Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Another blast from the past.

Years ago, FP and myself decided to go on holiday. It was a last-minute decision, after having a few drinks. So, the next day, having consulted G and BW, we found ourselves in a travel agents, getting one of FP's squeezes to arrange a fortnight in the sun for us.

Now, boys' holidays in the sun, Club 18-30 etc. weren't really my scene but we agreed that that wasn't really what we were going for.

And off we went, early one May, around twenty years ago.

Typically, we had a blast, met loads of people and generally had a good time. When it came to women, none of us got any action however, we all were attracted to this girl who was working in the resort over the summer.

My memory of her face is vague, though I remember being pretty, but otherwise CH comes to mind - average height, average build, short dark hair, great figure.

She was working a food stand near our apartment and I came busting in the second night after being designated "food" person that day. I'd managed to strike up a conversation with her while waiting for my order and learned that she was a few years younger than me, Belgian and already looking forward to going home.

"Lads, lads! You should see the girl at the food stand!"

I was quite excited.

We ate our food, had a few drinks and got ready for going out (changed into jeans and t-shirt). As we walked past the food stand she called and waved. FP and BW were immediately impressed. Over the next few days, we had more conversations with Belgian Girl (I actually learned her name, but it's been lost in the mists of time) individually or separately. I tried desperately to get her to come out partying with us, but she was always due to work the evenings.

One afternoon, FP and BW took themselves off for a walk. I was tired and in need of some chilling, so I made my way back to the apartment. I grabbed a cold drink and sat in front of the apartment, people watching.

"Where are the other guys?" It was BG. She was wearing a slim fit t-shirt and black leggings.

I explained.

I offered BG a drink and she accepted. We sat on the wall, sipping our drinks, making conversation and just chilling.

BG started to tell me that she was considering just quitting and going home, mainly because it felt superficial.

"If people were like you, FP and BW, than it would be great, but it's not. People here are so shallow."

Part of the problem, she went on to explain, was being incessantly hit on by blokes... especially drunk British blokes. Obviously, I didn't tell her that I had been putting in some ground work of my own, just not as obviously as the (drunk) guys she was complaining about. Shortly after, she got up as she had to go prepare for her shift.

"Ow, I'm all dusty!"

It was true - the wall had left a white line on her ass. She started patting herself down. I was distracted. She had a nice ass. she was patting her ass literally two feet in front of me.

"It's not moving! I'll have to change."

I suggested she perhaps use a damp cloth in my apartment. She did and it worked... mostly. As she left, I got a hug.

Literally a minute or so later, FP and BW arrived back.

"Was that BG?" asked BW.

I filled them in on the generalities of our interaction, but included the ass patting. I think they were not exactly convinced I was telling the truth.

A few days later, and somewhat out of character for us, we found ourselves in a nightclub - pubs were usually our scene.

BW went for a wander while FP and I propped up the bar. The music was appalling.

"Isn't that BG?" asked FP.

I looked. It was. She was talking to BW on the opposite side of the dancefloor. It was a brief conversation. She hugged him and gave him a peck on the cheek before making her way over to us. She wasn't sober.

"I've quit!" she announced. "Tomorrow's my last day and I'm going back home at the weekend."

Apparently her boss had started making moves on her which was the last straw.

We bought her a drink and chatted for a few more minutes, then she had to leave. FP got the same treatment as BW. For me, it was different. The hug was tighter, just a little longer and the kiss I received was on the lips. Like CH's kisses, not a full on kiss, just a peck that lasted a little longer than you would have expected. And then she was gone, despite FP and myself trying to get her to stay out. FP raised an eyebrow.

FP and I left the club for somewhere that played better music, leaving BW to do laps of the club trying to pick up drunk holidaymakers.

The next morning, BW was walking round the apartment like a lottery winner.

"Get some last night then?" asked FP.

"Snogged BG, didn't I?" said BW.

"In the club?"

"Yeah, early on, just after we arrived, then she disappeared"

FP and I looked at each other, barely able to keep the laughter in. BW was always a bullshitter. He obviously didn't know that we'd witnessed the entire thing.

We looked for BG over the next few days, but she was gone. I don't even think that she did her last few shifts at the food stall.

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