motivation to message the other two. That's not a sleight on those two remaining women, by the way, just that I won't message women unless I'm really interested in meeting.

As luck would have it, these other two have remained in my "match" list since last April, whereas anyone I actually want to message, disappears after a day or so e.g. CC's cute friend, the girl from last April etc.

But this week's been tough on me, so I was looking through my Tinder companion app. Lo and behold, the cute girl from last April has apparently swiped right on me again. I say "apparently" because the companion app has been giving me some strange results recently - girls who show as swiping right on me one day, disappear the next.

A cute friend of my sister's is one example. I don't know if I would ever message her - I'm stupidly private and wouldn't want details of my private life getting back to people I know. But she is really cute.

If I do match with the cute girl, I won't be hanging around this time around.

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