Wednesday, February 07, 2018


Due to circumstances beyond my control, the whole New Year, new fitness plan never kicked off in January.

Anyone who's read the blog by now knows my goals - change eating habits (well, tweak, really) and take on more exercise (do DDP Yoga and potentially add Freeletics later) for weight loss.

Obstacles should be behind me now, so I can actually get started... if I can get the motivation. Work is exhausting me at the moment and I'm coming home from work mentally drained. Not physically, which I could battle through. Mentally though, once I get into the house, I find myself in front of the telly or the PC, vegging out.

I know that the exercise will help with the mental exhaustion, but it's a chicken and egg thing. I know I enjoy DDP, so it shouldn't be this difficult.

I need to break this habit. DDP and Freeletics should take less than an hour each (and it'll be a while before I am fit enough to consider doing both in one day).

I will do this.

1 comment:

USHW said...

Go you! :)


Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...